Important information:
Library of the Department of English Language, Literature and culture boasts 41,406 books and 2,140 issues (7,679 volumes) of journals, as well as 468 cassettes and CDs. A special collection comprises 1,049 books obtained from Professor Ljubomir Mihailovic and the legacy of Professor Svetozar Ignjačević (733 copies of books and journals).
Most of the available books are in English, covering a range of topics from the English language, English and American literature and general linguistics to literary history, theory of literature and literary criticism. There are also a number of publications from other relevant areas of study. The library increases its number of books through donations and a regular purchase of new volumes.
The library is organised in accordance with Dewey’s Decimal System. It has two catalogues: author-title based and subject-based. Since 1995, the librarians have been working on the process of library automatization in a programme called PERGAM, while since 2004 they have been simultaneously using PERGAM and COBISS. To date, the librarians have registered over 17,670 monographs and 23,434 books. All journal titles have also been registered electronically.
The library can be used by all students and teachers of the Faculty of Philology. The library staff currently include one senior librarian and two librarians (all three librarians are certified to work in a library and use COBISS).
The library offers reading space for 20 students. There are also two computers available for public use.
Telephone number: +381 11 2021-719