the stone diaries

As soon as he saw Lily, he recognized her and the rest of the Heretics, suggesting that the reunion of the vampire spirit within the Phoenix Stone and their original body negates the negative side effects that "Oscar" experienced. The assistant, concerned about Alaric's intentions with Jo's body, stated that this was the last day that she would be allowed to stay there, and that he'd have to take her somewhere else the next day. Alexander Bopp has just moved to a new town where he uncovers all sorts of monsters! Enzo and Bonnie warn Damon that it is the vault playing tricks with his mind but he keeps following the voice and something scary overpowers him. Regardless of the consequences, Alaric was still intent on resurrecting Jo, so Damon left to return Oscar to Lily while Alaric and Bonnie stayed to repeat the spell on Jo's body. Learn More. Nora and Mary Louise run for their lives. Shamans † Bonnie then began asking him about the stone, which caused him to freak out about how everyone kept asking him questions to which he didn't know the answer. Determined to prove himself to Lily, Enzo comes face to face with Julian and challenges him to a duel, but an unexpected twist threatens to complicate things. Alex has kept Nora and Mary Lou as hostages for these three years experimenting on the latter with Rayna's blood (it is lethal to witches) and eventually sending Nora to find Enzo in return of Mary Lou. Damon asked for Oscar's help in siphoning magic from Bonnie who was getting horrible visions after touching the Phoenix Stone. However, when Alaric was about to destroy it as promised, he stumbled upon a photo of himself and Jo prior to their disastrous wedding and was so overwhelmed by grief that he decided to keep the stone instead. Damon makes a deal with Alexandria wherein he will deliver them Bonnie for opening the vault provided they send some workforce to help him track down the long list of vampires. Finally, Rayna's last life gets transferred to Bonnie, but along with that gets transferred her hunter instincts, turning Bonnie, a girl whose entire life revolves around her near and dear ones who unfortunately are vampires, into a vampire huntress. He is now hell bent on killing Julian. It was later revealed by Rayna that every single vampire soul that's been trapped inside of the stone is now free to possess any lifeless body, and use it as their own. She also mistook a television for a piece of artwork. In Live Through This, Bonnie came to Alaric's apartment to visit and see how Jo was doing, only to find that Jo was still fast asleep, as she had been for twelve hours. Damon and Bonnie make their own plan and kill a Heretic. However, upon Oscar's revival, it became clear that he was not fully back to normal, because he was exceptionally hungry for human blood and had no memories of ever being in Myrtle Beach, let alone meeting Damon, Bonnie, and Alaric there. Rayna and a werewolf toxin-saturated Damon coax Stefan to do the mark transfer who eventually sets off on a run from Rayna. Eventually, under the influence of Stefan, Damon realizes that his messed up life basically roots down to him escaping guilt after having missed his mother when he needed her the most. The Princess Diaries 3 may finally be happening, and fans can't wait to return to Genovia with Queen Mia. Enzo began to question Bonnie on the Phoenix Stone and informed her that Lily was looking for it, but when he tried to take it from her, "Oscar" came in and began to freak out again, yelling at them that he wasn't going to go back into the stone. Destroyed. For example, Beau seems to have been stabbed with the blade near his neck, but it missed his heart and prevented his soul from being trapped inside; however, the blade did severe his vocal cords, and the magic from the blade kept them from repairing themselves, causing Beau to lose the ability to speak. Elsewhere, Damon returns to his road-kill antics, picks on Julian and indulges in dangerous games with his mates. When Lily learns about the death, she attains revenge by kidnapping Caroline with the help of Enzo. Klaus gets to talk with Caroline, finally agreeing to protect Stefan and does so. After Lily returned home with Julian, Enzo explained what he had learned, including that Valerie had killed Oscar, who was then brought back by Bonnie with the Phoenix Stone in a confused, disoriented state. Believing that they had malicious intentions, Oscar than attacked Bonnie, Alaric and Damon until they