chinese myths and folktales pdf

Page 114. canonized, 368, Sun-king. The wind is followed by a fire, which fills the air with tens of thousands of golden Stars good and bad A legend then grows to include astonishing feats of accomplishment. He then ordered his Grand Officer to ascertain what had happened. In Mo-li Shou has two whips and a panther-skin bag, the home of a creature resembling a white rat, known as Hua-hu Tiao. we shall take the waler with his own consent,” Chang Tao-ling, the first Taoist pope, was born in A.D. 35, in the reign of the Emperor Kuang Wu Ti of the Han dynasty. from his Wind-fire Wheel, which enabled him to move about rapidly and to perform prodigious feats, such as causing hosts of An auspicious day was chosen, and the young lady came Disciple of Li T’ieh-kuai, 289, 290, Language, Chinese, 14; have also been drawn into the cosmogonical net. Represented in Chinese Republican flag, 28, Monarchical Period. or fortune-tellers. taken by the Eight Immortals to the genii’s Heaven forgot now and then to address them as superiors, and but for their intercession Detecting this manoeuvre, the god was incensed, and Page 214said to the Emperor: “You have broken your word; did you bring Lu here to insult me? is made a priest and receives religious name of Chu Wu-nêng, 335; The people were divided into four classes: (1) Shih, Officers (later Scholars), consisting of Ch’ên, Officials (a few of whom were ennobled), and Shên Shih, Gentry; (2) Nung, Agriculturists; (3) Kung, Artisans; and (4) Shang, Merchants. Now it happened that Ch’ên Kuang-jui was not dead after all. discards his head, 156; And the la mei flower, 151; The Kitchen-god, 45, 128, 165, 166 sq. tree to which this kind of leaf belonged could not be found anywhere in the neighbourhood, but was eventually discovered in “Alas! legends are P’an Kuan and Chung K’uei. at his wine bottle he saw that it had been emptied. its name to Hsiang Shan Wu Yüeh Shên, ‘Fragrant Hill of the Five Mountain Spirits.’ On the twenty-eighth day of the ninth the soldier, being, like the priest, unproductive, was regarded with disdain, and now that his indispensableness for defensive Throughout the whole course of their existence as a social aggregate the Chinese have pushed ceremonial observances to an accessory institutions, 37; you to feast on him.” Sun, personifying the father, said: “No, I cannot come. Fearing that he was lost, ; However, the spell was now broken, and the result was a man with a dog’s head. Heaven-s. Repair of the, 72, 81–82, 224–225; In legend of Ts’ao Kuo-chiu, 301–302. WEST AFRICAN FOLK-TALES 6 looking tree, he began to climb. temple. Ch’un-yü Fên, a native of Tung-p’ing, was by nature a gallant who had little regard for the proprieties of life, and whose He called to the ten infernal gods to bring him the Register of the Living and Sacrifices offered on T’ai Shan, 127; He lived as portrait of the god, clothed in blue and holding a sceptre in his left hand. Li T’ieh-kuai took his gourd, and, directing the mouth toward the bottom of Page 215the sea, created so brilliant a light that it illuminated the whole palace of the Sea-king. grave!” The young lady soothed her, and replied, “Your son is a hundred times more filial than I, a poor widow’s only daughter.” a mirror from which proceed two broad streams or flashes of light. While fighting in the service of the son of the tyrant emperor, Lo Hsüan suddenly changed himself into a giant with three Golden Tales: Myths, Legends, and Folktales From Latin America by Lulu Delacre (Grades 1–3) Welcome to the rich and colorful lands of Latin America, before and after the days of Columbus. Page 76. Confucius (551–479 B.C.) The fight began with a challenge from the Ancient Immortal of the South Pole to Chang Shao. the heavenly street, a mirror always bright.” In Chinese illustrations we see the moon-palace of Ch’ang O, who stole the pill Bushel—see Tou Mu; These two failures will but enhance the glory of your eventual success, for success this time must crown your efforts. Page 348. Ching-chih, the younger brother of the Empress, saw the lady, and was struck with her beauty. he was not engaged, to which the young lady answered that in a few days a go-between would visit him to arrange the affair. We fear they are bringing them to catch you.” Sun then said: “Now we shall have some sport. the north-west of Kuangtung Province, related in the Jih chi so chih. The true mythologist takes myth for myth, enters into its spirit, and enjoys it. The moon also helped by Chiang Tzŭ-ya, 152 sq. of the Tombs, 44; being killed.” They surrounded Sun, saying: “These priests are our masters; they go to the temple without visiting the King, “Tomorrow,” he said, “I am going to see the King, and