queens of the stone age no one knows lyrics

Covid Vaccine Nonsense | Not effective and not legal, US Human Rights Report Excludes Main Abuser, Clinton Military Tribunal Set for April 8, Proof that “World Government” is Banker Tyranny, Operation Mockingbird: Deep State Control of the Media | CIA Media Manipulation, New Organization and Toolkit for Opponents of 4G / 5G Small Cell Densification (Canada), Coronavirus & Coronavirus Vaccine Patents + RFID/cryptocurrency with body interface patent, Obituary for Kansas woman concludes she died from allergic reaction to a coronavirus vaccine, Gov. Clinics are set up to treat the symptoms of exposure, medical industry acknowledges the health issues, while Canadian and US governments are ignoring them. Just 5 minutes of Wi-Fi exposure can cause cell mutation, oxidation and rouleaux— all of which are associated with illness and disease. These and many other pertinent questions find their answers in the hard-hitting documentary Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy, one of the most powerful documentaries ever made about the fluoride fraud. The global elite needed a game-changing event in the United States. Read articles here and here and a video explanation here, Rothschild Bankers Looting Nations Through World Bank/IMF, The World Bank/IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild & Sons plus 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world. Governments are going broke. There is only one way war will end. He’s waging multiple imperial wars. Read article here and see the Icelandic President discuss choosing democracy and human rights over the banks here, The Genocide Of The American People | Food As A Weapon. They use utmost force and violence to achieve their ends. 11/11/11 Unite for world peace. This arrangement was repeated in the overarching political structures but was moderated by the voice of … Where We Go One We Go All! New World Order Organizational Chart and the Pyramid Of Power | Truth11 […], […] The United States! The facts are in– terrorism as a mass threat is a hoax. It is also capable of triggering targeted floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. The stakes are the highest they have ever been. John Lennon and Yoko Ono used their wealth to penetrate this bubble through a series of advertising billboards in Tokyo, London, New York that stated that “War Is Over, If you want it to be”. In 30 BC, Egypt became a province in the Roman Empire, and the Romans even launched a military expedition into Kushite territory in 23 BC. Bush, Ford, General Electric, IBM, and the Wall Street bankers are responsible for more than 70 million people slaughtered during the Second World War, including about 12 million war-related famine deaths in China, Indonesia, French Indochina and India. Legal status. When a government has unsolvable domestic problems, they try to distract the willfully ignorant masses by proactively creating foreign conflicts based upon false pretenses. WHO is failing to protect its global citizens from this pervasive pollutant in four key ways: 1. industry infiltration2. This is a comprehensive list of subjects that control our planet. Toronto G20 Video By Truth11 Films | Fuck Everything You Stand For | Watch here, New Bill Gives Obama Kill Switch To Shut Down the Internet. We need more of these. Destroying the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is only the beginning. 3. Stop what you are contributing to the system and spend your time focused on breaking up their control grid, becoming self sufficient and unifying with fellow humans. If this isn’t martial law then we don’t know what is. The lynchpin of this story is the corporation that in many ways defines the 21st century with its unobtrusive omnipresence: Google. The Soviet Union killed over 1 million Afghans, while driving another 5 million out of the country and retreated as a bankrupted and defeated shell after ten years. Read article here, The Big Picture Truth About The Global Warming Scam, Enough is enough of this complete bullshit, Several years ago, the sun was unusually active and all the planets in our solar system experienced a time of “global warming”. In response to widespread outrage over the National Defense Authorization Act passed last year, Congress is said to be working on a more Constitution friendly version of the legislation. of the human race already has begun. Evidence vital to Manning’s defense is prohibited. Read article here, CERN To Attempt ‘Big Bang’, Stephen Hawking Issues Warning;  ‘God particle’ found by CERN “could destroy the universe”, Fukushima Radiation Is Part Of The Depopulation Agenda. While global uprisings now threaten global governance under a single currency, scheming rulers have long anticipated this reaction. The injustice is literal: US government policies with war and economics are in Orwellian violation of basic laws. He handed it to Wall Street, war profiteers, and other corporate crooks. “Police On Guard for Thee”: Toronto Police Officers Challenge “Unconstitutional Publ ic Health Measures”, Arrests & DC Wall Coming Down | Richard Grenell POTUS of Military Occupation – Happy Spring 3-20-21, CDC VAERS CAUGHT SITTING ON HUGE INVENTORY OF ADVERSE EFFECTS CLAIMS 3/21/2021 | Current reported deaths and adverse reactions are just a fraction of actual current cases, they have just not been posted yet, Former Trump Intel Chief Reveals “Quite a Few More UFOs Detected Than Public Knows”, The greatest public health calamity in modern history. See also this article on Europe rising up here, Marijuana Prohibition Is The Cornerstone Of The Police State, The simple truth about America’s marijuana prohibition: any law that allows the easy incarceration of any citizen any time those in power want to do it is the ultimate enemy of democracy. Read article here, From the creators of Esoteric Agenda and Kymatica , UNGRIP penetrates the illusions and delusions of the legal system with direct relation to the psychology of humanity. Truth11 Films 5th short film: We have been tricked into fighting perpetual wars of mass genocide for pointless profit. The government puts a man on a plane with no passport and a fire cracker in his shorts and we are supposed to put up with nazi style interrogation. The only sensible path for sincere and courageous souls is to work towards a replacement of the central government model of governance. For believers in pyramid power, pyramids are a source of profound biological and, in some cases, spiritual effects –– much like the ancient Egyptians, who held similar ideas about the healing powers of pyramids. That’s the only reason chemotherapy is still used. Both had the power to veto. Human Status Of A Corporation = Enfranchisement Vs Natural Person, Living in todays nazi fascist police state, understanding the corrupt system they use to control us cattle is of great importance. What does the world do when it confronts unbridled evil, which is what Washington is? Read article. The Truth Will Set Us Free. Here is Truth11 Films latest short film set to The Lotus Eater by Opeth. Most Americans simply have never learned what life was really like back in Nazi Germany. QAnon are a very important group of people, globally fighting and standing up for humanity!. Read article here. Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe that the job of the government is to keep us safe, but in reality the job of the government is to protect our liberties. | Understanding how COVID-19 measures violate your Charter Rights, read article here, 10) BUSINESS RIGHTS, FREEDOMS, VIOLATIONS AND LIABILITY RELATING TO COVID-19, Each country has its own constitution and charter of rights and freedoms for businesses. Spouses and family members of the CERN scientists, energy companies supplying electricity to this facility, environmental and spiritual organizations, and citizens in every country – we must shut this project down now. The definition of the Second Amendment:  A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Lawless Aggression | Peace is Law Not War. Read article and download full report here, Freedom Parade Berlin: 1,300,000 People Protest Covid Pandemic. Professor Delores Cahill: Watch, Large Scale COVID-19 Vaccination Injuries and Deaths, read article, I am not willing to accept this is the “new normal.”, I will not be afraid of standing next to a friend or family member and will not obey the concept of “social distancing.”. phenomena |-nə| ) Fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. We understand that this was planned and carried out by the US government as a false flag event to enable the police state and fake perpetual war on terror. Not because it’s effective, decreases morbidity, mortality or diminishes any specific cancer rates. The elite know its going down and they respond by furiously further robbing us blind, transferring even more wealth back to them in fast forward. Obama Administration’s ongoing effort to expand, entrench and “codify” the practice of murder and terrorism by the United States government. They used their main cutout in the DOD to lure the Able Danger investigators to the Pentagon Naval Intel meeting room, where they would be assassinated by a Tomahawk cruise missile that was fired from an Israeli Dolphin class Diesel submarine bought from Germany. Read article here, They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Banking, business and medical records would be wide open to inspection, as well as personal instant message and e mail communications. We are releasing the film transcript. ( Log Out /  Calling for a global understanding of how to protect yourself and detoxify yourself from the harmful radiation that now affects us all. It’s wild… Listen…. United we stand for self-government over new world order tyranny. Meanwhile, alternative energy technologies are systematically suppressed while the threat of nuclear warfare continues to escalate – both for the benefit of the oligarchy. We are witnessing the deliberate collapse of this system and a move toward The New World Order End Game. Evidence clearly indicates staged attack on Detroit flight. Ebola: Biological Warfare By US Government, The Master Criminal Of Our Time, Experts have brought to the public’s attention that ebola is a genetically modified organism developed in US biowarfare laboratories in Africa. Read article here, Voting … is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens, The past has shown us when faced with tyranny and corruption, there is only one way for the masses to regain freedom : Rise up, resist, revolt, strike, defy and do it in mass. Alex rips into him and the establishments bullshit.. See video here. He’s commodifying education. The new boss has proven to be the same as the old boss, and the American people, the permanent underclass in America, has allowed itself to be so distracted and divided that they have failed to notice the building blocks of tyranny being laid down right under their noses by the architects of the Deep State. If it were even partially implemented, there would be further concentration of economic and political power in the hands of an even narrower elite sector to the detriment of a growing majority that would be deprived of fundamental democratic rights. Watch the short film here or above. Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete. Led by powerful business magnates with the intention of ousting President Roosevelt and installing a Fascist dictatorship ruled by business magnates and a private army of half a million US soldiers, this coup was disrupted by Butler’s integrity and willingness to be one of the military industrial complex’s first whistleblowers. The bill is widely interpreted as a way of preventing sensitive information about Fukushima (among other topics) reaching the Japanese public and by extension the rest of the world. Well for those people this article is for you. EMR damages cell membranes, causing them to leak calcium and create many health issues, such as altered brain function, autism, infertility, EHS, hypocalcaemia, DNA damage, thyroid problems, osteoporosis, endocrine imbalances, early dementia, asthma, neurological disorders and multiple chemical sensitivities. Here is an 11 point summary of the big picture and some key focus articles. With 800,000 annual arrests over an herb used by tens of millions of Americans, it is the cornerstone of a police state. Or why governments and medical groups continue to force fluoridated tap water on the public in spite of the fact that it has many known and proven health risks? This speech and several others in the movie Network (1976) holds as true today as it did back then. Its only part of a game we have invented, yet the well-being of billions of people is now being compromised. Read 11 Articles on Bradley Manning here, US Suspends Constitution In Permanent World War On Terror. We can not let the efforts of Ron Paul and many others go to waste, by simply replacing evil with the same evil and a different logo. Textbook Nazi Bullshit.! Read Article here, Truth11 Films | 911 Truth to Ticks and Leeches by Tool, An insidious brainwashing program set to be launched next week will “organically” weave the government’s political propaganda into prime time network television shows, with positive talking points about Obama’s environmental, bailout, health care and “servitude” agenda being seamlessly integrated into the content of dramas, reality shows and comedies. Is upon us all hear the truth is known warning: global in. To consider their world and what you can not trust the media to warn them about government tyranny order properly! 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82 West 3rd Street In Greenwich Village, New York City, Sweetheart Of The Gods, A Hundred-year Old Man Called, Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets, The Ending Film, The Wind's Twelve Quarters Omelas, Soto Drops Bat,

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