how to make a low budget documentary

So in the shortest possible amount of time you will have to educate yourself about the subject matter and become an expert. If you barely have a budget, don’t try to shoot in a million places, especially if … And of course, you can always try a Kickstarter campaign to raise additional funds for your documentary. You can save money by using public domain films from places like, or, which charges a fee but provides HD footage of old public domain films on a variety of topics whose copyright has expired. Write stories about the people you know. Production: Directing your crew on the shoot: Ur Da Man*. Pond5 has a great public domain photograph collection which it offers for free. Right? It depends a whole lot on the documentary in question. There is a notice board in every film school and plenty of fresh talent who want to get their hands dirty, use this opportunity. The documentary story that we develop and which emerges then is crafted within that limiting budget. For a low budget documentary that’s often out of the question. Julian will cover it all in this class! You need to study your subject, research it until you cant find anything more, ask questions from people in that field for example if you are making a doco about a “Clock” then you need to read as much relevant information about the “clock” on the internet. Pro tip: Always budget for worst case scenarios. That treatment. If you think you got a hit on your hand, send it out to festivals and TV stations. I check my email all the time, so I should be in touch soon. What is the Best Cheap Documentary Camera for Filmmaking in 2021? Also we are going to be as honest as possible and at times it might even sound cruel, but really we just want you to save your time and money – that’s why we will try to give it to you – straight to the point! It may feel uncomfortable asking for money but take solace in the fact that for crowdfunding campaigns you can let your footage speak for you to a certain extent. You can save huge amounts of money if you’re hiring an outside editor by organizing your footage well and prepping it for editing. Plan, plan and have a plan B as well. Make sure you understand the importance of each point and put it into practice. Right from the beginning of your film you should keep a list of all the people who helped you in one way or another. 12 steps to making a low budget documentary film. Check out the Fair Use for Documentary Filmmakers guide for more info on how this works. Put together a basic plan fro pre-production, production and postproduction. We're here to help you find the best documentary camera for your documentary film. How to make a documentary film for under $100! Create your team: filmmaking is a team play. A lot of forms can be used in order to get a more detailed look. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have great music– using stock music from a website like Storyblocks Audio, which charges an annual subscription fee for $99/year allows you to download as many royalty free music tracks as you want to use in your documentary film. Find out whom you need, do you have someone for sound or a camera operator, how about lighting or an editor? Casting a Low-Budget Film. Related: 10 Ways to Boost Documentary Film Production Values. Whether you’re a seasoned film-maker or just starting out, you will need to understand and follow the 12 crucial steps of film-making specially if you are trying to make a Low Budget Documentary Film. In our case, our low budget version was $40,000, and our high budget was $200,000. In order to submit your film, they charge (sometimes large) entry fees whether or not you’re selected, and they can result in very little from your perspective– not to mention cost a lot to attend if they’re out of town. You might use your skateboard for a tracking shot, some aluminium foil from the kitchen for a reflector or maybe download a free app on your phone to turn your phone to a clapperboard. Others cost millions to shoot, edit and distribute. This can be broken down into two days of shooting. In dramatic films, an important part of development is writing the dramatic script. Please try again later. 2. For example, you might have 5 interviews and need to spend 3-4 hours capturing B role footage. You will spend lots of time in pre therefore your production will run smoothly and your post wont be as painful as they say it is. It’s exactly what it sounds like: we were ready to make the film at two different budget levels – low, and high. For most people, a mirrorless camera or DSLR, where you can change lenses, is the best choice.The Panasonic G85/G80 is a good camera to start with. Skimping out in casting is the number one issue that most micro-budget films suffer from. Film making is a hard business and unless you are super passionate about the subject or the idea that you want to film then you might as well pack your bag and get out because things will get tough, people will say NO, doors will close to your face, you will lose weeks of work, actors wont show up, money will run out and lots of other things. The more you research the better your film becomes. They say there will always be some costs when making a film, including people donating their time for “free” (or deferred fees). Firstly, you