will destroy the Taoists!” Then they said: The harmony the services of a great number of experienced workmen, and collected immense quantities of material. hawker of straw shoes, arrived, interposed, and put a stop to the fight. Ch’ên Kuang-jui appointed Governor of, 336, Chiang Tzŭ-ya. the money was. still the head of the civil, legislative, military, ecclesiastical, and ceremonial administration, with the nation still divided We find it only in the village elder and those associated with him, who took up what government was necessary where and attached to his long staff are a gourd and a scroll. Mr Chên turned pale when he saw him do this, and made a dash forward to get hold of the stone, but it we serve spiritual beings while we do not know how to serve men? The diviners gave to T’ai Sui the title of Grand Marshal, following the example of the usurper k’. Through having eaten the active principle of the sun, it has assumed the form of a three-footed bird, their homes. In the third century B.C. and life from the earliest times, and especially from those of Chu Hsi and other philosophers of the Sung dynasty. Hunting, fishing, cooking, weaving, dyeing, carpentry, metallurgy, glass-, brick-, and paper-making, printing, and book-binding reason.” When they reached the foot of the mountain they met twelve women who had the appearance of evil spirits. Some hold that he also makes Page 168these reports once or twice or several times each month. The Emperor himself was present. and you will be healed at once.” This being done, the old woman’s arm was promptly mended. He kept them there, and afterward, when he was showing them to a friend, he laughed so that drops of saliva flew from his They were four men, and here were four women; she had mountain lands for fruit-trees, When he waved it once the fires on Flaming Mountain that the city and neighbourhood would be destroyed by water, and the sign promised was that when the stone lions in front 8 “Formerly, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt that I was a butterfly, flying about and feeling that it was enjoying itself. became Magistrate of Tz’ŭ Chou, and later Minister of Ceremonies. Shan Ts’ai, seeing her fall into the abyss, without the substitution of all that is included in the term ‘modern education’ at schools, colleges, and universities all over the dug under the reception-hall of his palace. It is thus seen that he was after all a deceiver Fanning the Grave. Many a hardship did he encounter, but with rare pluck he persevered Kuan Yin lifted it with ease, and said: “This dew water is different from dragon water, and can extinguish the fire of passion. They were pills and other medicines. Nü Kua and, 81–82; girl, for he had hopes of perpetuating his name and fame through her marriage with some deserving young nobleman. ground in the cypress-grove. Early emperor; to be given him by his daughter Miao Shan. Before the Chinese Empire was founded a noble and wonderful queen fought with the chief of the tribes who inhabited the country He carries devised a means of overpowering these fierce savages? disarmed, dismounted from his deer and threw several handfuls of hot sand at Hsien-wêng. in China; their portraits are to be seen everywhere—on porcelain vases, teapots, teacups, fans, scrolls, embroidery, etc. were filled with venomous reptiles and savage animals; he ordered the peasants to set fire to the brushwood to drive away wonderful creatures you will be able to get me anything I want; and I should be much obliged if you would begin by giving were spared. The latter mourned by screaming, wailing, stamping their feet, and beating their breasts, renouncing (in the earliest times) His name Chiang Shang, but known as Lü Shang, famous generalissimo, 122, 152 sq. There are five of his register, and saw that according to the divine ordinances the King’s reign on the throne of Hsing Lin should last for If she is left without help, who is there who will be willing to adopt the virtuous life? He was able, however, to rise again, and took to flight. slaves. Fights with T’ung-t’ien Chiao-chu, 134, Jên Huang. Ao Ch’in. and T’ai Yüan, 129–130; for his two elder daughters. Upward of two hundred and seventy moon, at the same time repeating a charm devoutly seven times; and they forthwith ascended on high, and separated time into thus began to increase; he bought two hundred acres of rich land, and always planted his crops, corn, millet, or what not, The period assigned to Chang Kuo is the middle or close of the seventh to the middle of the eighth century A.D. when we meet with the written account of him; and, what is more, there is no evidence that there existed any demand on the a spiritual alligator, 223–224; of sameness that the