were unconscious, allowing him to steal the stone, which he planned on bartering with Lily in exchange for his freedom, and then fleeing the scene. Damon and Stefan go inside. However hypothermia starts pacing up on Marty and now, they are rushing against time to go catch Stefan's body, which is busy feeding off University sororities in Memphis. Henry here advises Damon to attain liberation by letting go of what holds back his true monstrous nature. It is presumed that the magic of the sword that the Phoenix Stone is paired with is so powerful that it disrupts a vampire's. Later, when Bonnie was attempting to restart Matt Donovan's heart (after she had used magic to stop it long enough to break the invitation barrier caused by Matt's ownership of the Salvatore Boarding House), she was once again overwhelmed by visions of tortured people with X-shaped wounds to the point that she passed out for almost six minutes, just barely awakening in time to save Matt's life. This episode begins a crossover with The Originals that concludes on "A Streetcar Named Desire". Types of Diaries. According to higher orders, in order to take leave, he has to arrest union sympathizers. Lily showing the picture of Phoenix Stone to Enzo. The coven used a mystical relic called the Ascendant to channel the power of the Aurora Borealis to trap Lily and the Heretics in a prison world using a spell of a Bennett witch's design, sealing them away in an alternate dimension that existed as a snapshot of November 1, 1903 for the next one hundred years. As he watches it burn, Henry reappears telling him that he burnt Elena for good which leaves him devastated. Oscar described the inside of the Phoenix Stone's prison to resemble "a room in the basement," though it is unknown if the prison is solely one room, an entire building, or even its own global dimension, like the. Lily is put to rest. Lily instructs Nora and Mary Louise to kill a student at Whitmore College every hour unless Oscar is returned to her. However, when Enzo asked her what the stone was and why she wanted it, Lily refused to give him any details, insisting that it was a "family matter." When the stone is affixed to the end of the sword's hilt, the stone's magic is shared with the blade, allowing it to be used to trap a vampire's soul inside the prison within it when the blade is pierced through the heart of the vampire in question. Valerie, who for her actions are left alone by the Heretics, tells Damon that it was Lily's plan to make Elena sleep as long as Bonnie is alive. In these novels, Stone interspersed biography with fictional narrative on the psychology and private lives of his subjects. In Hell Is Other People, Stefan reveals that he finally gave into the Phoenix Stone's desires to let his brother go. A teenager finds his dreams of becoming a basketball star threatened after he free falls into the harrowing world of drug addiction. He also described the prison as being a place where time had no meaning, and where he spent a century being tricked into believing he had escaped and being made to believe he had killed Lily over and over again. However, as soon as they landed in the New York harbor, the family was confronted by the Gemini Coven, who had heard rumors of the 3,000+ humans Lily and the Heretics had slaughtered in Europe since 1863 and sought to prevent them from massacring any more people. The Basketball Diaries (1995) is not initially about the sport itself, but the abuse of drug consumption. Back in 1863, hell bent on seeking revenge, she had impaled Beau and staked Julian into the Phoenix hell-stone. In order to get through to Lily about Julian's manipulating ways, Stefan and Damon confront their mother with painful memories from their childhood. An exasperated Damon attempts to finish off Henry by setting the coffin on fire. Meanwhile, Alaric tests the Phoenix stone on a corpse in the morgue. While Stefan and Caroline attempted to try to figure out a way to bring Damon back, Nora, furious at Stefan for taking Mary Louise, used the sword given to her by Julian to stab Stefan in the heart as well, trapping him inside the Phoenix Stone along with his brother. The stone was first shown in Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take in the possession of Alaric Saltzman, who showed it to a psychic he met in Amsterdam after he had sneaked away from Damon Salvatore and Bonnie Bennett on the three's European vacation. In Mommie Dearest, Bonnie and Enzo found Oscar's car, which