Dr. Ljiljana Bajić is a professor at the Faculty of Philology of University of Belgrade. Her research interests lie in the areas of Literary Studies, Teaching Methodology and Didactics, Serbian Literature, Comparative Literature and Culture Studies, and Interlinear and Intercultural Studies of Slavic Litearatures in multicultural contexts. She also researches theory and practice of teaching literature and culture, as well as epistemological and methodological problems and reception on literary texts in cultural contexts.
She has published over a hundred academic articles and essays and a number of monographs, among which are: Metodički pristup zbirci pripovedne proze [Methodological Approach to Collections of Literary Narratives], Književno delo Borisava Stankovića u nastavi [Literary Opus of Borisav Stanković as part of the formal curriculum] , Odabrane nastavne interpretacije [Selected didactic interpretations], Proučavanje humorističke proze u nastavi [Research on humoous prose in the teaching process,etc. She has co-authored over twenty textbooks of Serbian language and literature.
She has served on numerous ogranizing and academic committees, and worked on a wide range of national innovational, strategic and development projects, as well as on international projects (projects of the International Committee of Slavists and МАПРЯЛ).
She has worked as a visiting professor at national and regional universitites (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade), Faculty Philology, University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), as well as at international universities (State Linguistic University “N.A. Dobroljubov”, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia). She has been a keynote speaker at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vladimir State University, and Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, University of Granada, Spain, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and University of Pula, Croatia.
Dr. Ljiljana Bajić is the president of the Committee for teaching of Slavic languages of the International Committee of Slavists, the vice-president of of the International Committee of Slavists, and the president of the Association of Slavic Societies of Serbia. She is a member of the National Board for Education of the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian Society for Serbian Language and Literature, where she takes an active role in design, development and implementation of educational policies.