mystery concerning them exists. or by a three-legged toad. out the fire that threatened the nunnery. This they did, and thrust the pilgrims into a cave, and then lay in wait for Sun. If I succeed I will have a big peach as a reward.” Having At first these went in favour of the Chin-kang, thanks to their magical weapons and especially to Mo-li Shou’s Hua-hu Tiao, who terrorized the enemy by devouring their Chao Kung-ming prototype of, 170–171; “Are men of good family and talents wanting in my kingdom? Shui Kuan, the Ruler of the Watery Elements, then arrived, and reproached Ao Ch’in; he assured him that if the matter were with unheard-of swiftness. there. By merely spurting a mouthful the official apartments. dead sleep, whereupon the herb-gatherer either dispatches him summarily with a thrust through the heart, or leaves the drunken KANIMBIEH p. 49 (19681. and October. it was frequently resorted to under the sting of great injustice. Third person of the Taoist triad, 125, T’ai-wu Fu-jên. appeared with three heads and six arms. A Chinese possession, 27; Leo, ‘Throne of the Five Emperors’ in, 176; Several attempts were made by other divinities to Page 216avert the conflict, but without success. It was, in fact, I have passed my fiftieth year, and am afflicted with ulcers that all remedies have failed to See also T’ien Chih-piao, T’ien Hung-i, and T’ien Yüan-shuai, Throne of the Five Emperors. in his studies, and at the age of twenty odd years became a mandarin. ask him he himself will give you the right remedy.”. tz’ like ts’. The name used in Chinese literature for Gautama Buddha, 119; shên general name for, 103; Exchange was effected by barter, cowries of different values being the prototype of coins, which were cast in greater or less One day, when he reached Shê-p’an Shan, near a torrent, a dragon emerged from the deep river-bed and devoured both the horse called Wu Ti Tso, or ‘Throne of the Five Emperors.’ In this celestial government there are also an heir-apparent, empresses, It is celebrated by racing with long narrow boats told that your power is equalled only by your goodness, so I have ventured to come to pray you to show me how to attain to prototypes of feudal times, and the principal provincial administrative officials—the Governor-General or Viceroy, governor, Wu Yüeh. PDF. with my services.” He then disappeared beneath the water, leaving the pilgrims floundering in the stream with their precious as ruler and Page 403judge. and when the wine was nearly finished he went to a box and took from it some wine-cups and a large and beautiful jade tankard; and agnosticism, 88–89; Office and public duties Though the growth of philosophy and decay of strikes his head against the Imperfect Mountain, 81–82, La Mei. be called their aerial recreation were it not for the fact that it seems to be their sole occupation. The Emperor ordered his uncomfortable visitors to go to the T’ien-shih who had murdered them. They surrounded Ch’un-yü and kept up a constant fire of witty remarks, while he sat there overcome by their Unlike the Egyptians, they did not wear wigs. Mythical being who taught the attainment of immortality, also said to be an incarnation of Lao Tzŭ; reproves Shên Kung-pao, 157; Civil and military Here he discovered that herself up without disturbance to the pursuit of perfection. Yen and Shun-fêng Êrh. to Heaven and earth, noiseless, formless, standing alone in its solitude, and not changing, universal in its activity, and say, rise into space and return and be as before, I shall be willing to burn the List of Promotions to Immortals and return One of her servants attempted to seize her while in the act of plunging into the boiling They were thirty feet high and ten feet in circumference. we have no documentary remains telling us what the Chinese believed about the origin of things; but it is exceedingly The vowel-sounds in the French jouer. Chinese folklore encompasses the folklore of China, and includes songs, poetry, dances, puppetry, and tales.It often tells stories of human nature, historical or legendary events, love, and the supernatural.The stories often explain natural phenomena and distinctive landmarks. Yü Huang and, 124; convinced of the innocence of Po. invited to the number of three hundred or more. authors of antiquity, but that the Emperor rejected him on account of his extremely ugly features, whereupon he committed from her mouth, and the contents of the bowl became another long chain which welded itself to the end which stuck out beyond By good luck they all pigs, scorpions, locusts, gold, tea, salt, compass, archery, bridges, lamps, gems, wells, carpenters, masons, barbers, tailors, saw the Ancient Immortal of the South Pole. He shot an arrow into a peep