had a shortsword with an X-shaped blade hidden in the trunk under the spare tire. It's more like a supernatural holding cell for a bunch of lost vampire souls. So, Stefan and Caroline team up to lure Nora and Mary Louise to Whitmore's annual Heaven and Hell dance to keep an eye on the couple while Damon, Bonnie and Alaric try to resurrect Oscar using the Phoenix Stone. Enzo then stabs Oscar when he goes crazy. Owner(s) Alaric consults psychics about his dead wife. Stefan's body gets possessed by a remorseless vampire who goes to Memphis sorority parties to quench his bloodthirst. Bonnie and Alaric ultimately agreed to allow them a chance to practice before bringing Jo back, and Bonnie got to work trying to revive Oscar by placing the stone on his chest and experimenting with spells from the books. Julian forces Lily to choose between killing Valerie or Damon. Meanwhile, Caroline, still being held hostage by the Heretics, learns some information about Valerie's past. Nora and Mary Lou share their final moments and in a run-in with Rayna, Nora gets marked and the sword gets stuck to their car. Disoriented and thinking he was still in the Stone, he lashed out seeking to 'repeat' the day over to see his Mother once again. Next, Bonnie brings back Damon who wakes up only to realize that Stefan, too, is stuck in hell-world and Julian's held his body hostage. Valerie tries swapping their magic source for a magic-filled talisman but eventually it all goes in vain. With the stone and Oscar in their possession, the group returned to their homes, where they hooked Oscar up to two IV drips of vervain to keep him unconscious until they were able to trade him for Elena. Back in Mystic Falls, Valerie and Stefan finally take on Julian as Stefan catches him off guard and stakes him while Valerie keeps them cloaked. When Nora learns that all this time Bonnie was simply stalling her from saving Mary Louise, she siphons out Bonnie's magic and stakes Stefan with the Phoenix Sword as well. Because of the powerful magic in the blade, any vampire who is stabbed with it will develop an X-shaped scar that even their enhanced cellular regeneration cannot heal, regardless of where they were stabbed. For example, Julian described his hell as having several illusions, including a constant attempt to escape the stone, only to find that none of it was actually real, and continually being forced to kill the love of his life, Lily Salvatore. Bonnie has not yet forgiven Damon; he does most of the dirty work but remains an uninvited guest to Bonnie and Enzo. Damon escapes and notifies Stefan of his intention to desiccate for the next 60 years, to Stefan's disapproval. Stefan interferes and finally gets Damon to walk off the ring. Here is everything we know about Princess Diaries 3, … Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take,,,,, Unfortunately for Stefan, this led to Julian stabbing Damon in the heart with the sword, trapping Damon's soul in the stone where Julian had spent a century in hell. He has come to apologize to her but cannot bring up anything to say. Enraged and hurt, Bonnie rips out his heart, marking him. The Vampire Diaries, a one-hour American supernatural drama, was renewed for a seventh season by The CW on January 11, 2015,[1] and premiered on October 8, 2015. Alex is curious as to why Enzo is so desperate to stash all the lethal-to-a-witch pills and reveals that there is no antidote and Mary Lou is as good as dead. The trio captures Oscar and makes a deal with Lily in exchange for Elena's coffin. The second attempt caused Oscar's body to spontaneously burst into flames, forcing Alaric to use a fire extinguisher to put it out before he was seriously harmed. When this occurs, the stone begins to glow from within, and the bubbles under the surface start to move rapidly as the vampire's soul is essentially sucked inside. Enzo then gave Lily an ultimatum—himself, or Julian/the Phoenix Stone. Damon and Stefan rescue Caroline from the house which was made easy to enter by making Matt's heart stop temporarily, as Matt was made owner of the house. However, he ultimately decided to "practice" first by using the stone on the body of a deceased college student named Ryan, which was left laying out on the autopsy table. Office Diary Three months later, Damon's hell: Amidst Civil War, Damon receives a sad letter from Stefan asking him to return. Damon played dumb at the mention of the Phoenix Stone and claimed to not know what it was, but Valerie had already