Important Information:
As a first step toward the EU-wide coordination of digitalization programs and policies,
the European Commission organized an expert meeting with representatives of all Member
States in Lund (Sweden) in April 2001. The conclusions and recommendations from that
meeting are known as the Lund principles. One of those principles states that: “digitalization
provides a key mechanism to exploit Europe’s unique heritage and to support cultural diversity,
education and the generation of content industries.” The aim of the Digital Library of the Faculty
of Philology is in line with this described statement.
The Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade started the digitalization process
not only with its own editions, which represent an invaluable contribution to the scientific thought
in the field of study of 34 languages and their corresponding literatures and cultures, but als o in
the field of library and information science, as well as archival science and museology. Thanks
to the MFC Mikrokomerc, 107,000 pages have already been digitized. Our digital library offers
full texts from prominent academic journals (Anali, Prilozi, Književnost i jezik, Italika, Slavistika,
GodišnjakKatedrezasrpskuknjiževnost, Filološkipregled), doctoral theses defended at the
Faculty of Philology, proceedings from international scientific conferences organized at the
Faculty, and many monographs and anthologies.
All the digital content can be searched by various criteria: author, title, topic, field of
study, year of publication and also by every word, both in the Serbian Cyrillic and the Serbian
Latin alphabet. Currently, the Library is being used mostly by researchers, teachers and a large
number of students of the Faculty of Philology. Logging-in is possible at any time of the day.
However, the activation of the account can only be processed during the working hours of the
administrative staff of the Faculty. Welcome!