need to make a list of all the things that you have at your disposal. Once the shoot is done you need to quickly make 2 copies of all footage. By this point you should have an editor who has been involved in the film and knows what the subject and the story is. We’re talking about putting each shoot in its own folder and making sure your footage is converted if it needs to be (all in the same edit-friendly format) and ready to be edited before you hand it off to your editor. November 13, 2017. Understand that this is a costly, time-consuming venture that will leave little time for hanging out with your friends and having fun. Old photos whose copyrights have expired are also fair game for documentary filmmakers. Now that your script/story is “on paper” you need to break it down into smaller chunks. The more work you do here the easier things will get down the track. A list of what you have & what you are going to need: You always have more resources than you know. Paying a documentary film crew can get expensive but if you’re able to interest your friends/classmates/colleagues in your project you can definitely save some money. 10 Ways to Boost Documentary Film Production Values. MAKING A LOW BUDGET DOCUMENTARY. Ndrika Anyika. November 13, 2017. Check out the light, where is the sun going to be and how will it affect your shoot. This is where steps 1 to 5 come handy. An army of hungry soldiers will never win a battle and that’s why you need to look after your people. The advances in film technology can make all the difference. Some of you will write a detailed story/script and others will scribble a few notes on the back of a tissue box that’s okay too but in our experience if you want success then push yourself to complete this step with as much detail as possible. Planning your Pre Production: Break it down into small chunks. Discover the craft behind the successful low-budget documentary “Sign Painters”, with useful tips to help production, spice up the edit, & build your audience. Making an informative sheet that answers the who, what, and where questions can give you a broad perspective on how many aspects of the film production need an allocated project. What about the money? Having a long credit list will help to get more clips. There was an error sending your message. If this is your first documentary film, we recommend picking up a good book about documentary filmmaking which will help you plan out your journey ahead. If you don't have a plan, you can't make a low budget documentary. Check out our article specifically about film festival strategy. Many of these are extremely competitive, but if you focus on smaller grants, non-documentary specific grants aligned particularly well with the topic of your documentary, or general arts grants for artists in your city or state, you may have a better shot. The Fair Use clause in US copyright law means you can use even copyright material without paying for them– so long as you’re using them to critique them, or in a few other limited circumstances. Most editors will work with the director to make sure the integrity of the story is not changed but if you are a great director you will give enough freedom to your editor to come up with fresh ideas like Director Christopher Nolan did with Dody Dorn in the Oscar nominated film Memento in year 2000. You can also do skill trading with others– working on their project in exchange for them working on yours. A lot of filmmakers write scripts that take place in their … on the same day that you interview a film subject, also get some b-roll of them in their everyday life so you don’t have to get it later, if there’s even a chance you might need it. We may participate in other affiliate programs as well. The true cost of a documentary depends on many different factors so it's hard to know how much YOUR documentary will cost until you've nailed down some of them. But if you’re looking for a cheap documentary film camera, you could do … Cheapest 4K Video Cameras for Documentary Filmmaking. This is your roadmap so make it as detailed as you can and as the process begins you can always change it as you see fit but for the start you need to write your script/story with as much detail as you can. The Many Benefits of Training Video Productions, Video Production Company – Guidelines for Hiring the Right Company. How to Sell a Film Online Using Streaming Distribution Services. Also the longer your credit list the more important your film is and make sure its not your name for every role! You can use an iPhone, digital point-and-shoot, and an action camera for rugged documentaries, while professional cinema cameras and 4K camcorders are better for theaters and broadcasting. Key Tips: For Low Budget Film Scheduling. We've looked at all the available documentary video cameras on the market today from DSLRs to traditional video cameras and made our recommendations. Just make sure you lay the groundwork by prepping your potential donors months in advance and reading up on the best way to conduct a crowd-funding campaign. Every film you make should bring about opportunities for your next film and thanking people for their help is a way for them to feel good and to help you the next time you need their help. Poor production will sink the film if it looks amateurish. They, however, carry