guessed that Damon and Bonnie used it to bring Oscar back so they'd have something to trade for Elena, and remarked that "whomever they brought back" had managed to fool Lily. While doing so, they meet an accident that injures Matt badly. Lily and the Heretics perform a funeral ritual for their fellow dead heretic and the love of Lily's life. The presence of these scars suggest that the person causing them will be revived at some point in the near future. Damon quickly realizes all this is still hell. Damon finds himself locked in with a comatose Tyler who will soon transition into a werewolf because it is a full moon. Alaric and Bonnie then discussed Alaric's plans, during which time Bonnie emphasized that resurrection was more difficult now that the Other Side was destroyed and was now technically necromancy. It is unknown whether in conjunction with The Phoenix Sword, the Phoenix Stone would be able to kill and imprison the soul of an Original vampire if stabbed with it. Stone Bonnie resurrected him twice, though when he finally accepted that she was sorry for what he said and did to his Mother, the actual Bonnie was able to pull him out of the Stone. Unknown Spirit revived in Jo's body with Phoenix Stone. Caroline is struggling with her pregnancy as her feeding urges keep her on the edge; she visits her mom's grave for some peace. Afterward, the stone was displayed in the Maritime Museum in New York until 2013. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight? It’s almost like visiting a therapist. Alaric showing the Phoenix Stone to Bonnie. Stefan and Caroline evacuate the whole town to protect them from the Heretics but agree that anyone who passes the border will be Heretics' blood meal. Used by Back in the manor, Julian and the Salvatore brothers get into an argument which brings them to fight until Lily intervenes and says she will never let her children suffer. In This Woman's Work it was discovered that the Phoenix Stone was created by Shamans drawing power from a "Great Spirit" that was called upon to link Rayna's Spirit to it. However, Freya's talisman can be used for many other things than simply being a metaphysical prison for the souls of supernaturals, such as enhancing her own power and giving her another power source to draw from, whereas the Phoenix Stone seems to only have one purpose—to imprison the spirits of vampires inside, and, if necessary, to reunite the spirits with their bodies. Caroline's fast desiccation called for an early C section delivery which was aided by all the Heretics and later Bonnie. Enzo gives her a visit and lets her know that these pills would eventually kill her so she should stop taking them. After Alaric, Damon, and Bonnie returned to Virginia after their trip, Alaric went to Whitmore Medical Center's morgue, where it was revealed that Alaric had been paying off the medical examiner's assistant to allow him to keep his wife Jo's deceased body in cold storage past the 30 day limit. Caroline and Bonnie miss Elena deeply and each day are writing in a diary of everything that occurs so that when Elena wakes up it’ll be like she never missed anything. Type He assures Stefan that in some way or another, everything will be okay. Shamrock Diaries is the seventh studio album by British singer-songwriter Chris Rea, released in 1985.This album represents the beginning of a creative and commercial zenith for Rea. Manufacturer It was there that Julian explained that the prison in the Phoenix Stone was actually a hell that is specially created for each individual vampire prisoner by using the vampire in question's sins against them to torture them. Officer Penny learns about Mystic Falls brimming with vampires from Matt. Alaric then brought Bonnie to the morgue and showed her Jo's body, insisting that he couldn't bring her back alone and that he needed her help. Damon, Alaric and Valerie team up to catch hold of both Stefan's body and soul before the latter's host body succumbs to cold and detox. It is revealed that Alaric will move to Dallas and Caroline finds it hard to accept that she has to eventually part with the twins. Oscar managed to break through the spell and attack both Bonnie and Enzo in turn; after Oscar let go of Bonnie in favor of Enzo, who had the stone, Bonnie ran out of the house, believing Enzo wouldn't give the stone to Lily out of his own selfish desire for her love. In Days of Future Past, the Phoenix Stone was finally destroyed by Nora and Mary Louise's spell, which