Jelena Gledić is Senior Instructor at the University of Belgrade, where she teaches a range of undergraduate courses in the field of Chinese language and culture at the Faculty of Philology. She previously held a cross-appointment at Osaka University’s Graduate School of Language and Culture (Japan) as Specially Appointed Associate Professor, and visiting and part-time research positions at the University of Virginia (USA) and University of Zurich (Switzerland). Ms. Gledić holds a BA degree in Chinese Language, Literature and Culture and a master’s degree in Chinese Culture from the University of Belgrade, where she also completed PhD studies in the field of Cultural Studies with ABD (all but dissertation) status. She has also been trained in pedagogy, didactics, project management and translation, with a special focus on Classical Chinese, at higher education institutions in Serbia, China and South Korea. In her work, she has focused on applying inter- and cross-disciplinary methods to try and elucidate societal challenges that are likely rooted in the perception of difference and change.
In addition to her research, Ms. Gledić has been active in the field of teaching and learning innovation, trying to combine the principles of critical thinking and rigorous research practices to create more effective and engaging educational practices for an increasingly connected world.
Major projects and grants:
European Union Erasmus+ Programme, UPgrading the SKIlls of Linguistics and Language Students, Researcher and Administrator – September 2020-present
Sinophone Borderlands – Global Views on China, Palacký University, Researcher and Local Coordinator – December 2019-present
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA18215, China In Europe Research Network, Management Committee Member and Science Communication Manager – June 2019-present
Open Society Foundations, Civil Society Scholar Award Grantee, Projects: Engaging and Empowering University Students through the Use of Learning Portfolios (2014/15) and Encouraging Personal Responsibility and Critical Thinking through the Transformative Power of Reflective Learning (2015/16) – August 2014-April 2016
European Union Tempus Programme, REFLESS – Reforming Foreign Language Studies in Serbia, Project Associate – October 2010-October 2014
European Association of Chinese Studies and Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Library Travel Grant Recipient, Oxford University, UK – September 2013
Chapters in Edited Monographs
- 2020. Formal vs. Informal Chinese Presence: The Underbelly of Hope in the Western Balkans. In Shadow Economies across the New Silk Road, ed. Eva Hung & Tak-wing Ngo, pp. 163-182, Amsterdam University Press.
- 2016. Blending Ethnicities: Perceptions of East Asian Identities Today. In Social Commentary on State and Society in Modern Japan, ed. Yoneyuki Sugita, pp. 155-176. Springer.
- 2016. Gaens, B. & Gledic, J. Tangible Cooperation and Continuous Policy Dialogue in the ASEM Process. In Strengthening Asia-Europe Connectivity, ed. Patrick Rueppel, pp. 17-28. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
- 2013. Nikolić J. & Gledić J. Going Agile – Agile Methodologies in the Education of Global Citizens. In Going Global: Identifying Trends and Drivers of International Education, ed. Mary Stiasny & Tim Gore Obe, pp. 119-129. Emerald.
- 2012. Emptiness in Confucianism. In Sense of Emptiness: An Interdisciplinary Approach, ed. Junichi Toyota, Pernilla Hallonsten and Marina Shchepetunina, pp. 14-31. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Research Article
- 2019. The Development of Sino-Serbian Relations under the Belt and Road Initiative: Forging the ‘Iron Friendship.’ Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations, 3(55), pp. 21-36.
- 2014. Basic Characteristics and Challenges of Research in Contemporary Chinese Studies. In Culture, Civilization, Philology (Collected Conference Papers), pp. 137-150. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology in Belgrade.
- 2013. Методолошки проблеми компаративних истраживања култура Ричарда Низбета (Methodological Issues in Richard Nisbett’s Comparative Research of Culture). Анали Филолошког факултета, 24, pp. 113-127.
- 2011. Should Nora Leave the Iron House? Revolution and Individual Action in a Collectivist Society Based on Constant Change, Revista de Estudos Chineses 7, pp. 69-83.
- 2010. Film Censorship and Cross-Cultural Concepts of Intimacy and Love: Constituents of Closeness in Different Versions of “Lust, Caution”, Revista de Estudos Chineses, 6, pp. 151-169.
- 2009. Patterns of Stereotype Creation: China and the Chinese in James Bond Films, In Modern China and Its Tradition International Conference Proceedings, pp. 204-221. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology in Belgrade and Confucius Institute in Belgrade.