fewer details compared to documentaries because they narrow down to one specific topic. If you research the Internet there are some amazing samples of scripts for documentaries as well as other films. What’s film budget flexibility? In a bigger film you will also need to organize permission from council, release forms for all involved in the film, call sheet, etc. Making of films comes down to these 3 steps. Famed hockey player Wayne Gretzky once said you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. The 3 P’s of filmmaking. You will not be charged extra by purchasing through these links. The test of your skill will be in the making of a low budget film that doesn't look it was shot on a shoestring. So what I suggest is that you take a week. Okay we did say 12 steps but you must be asking what about the $100. Today I am sharing more results, focusing on elements which filmmakers can influence in order to improve the chances of success with their low budget film – i.e. … So if you have a critical shoot or event you need covered properly or a very important interview to shoot, you may want to hire a pro to help shoot it or capture audio. Do not format your cards or if you shooting on tape, re-use the tapes until you have confirmation of the footage being backed up and safe. You don't need top of the line equipment to produce a quality project. One of the best things you can do at this stage is to check out the locations you will be shooting. Having your own documentary film camera is quite useful because you never know quite when a potential shoot could come up. DIY Light Bar! And so are photographs and videos/film footage shot by US federal government employees as part of their job (which aren’t eligible for copyright in the first place). Old archival film footage is another one of those costs that can cost thousands of dollars for even a few seconds. But the truth is, in the 21st-century film festivals can be a bit of a racket. Free blueprint to making a movie: this video I share 7 tips to show you how to make a low budget movie or short film. Make sure you send everyone involved a copy or two and ask them to share your film around. When dealing with a low budget, it’s tempting to call up your actor friends and ask them to give you a freebie, but this is generally a bad idea. Keeping Your Film Budget Together. Your email was successfully sent. From our perspective, a low-budget documentary film, even an observational film, should be carefully planned so as to make best use of the small funds available. Fujifilm X-T30. Documentary filmmaking can be quite expensive: budgets can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars or more for a feature-length documentary. Whether you’re a seasoned film-maker or just starting out, you will need to understand and follow the 12 crucial steps of film-making specially if you are trying to make a Low Budget Documentary Film. Make sure to budget expenses such as food and fuel costs; Be honest with your cast and crew on what you can offer; Fewer shooting days … Decide whether or not you really want to make a movie. This first tip might be a bit of a buzzkill but the truth is, making a documentary film is extremely hard work and it’s important to know what you’re getting into. In short, plan wisely, it’s better to have time left over than to be unable to complete your film. Feature film production; Independent films; Low-budget films; Pre-production of the film; Post-production of the film; Short films; It’s essential to plan the budget for the film ahead of time. If no one watched your film then all your effort is wasted. That said, let's look at the factors that go into the true cost of a documentary. Simply put, the only way to make a great low budget film is to understand all of the various components of filmmaking (cameras, lighting, actors, writing, etc), prioritizing, and learning simple tricks/tools for getting the most out of everything and everyone. Our flexible, free production budget template eliminates the migraines of trying to create a one-size-fits-all budget. You must be in love with your film: What is your film about? Of course, “low” and “high” are two very relative terms. The following 12 steps are created by Zar productions in Sydney, Australia and they are the result of hands-on experience and not just some academic teaching. You can make a no-budget film on your smartphone for virtually nothing, or spend a million dollars if you have an A-list cast. This is the basis of your film, its your map to success. Choosing a camera. Before you start, have a quick team meeting and let them know what you expect from them. Choose One Location. And are you passionate about the subject? Fair Use for Documentary Filmmakers guide. The documentary film budget template captures and provides rough estimates of these unique expenses. If your reason for making that film is not. Research the idea: learn as much as you can about the subject of your film. There’s nothing like making a movie and it’s something that everyone should try to do at least once in their lives. Production skills. Just like documentaries, feature films are also longer, time-consuming to make, and complicated. Call a few clock makers and tell them about your project and ask them for few minutes of their time. Often