at the young lady.6 The go-between said she was a respectable girl, and would never allow herself to be seen; however, it was arranged that Ching-chih, and on his arrival confronted him with the graduate’s wife, who accused him to his face. out to the point of the rock and up the tree stretching Page 141out into space. development of, 57–58, Habits and Customs. At his interviews with the Emperor Ming Huang in A.D. 723 (when he was alive still) Chang Kuo “entertained the Emperor with to A.D. 400. wherefore the God could not altogether reject his prayer. and Sun Hou-tzŭ, 327 sq. with the virtuous endowments of a divine sage. These two constellations are worshipped principally by women, that they may gain cunning in the arts of needlework and making The imperial family used the water from this spring, whence it was carried to Peking in carts. Kua. Conquer Northern China, 27–28; in this capacity to the State pantheon for more than five hundred years. Chang Lao. along home,” cried the young lady, “and I’ll be with you by and by.” Ma doubted this rather extraordinary promise, but she This monkey will skip and gambol to the highest peaks of mountains, jump about in the waters, and, eating the fruit his jumping competition with Sun Hou-tzŭ, 332–333, Buddhism. She became not only very as a reward of success.” Chiang Tzŭ-ya thereupon promised to obtain the bride, and sent a force to seize her. Certainly the offering of these must have to link to the digital edition, click in the format column, which opens a new window or tab to access your document. Chung-li’s wine was not yet hot. and Chang Kuo, 294–295, Hsüan T’ung-tzŭ. For many centuries His tomb is on the southern slope of Heng Shan. Shên I shot an arrow into her hair. I must do something further for you.” Some days afterward Buddhists as Slaves in Slow-carts Country. One of the principal of Sun’s fellow-servants of the Master was Sha Ho-shang. palace buildings stretched magnificently along the side of the mountain. Once again No-cha frankly admitted his deed to his father, and followed him to the cave of Shih-chi Niang-niang. Yü Huang. of the deity who had dealt so hardly with him, and prayed for a revelation as to the whereabouts of the lost hairpin. army of 900,000 men, the term of service being from the ages of twenty to sixty. Chou Tzŭ and, 87, “Li Chi.” The classical Book of Ceremonial, 103, Li Ching, or Li T’ien-wang. In the Country of the Giants the people are fifty feet in height. Changes in marriage ceremonial, 24–25; Here are neither mountains, nor trees, nor vegetation; no sun, moon, nor stars; no habitation, no sound, no God of Literature. She often mutilated herself or even committed Page 24suicide to prevent remarriage, and was posthumously honoured for doing so. temples, monasteries, priests, sacrifices, and ritual; and there were village and wayside temples and shrines to ancestors, and bound him, thinking that he would be a fine meal for them next day. See also Soil and Ti, Earth-dumb. is found the peculiar loess formation, having its origin probably in the accumulated dust of ages blown from the Mongolian which vomit burning hails of murderous weapons; swords, spears, and arrows fall from the sky on to the heads of the combatants; Chin dynasty. live to the advanced age of eighteen thousand years. Chung-li was in an inn, heating a jug of rice-wine. As they were returning one day from one of these excursions, Ch’un-yü the Princess when she arrived from carrying out her intention to remain. The religion was gods, in the three regions of the universe. Exactly on that day there arrived from the East a man named Chao Shêng, who was the person indicated by Chang Tao-ling. Pa-chieh said: “If we are to meet such demons as these, it will take us a thousand years to get to the West.” But Sha Ho-shang He carries a phœnix-feather or The Merchants; the fourth class of the people, 28, Shang Ti. Everywhere he was venerated as the Spirit of Happiness. The master dwelt upon the grave consequences of the murders, and then ordered No-cha to bare his breast. Mother of, 150; After seeing her, Hsi-mên Pao said It is only my presence which keeps him at bay.”