- 2009. Преношење значења и поимање језика: случај класичног кинеског језика (Transferring Meaning and the Perception of Language: the Case of Classical Chinese Language), Синтезис, I/1-2, pp. 173-185.
- 2006. Кинески филм после културне револуције (Chinese Film after the Cultural Revolution), Култура, 113/115 II, pp. 57-66.
- 2006. Питање личног идентитета у кинеској мисли кроз филмове (Џанг Јанг, Ђао Вен, Вонг Карвај и Анг ли) (The Question of Personal Identity in Chinese Thought seen through Film (Zhang Yang, Jiao Wen, Wong Kar-wai and Ang Lee)), Култура, 113/115 II, pp. 34-54.
- 2006. Кулинарска уметност Кине (Culinary Art of China), 2006, Култура, 113/115 I, pp. 133-146.
- 2019. Mapping out the landscape of China’s bilateral relations in the new era: The case of the Western Balkans, Symposium on Relations between China, Poland and Central and Eastern European Countries in a New Era, Chengdu, July 12.
- 2018. China and the Western Balkans: Special Friendships or Fair-Weather Friends?, International Conference China and the “Wider” Eastern Europe, Turku, October 11-12.
- 2017. The Underbelly of Hope: Formal vs. Informal Chinese Presence in the Western Balkans, International Workshop Shadow Silk Road: Non-state Flow of Commodity, Capital, and People across Asia and Eurasia, Hong Kong, May 25-26.
- 2016. Shaping Science: Area Studies and Empirical Research of “Asians”, 5th International Crossroads Asia Conference: Area Studies’ Futures, Bonn, September 22-23.
- 2016. Enhancing Language Teaching through the Introduction of Pedagogical and Transferable Skills in the Curriculum: Case Study of an Upper-Intermediate Chinese Listening Comprehension Course, Second International Symposium оn Language Education аnd Teaching ISLET, Belgrade, May 26-28.
- 2016. On with the Old, If There Is No New: Technology in Learning Environments with Scarce Resources, LLAS 11th annual e-learning Symposium, Southampton, January 21-22.
- 2015. “Excavating” Blok 70: Mediated Identity of the Chinese Population in Serbia from 1995 to 2014. Media Archaeology International Conference, Belgrade, October 29-30.
- 2015. New Methodological Paradigms: ICT for more Responsible Scientific Research. Digital Humanities International Conference, Belgrade, September 25-26.
- 2015. E-Learning Portfolios: Engaging and Empowering Students, with Firdyiwek, Y., LLAS 10th annual e-learning Symposium, Southampton, January 22-23.
- 2014. We the Confucians – Perceptions of East Asian Identities Today, 3rd International Specific Topics in Chinese Studies Conference, Ljubljana, October 3-5.
- 2013. Getting personal via global: higher education and its further internationalization, with Nikolić, Ј. British Council’s Going Global, Dubai, March 4-5.
- 2013. The Many Travels of Confucius: How Change Lead to the Ideation of Harmony, International Sinology Forum, Leiria, February 20-24.
- 2012. 21st Century Chineseness: The Many Faces of Contemporary Chinese Culture, Confucius Institute in Belgrade International Conference, Belgrade, November 22-24.
- 2012. Agile and Lean Curriculum Design: Adapting Study Programmes to Labour Market Needs, with Nikolić, Ј., 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, November 19-21.
- 2012. New Trends in Humanities Education: Intercultural Study Programmes at the Faculty of Philology University of Belgrade, with Vraneš, А., Marković, Lj. & Nikolić, Ј., 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, November 19-21.
- 2012. Growing up in Dialogue: Third Culture Kid, Cultures in Dialogue International Conference, Belgrade, September 28-30.
- 2012. The Impact of Agile Methodologies on Higher Education: a case study, with Nikolić, Ј., Patchwork. Learning diversities International Conference, Belgrade, August 30-September 1.
- 2012. Employers’ Take on Language Skills: A Case Study, with Nikolić, Ј., Language Futures: Languages in Higher Education International Conference, Edinburgh, July 5-6.
- 2012. Going Lean in Higher Education, with Nikolić, Ј., Lean Technologies 2012 International Conference, Novi Sad, September 13-14.
- 2012. Associative Portrayals of Chinatown: Analysis of Film Plot Keywords, European Association of Chinese Studies Conference, Paris, September 5-8.