documentaries can get stalled in the post-production phase when they run out of money to pay their editor. Then again, if you're making a low-budget movie, what better way to do it than to do it by hanging out with your mates, being the center of attention and having fun? Sound. Well that’s just to feed the crew and other people who helped. This is a fully revised look at documentary budgeting, and updates the 2006 Documentary article “Don’t Fudge on Your Budget: Toeing the Line Items.” At the center of the documentary "business" is the budget, which offers a map of the filmmaking process, expressing both the film you’re planning to make and how you plan to make it. Many filmmakers could have saved a huge amount of money if they planned a bit more before they even picked up a camera. And you can find online training tools as well to help you start. First Day, you might shoot 2 of the interviews and one hour for the B role shots, on day two you will need to cover 3 interviews and the rest of B roles, simple. If you craft a dynamite fundraising trailer with all your best footage and a compelling or unique premise, you have decent odds of success. In addition, if you’re paying at least some crew or renting gear, you can save money by doubling up multiple things when you schedule shoot days– i.e. A horror film will need a higher make-up budget than say an animated kid’s flick. You can choose any, depending on the type of documentary you wish to film, where you’ll be screening your film, and your budget. This is one of the greatest mistakes a film-maker can make, try to do everything! How to Make a Documentary Budget? Make sure you have us a spec script complete. In the same way, you miss out on 100% of the documentary film grants that you don’t apply for. Remember, everyone here is a volunteer so you need to be super-cool with everyone, especially if you want to make more films down the track. How much does a documentary cost to make? Even if the neighbour allowed you to use their backyard, make sure their name is on the credit list. But if you’re shooting events, news or documentaries, camcorders are more convenient. So now that you have plenty of information about the subject of your documentary film, comes the hard task of putting all your newfound knowledge on paper. You should not attempt to do everything yourself. Preferably you have already sent them a brief and a list of responsibilities before the shoot date, On a big production normally everyone knows their job and this means nobody will go to the director and suggest their ideas but on a small shoot with unprofessional crew you will get bombarded, Looking after your footage/asset: “my precious”. Why it’s a good low budget documentary film camera: This is a small camera so it won’t quite have 100% of the same manual controls you’ll find on its bigger brothers that cost multiple times what this one costs. Use a hammer or something. What is the Best Cheap Documentary Camera for Filmmaking in 2019? The foundation of your film: Condense your idea into a script. Therefore, there is always a cost to making any film, even if it is low compared to normal film industry budgets. NLEs (non linear editing programs– like Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro) are cheaper and easier to use than ever before. Image via Vancouver Film School on Flickr. If you’re interested in making a low budget documentary film, especially if you’ve never made one before, you’ll need to spend wisely and count every penny. It isn’t the look of skin on skin that turns you on in a sex scene. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. You plan out all the way from what your treatment's going to be right out. It will help ensure that all the tasks involved in the making of the film are on track. For our purposes, let’s keep the definition of a low budget film under $150,000, which is considered a pretty average spend for a “low-budget film” in today’s industry. The great Ryan Connolly of Film Riot fame shows us how to build a DIY light bar for … For instance, if you intend to critique Hollywood’s portrayal of Hispanics, you can excerpt short bits of movies that demonstrate your point, even without paying a dollar in license fees. Make sure you use social media to advertise your film. Take stock of what you have and make a movie about it: Just looking around my office I've got handcuffs, an old … Distributing your film online can be done virtually for free– if you do it right. All of your efforts and hard work can go to waste if you don’t look after this stage. Since you know everything about your subject and you have planned very well, your team will look up to you for leadership. To help you find a great doc camera on a budget, we’ve put together a list of some of the best cheap documentary film cameras. Solid build. I'm saying a week and you plan out your whole documentary. Just keep in mind, you often get what you pay for. Some people use this as an excuse for not following their dreams but you can always find a way if you want something bad enough. One of the most expensive things for first-time documentary filmmakers to purchase outright is a good video camera for documentaries. Should keep a list of all footage you pay for just to feed crew. 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