Zorica Bečanović-Nikolić, Associate Professor at the Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. PhD in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory (2005), University of Belgrade; Doctoral Studies Research, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (1999-2000), M Phil in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory (1998), University of Belgrade; BA in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory (1988), BA in English Language and Literature (1986), University of Belgrade. Postdoctoral research (2009), University College London: SSEES, British Academy Visiting Research Fellow.
Author of three monographs in Serbian U traganju za Šekspirom, (Looking for Shakespeare), Beograd: Dosije, 2013; Šekspir iza ogledala (Shakespeare through the Looking Glass: The Conflict of Interpretations in the Reception of Shakespeare’s History Plays in the Twentieth Century), Beograd: Geopoetika, 2007; Hermeneutika i poetika: Teorija pripovedanja Pola Rikera, (Hermeneutics and Poetics: Paul Ricoeur’s Theory of Narrative), Beograd: Geopoetika, 1998. She has also published a number of critical studies and essays dealing with Shakespeare and postmodern theory, Henry James, Virginia Woolf, Serbian contemporary fiction and poetry, as well as a number of translations from English and French. Teaches Shakespeare, Medieval and Renaissance Literatures in Europe, Shakespeare and Postmodern Theory, Shakespeare and European Cultures.
Zorica Bečanović-Nikolić has participated in two international research projects: Mémoire perdue, mémoire volée: Investigations littéraires en Europe centrale et orientale, 2004-2005 (INALCO, Paris, L’Uuniversité Paris IV-Sorbonne, L’Université jagellone de Cracovie, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filološki fakultet, School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies, London) and La construcción estética de Europa: la idea europea en los escritores y artistas desde la Edad Media al siglo XX. (MICINN Ministerio de ciencia e innovación de España, FFI2010-16796). She has also participated in two national research projects: Theoretical and historical review of the Comparatist Terminology in Serbian Culture (Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Serbia project No. 148006, 2006-2010) and Кnjiženstvo – Theory and History of Women’s Writing in Serbian until 1915 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia project No 178029, 2011-2014.
Zorica Bečanović-Nikolić lectures, writes and publishes in Serbian, English, French and Spanish.
др Зорица Бечановић-Николић – БИБЛИОГРАФИЈА