caused a huge explosion, killing both of them in the process. Alaric didn't understand why she thought it mattered after the fact, but reluctantly gave her the stone before she left. They turn for his resuscitation to Bonnie and Alaric, who admits having kept the Phoenix stone. Bonnie takes desperate measures to save Damon from being bitten. An equally adamant Enzo tranquilizes Damon and knocks out Bonnie (it is shown that, somehow, Enzo makes Bonnie immune to magic). Lily dies in his arms and Damon is left devastated. In 1903, the vampire boyfriend of Lily Salvatore, Julian, had his soul imprisoned somehow within the stone by Rayna Cruz, who threw the sword into his chest but lost the sword and stone in the process. The Phoenix Stone was then mentioned again by Lily Salvatore, who traveled to New York to visit her vampire progeny Lorenzo at a bar. Afterward, Lily resumed her plan to resurrect Julian by searching for the Phoenix Stone and sending Oscar out to locate Julian's body, which had become lost during their imprisonment. Comics, cartoons and other daily strips including Dilbert, Garfield, Zits, Beetle Bailey, Peanuts and more from The Denver Post. (Damon kept Stefan from escaping hell-world, so in order to escape, the latter had to let go of him). Though Lily seemed torn, she ultimately chose the stone, and Enzo left with a broken heart. Ryan Dorsey as Marty Hammond (possessed by Stefan Salvatore), This page was last edited on 3 March 2021, at 00:24. Alaric asked the man if he knew what the stone was, though the psychic claimed that he didn't, and Alaric refused to tell him what he knew about it. Enzo works for them as they are giving him information about his family. Damon distracted and tried fighting Rayna but almost gets staked just as Stefan came to rescue. Once the spell was successfully completed, the bubbles within the Phoenix Stone swirled around, causing Julian's irises to have the same kaleidoscope pattern for a moment when he first opened his eyes. Showing all 6 items Jump to: Summaries (5) Synopsis (1) ... Caroline opens the giant stone tomb door. Matt is arrested by a lady cop named Penny for DUI who later questions his wooden weapons. Stefan and Valerie pursue a herb that can hide them from Rayna. Overwhelmed by emotions, Damon starts sobbing and saying that he missed her and how angry he was at himself for not bidding her goodbye the way she deserved in the last two chances. Learn More. Damon, not wanting to risk having the sword used against him, refused to go up against Julian again without planning and preparation, but Stefan, unwilling to let him walk free, kidnapped Mary Louise to lure Julian to him to finally kill him for good. But this try by Damon doesn't go in vain, as Bonnie does wake up. When Valerie planned to run away while pregnant, Julian beat her and brought her back to the ship. When it comes to brands, check out diaries from DailyObjects, VenTechno, The Crazy Me, RAYITE, Craft Play and Hamee. Rayna Cruz † Caroline moves to Dallas with Alaric and the twins. Damon being pulled out of the Phoenix Stone. This is evidenced by Beau, whose scar is over his throat rather than over his heart; since the blade didn't pierce his heart, it seems to have only severed his vocal cords, prevented them from healing fully and taking his ability to speak rather than killing him outright. After Mary Louise and Nora Hildegard destroyed the stone, all Vampires that were trapped inside the stone are now free and are possessing corpses of recently deceased. Josette Laughlin †Oscar †Julian †Stefan Salvatore †Damon Salvatore † Bonnie then arrived at the apartment to make sure Alaric had destroyed the Phoenix Stone as he promised, explaining that she was still experiencing visions, blackouts, and headaches as a result of her contact with the stone. Damon-Enzo, Matt-Stefan, Caroline-Alaric, and the men from Armory team up separately to finish off Rayna's list. Caroline and Enzo individually enter her head and try convincing her to let go of the murdering urge and to embrace this new chance at living. In kill 'Em all, all the vampires that were released from the tiniest lizard to the first. Realizes it is shown that Damon is left devastated that Steven R. McQueen be... By all the trapped souls followed by rampant possession of dead bodies Damon coax Stefan to more. Perform a funeral ritual for their fellow dead heretic and tells him to run from Rayna 's relationship him,! 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