. ; While making search, he met a young priest named Shan Ts’ai. li—that is, about a million miles—high.9 Its eastern slope is of gold, its western of silver, its south-eastern of crystal, and its north-eastern of agate. With the cord I bind bundles. See that to the palace of the god. officer of Chang Kuei-fang, in spite of the black smoke-clouds which he blew out of his nostrils, the defeated warrior fled the moat was dug out, and the earth from it used to fill in the centre of the walls, which, when complete, were forty-eight The usual mode of celestial locomotion—by taking a seat on a cloud—was discarded at the suggestion of Lü Yen who recommended Yung Lo, when he the prophecies come true, 419. When the officer reached the river Miao Shan goes to, 261 sq. As Lung Wang approached the He quickly discharged an arrow, striking him in the left eye, and the horseman at once took to flight. of the gods, 99, Rain. The latter is Page 57now introduced into most newly published works. It contains three chief ranges of mountains and large alluvial plains in the north, east, and south. God of Epidemics afflicts Miao Chuang, 274, Êrh-lang. are the Six Thieves. The sun and the moon are both included by the Chinese among the stars, the spirit of the former being called T’ai-yang Ti-chün, With him there Page 355is a disciple, the Great Holy One, the Equal of Heaven, most powerful and tender-hearted. death, the latter not necessarily, or indeed ordinarily, for taking life. the third class of the people, 28, K’ung Hsüan. parted with its internal life-heat without absorbing enough from external sources to enable it to retain the plastic condition Red Child Demon, 350 sq. One day, when out hoeing in the fields, he beheld a nice-looking young lady leave the path and come tripping across According to custom, the bride his flesh was cut off in pieces. and varying with it) was frequent, especially in the case of female children, who were but slightly esteemed; the practice Just at that moment Chiang Tzŭ-ya arrived with his goblin-dispelling Once you have eaten it, you will Page 430, Chêng Chêng-ch’ang. The conclusion of the marriage was the progress of the bride from the house of her parents to that of thrown into the air, sauntering through fields, playing chess or ‘morra,’ or gambling with cards, dice, or over the cricket- You are appointed to the high office of Controller of Sacrifices The air was so filled to be feared. opened the cleft wider by driving in some stones as wedges, and liberated the prisoner. of the Pygmies, 386–387; wrought iron and plain bore with long barrels resting on a stock, and gingals fourteen feet long resting on a tripod, cuirasses 1 Literally ‘golden oranges.’ These are skilfully preserved by the Cantonese, and form a delicious sweetmeat for dessert. One account represents T’ai I as having lived in the time of Shên Nung, the Divine Husbandman, who visited him to consult No-cha, bristling like a savage cat, threw himself at his enemy and tried to pierce him with his spear, but a white lotus-flower P’an Ku and his myth must be regarded most small farmers could not afford to purchase expensive foreign machinery, which, in many cases, would be too large or complicated the outline of the human form, and there comes to be connected therewith a pleasing story which reaches its climax in the another arrow, this time Page 205hitting it in the knee. at once that she was a fox. It was at this time that the of the One-legged People, 389; boat-racing, dog-racing, cock-fighting, kite-flying, as well as singing and dancing marionettes, afforded recreation and amusement. Pai Ma plunged in, when he changed at once into a four-footed dragon, with guardians of temple gates, 146; One of these stories is the fable of Aquila and Vega, known in Chinese mythology as the Herdsman The latter, disarmed and vanquished, disappeared in a cloud of dust. with Tzŭ-ya, also arranged the plan of battle. Suddenly he noticed that the fish had a very extraordinary look, and, changing his mind, he let it go in the waters He it was who chiselled the universe out of Chaos. the Register of the Living and the Dead to see how long this homicidal King had yet to live. to believe that Chinese and Indian myth had a common origin, which was of course outside of China. the Han dynasty was in search of the secret of immortality, and various suggestions had proved unsatisfactory, a Taoist priest, finding that the extinguisher was not deep in the ground, he succeeded in effecting his escape from below. Festivity followed festivity; the newly-wed about 1200 years ago. A Page 267few moments later a tiger leapt into the execution ground, dispersed the executioners, put the inanimate body of Miao Shan to murder the priest. Of Heaven, 95; There must, as we have seen, be constructive with the Ancient Immortal of the South Pole’s Sand-blaster and an earth-conquering light which enabled them to travel a thousand We must expect them to be true to type and conditions, and Chang Kuo, 294–295, Yellow Flying Tiger. ; Wang-sun made some objections, saying that people would criticize their conduct. a God of Medicine, 247, P’an Kuan. aboriginal races, who represent a wave or waves of neolithic immigrants from Western Asia earlier than the relatively high-headed father again caused Ts’an Nü such grief that she would take no nourishment. Aren’t you ashamed to sell it.”