Maja Miličević is an Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics in the Department of General Linguistics of the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. She completed her BA in the Department of Italian Language and Literature within the same institution, and then proceeded to do an MPhil and a PhD in English and Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge (UK). Her research interests include second language acquisition, corpus linguistics, linguistic analysis of translations, and research methods in linguistics. The languages she works on most are Serbian, Italian and English. She teaches the following courses: Psycholinguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, and Neurolinguistics (BA level); Quantitative Methods in Linguistic Research (MA level); Second Language Acquisition Theory and the Teaching Practice (PhD level).
Curriculum vitae (EN)Downloadable publications
Ljubešić, N., T. Erjavec, D. Fišer, T. Samardžić, M. Miličević, F. Klubička, and F. Petkovski (2016) Easily accessible language technologies for Slovene, Croatian and Serbian. In T. Erjavec and D. Fišer (Eds), Proceedings of the Conference on Language Technologies & Digital Humanities 2016. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts. 120-124. [pdf] |
Miličević, M. and N. Ljubešić (2016) Tviterasi, tviteraši or twitteraši? Producing and analysing a normalised dataset of Croatian and Serbian tweets. Slovenščina 2.0 4(2). 156-188. [pdf] |
Samardžić, T. and M. Miličević (2016) A Framework for automatic acquisition of Croatian and Serbian verb aspect from corpora. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). 4596-4601. [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2016) Korpus srpskog kao stranog jezika (KSKS): Opis građe i plan izrade. In V. Krajišnik (Ed.), Srpski kao strani jezik u teoriji i praksi III. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology. 279-289. [Building a corpus of Serbian as a foreign language] [pdf] |
Bernardini, S., A. Ferraresi, A. and M. Miličević (2016). From EPIC to EPTIC – Exploring simplification in interpreting and translation from an intermodal perspective. Target 28(1). 61-86. [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2015) Između neakuzativnosti i neergativnosti: Povratno, uzajamno-povratno i autokauzativno se. In B. Arsenijević and S. Halupka-Rešetar (Eds), Srpski jezik u savremenoj lingvističkoj teoriji. Niš: Filozofski fakultet. 175-192. [Between unaccusativity and unergativity: Reflexive, reciprocal and autocausative se] [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2015) Semi-automatic construction of comparable genre-oriented corpora of Serbian in Cyrillic and Latin scripts. Anali Filološkog fakulteta 27/2. 285-300. [pdf] |
Fišer, D., T. Erjavec, N. Ljubešić and M. Miličević (2015). Comparing the nonstandard language of Slovene, Croatian and Serbian tweets. In Smolej, M. (Ed.), Simpozij Obdobja 34. Slovnica in slovar – aktualni jezikovni opis (1. del). Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta. 225-231. [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2014) Leksička i gramatička recipročnost u srpskom jeziku. Primenjena lingvistika 15. 21-38. [Lexical and grammatical reciprocity in Serbian] [pdf] |
Miličević, M. and T. Kraš (in press) Translation between L2 Acquisition and L1 Attrition: Anaphora Resolution in Italian by English-Italian Trainee Translators. Applied Linguistics. doi: 10.1093/applin/amu070 [pdf] |
Miličević, M., S. Bernardini and A. Ferraresi (2014) Costruzione semi-automatica di corpora orientati al genere in lingue morfologicamente ricche: Un paragone fra l’italiano e il serbo. Italica Belgradensia 1/2014. 99-114. [Semi-automated construction of genre-oriented corpora in morphologically rich languages: A comparison of Italian and Serbian] [pdf] |
Samardžić, T. and M. Miličević (2013) Constructing a learner-friendly corpus-based dictionary of Serbian verbal aspect. Primenjena lingvistika 14. 77-89. [pdf] |
Radojević, D. and M. Miličević (2013) Un costrutto assoluto italiano e i suoi equivalenti serbi. Italica Belgradensia 2/2013. 158-170. [An absolute construction in Italian and its Serbian equivalents] [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2012) The possessive dative in Serbian as a valency phenomenon: a preliminary empirical study. In V. Ružić, M. Alanović and G. Štasni (Eds), Valentnost reči i izraza: sintaksički, semantički i pragmatički aspekti. Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy. 349-362. [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2012) O problemu klasifikacije dekauzativnih recipročnih glagola u srpskom jeziku. In S. Gudurić (Ed.), Jezici i kulture u vremenu i prostoru I. Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy. 493-501. [On the classification of decausative reciprocals in Serbian] [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2011) Subtle grammatical problems in translated texts: How can language acquisition research inform translator education? Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione 13. 37-47. [pdf] |
Miličević, M. and D. Radojević (2011) Dekauzativni i autokauzativni recipročni predikati u srpskom i italijanskom jeziku. Anali Filološkog fakulteta 23/2. 183-205. [Decausative and autocausative reciprocal predicates in Serbian and Italian] [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2011) Produktivnost povratnog i uzajamno-povratnog se: implikacije za nastavu srpskog jezika kao stranog. In V. Krajišnik (Ed.), Srpski kao strani jezik u teoriji i praksi II. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology. 39-56. [On the productivity of reflexive and reciprocal se: Implications for teaching Serbian as a foreign language] [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2011) Recipročni glagoli i glagolski vid u srpskom jeziku. Međunarodni naučni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane 40/1. 185-196. [Reciprocal verbs and verbal aspect in Serbian] [pdf] |
Miličević, M. and T. Samardžić (2010) Korpusi kao sredstvo za postizanje autonomije u učenju stranog jezika. In J. Vučo and B. Milatović (Eds), Autonomija učenika i nastavnika u nastavi jezika i književnosti. Nikšić: Faculty of Philosophy. 387-399. [Linguistic corpora as means for developing autonomy in second language learning] [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2009) On the status of clitic reflexives and reciprocals in Italian and Serbian. In M. Butt and T. Holloway King (Eds), Proceedings of LFG09. Stanford: CSLI Publications. 441-458. [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2008) On the productivity of reflexive and reciprocal se in Serbian. In M. Tadić, M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova and S. Koeva (Eds), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages. Zagreb: Croatian Language Technologies Society – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. 85-91. [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2008) Reflexive and reciprocal forms in L2 Serbian. In B. Golubović and J. Raecke (Eds), Bosnisch, Kroatisch, Serbisch. B. K. S. als Fremdsprachen an den Universitäten der Welt. Die Welt der Slaven 31. München: Verlag Otto Sagner. 143-154. [pdf] |
Miličević, M. (2007) Modularity in SLA: Transfer, innate mechanisms and input in the L2 acquisition of Italian reflexive and reciprocal constructions. In L. Roberts, A. Gürel, S. Tatar and L. Martı (Eds), EUROSLA Yearbook 7. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 89-120. [pdf] |