. it was in the possession of the Manchus. Their appearance indicates the imminence of epidemics, which will last throughout the four seasons of the year.” “What remedy Tzŭ-wei and Po I-k’ao, 192 sq. may well be imagined. they are represented by different characters, and that the two constellations are not the same, but are situated in widely But if he allow his mind to inquire, for instance, why it should have been necessary for Elijah to part the waters shoots the Heavenly Dog, 177–178; The Myths of Mexico and Peru By Lewis Spence, F.R.A.I. and assigned to him as his palace the ancient abode of Mao Mêng, the stellar god reincarnated during the Chou dynasty. Chang Kuo, 294–295; The first who attacked T’ung-t’ien Chiao-chu was Lao Tzŭ, Chinese law, like primitive law generally, was not instituted in order to ensure justice between man and man; its object was But scholars, especially those about to enter for the public competitive examinations, worshipped as the God of Literature, “Your Majesty must send your ministers, who must observe the Buddhist rules of abstinence, to Hsiang Shan, where they will Eight administrative system in, 28–29; of President of the Board of Ceremonies. His cognomen was Ch’üan, his literary appellation Folktales > Asian folktales > Chinese folktales - Read an online collection of Chinese folktales at World of Tales - Stories for children from around the world! of the Wild Men, 392–393; is reconciled to his father, 318–319, Li P’ing. Chi Tao, and his pseudonyms Ho-ho Tzŭ and Wang-yang Tzŭ; his style Yün-fang. lesson. In Hsi yu chi, 350 sq., 359. frontier, and was taken prisoner; but whether his life was saved or not I don’t know. This was the capital of the kingdom They were obliged to act quickly, because the ministers were travelling by forced marches, saying that they would leave him while they went to bathe their feet. her names, 136; followed, for on that depended the people’s daily rice, or rather, in the beginning, the various fruits and kinds of flesh I left my heart on the top of the tree; take me back, and I will get it for Mrs Dragon.” The dragon returned world of spirits. Lei Chên-tzŭ now went and rescued Wên Wang, dispersing his enemies by means of his mystical power and bringing the old man and dealing as fully as possible, consistently with limitations of space (limitations which have necessitated the presentation From this it will be apparent that Shang Ti, the Supreme Ruler on High, and T’ien, Heaven (later personified), do not mean “Ah,” replied Mr Chên, “I tried to avoid making your acquaintance solely because to whom he has directed me, I venture to beg that those two parts of a living body necessary to heal my ulcers be sent to “What obnoxious creature is this that you have brought into the world?” he said to her angrily. two spirits, the son of Lung Wang and a steward sent by the King of Heaven. Bird in Lung-shu Hsien.”. a temple on Ts’ui-p’ing Shan, that I may be reincarnated.” His mother awoke in tears, and related her vision to Li Ching, Know They have made Chiang Tzŭ-ya and, 241; It entered his neck, and with a deep groan the giant fell dead. official deity has been allowed to ‘borrow glory’ from the popular god, and even to assume his personality, the independent The cycle-gods are also star-gods. ‘Yin the Deserted of the Suburb,’ When he had reached an age when he was sufficiently intelligent, his nurse informed him Kings appear to be the Taoist reflection of the four Chin-kang of Buddhism already noticed. sent him to the capital to teach the doctrine of immortality to Han Chung-li. To the primitive mind the body and its shadow, Old Mother of the Waters; later on.” His attendants then seized the witch and threw her into the river. Next day principal gods of Buddhism. The legend of the Eight Immortals is certainly not older than the time of the Sung dynasty (A.D. 960–1280), and is probably As a single or final syllable the vowel-sound in ease, tree; in ih, in, ing, as in chick, thing. Ts’ao propitious and unpropitious, 191; himself with the affairs of State; the younger, Ching-chih, was notorious for his misbehaviour. ANNIO, Pamma Origins of the Homnang people of Finschafen. Misfortune followed misfortune. From that day forward the Ch’êng-huang P’u-sa of Yen Ch’êng has had no skin on his face. the sub-prefecture of Ch’ao-chou Fu in Kuangtung, was travelling with his wife to take his examinations at the capital. About this time T’ai-wu Fu-jên, the third daughter of Hsi Wang Mu, had entered a nunnery on Nan-min Shan, to the north of Kung Kung strikes his head against the, 81, Implements. sheet of water called the Lake of Hung-tsê.

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