grand admiral thrawn

Instructing Vanto to use the pseudonym "Horatio Figg," Thrawn explained that he wanted Vanto to convince the insurgents on board that they were weapons smugglers in order to gain access to the insurgents' base. Thrawn accepted on the condition that he was allowed to keep Vanto as his translator. Though he feared Thrawn may be overconfident and that such confidence could backfire, Ba'kif understood that continued pirate attacks made the Ascendancy look weak, so he approved the Junior Commander's request for three ships. Thus, while he would focus on what outcome would create a victory, the outcomes of his actions had a habit of making politicians unhappy. When Lyste expressed his enthusiasm in hunting Fulcrum, Thrawn warned him that nobody was above suspicion. [10], Still, Thrawn promised to Vader that, while he would eventually return to the Chiss Ascendancy, he would not take the Chimaera away to help his people, citing that he had pledged to serve Emperor Palpatine and stating that he would not leave until the threats to the Empire were dealt with. Unknown to Qilori, another Chiss ship arrived as well, which was also guided by a member of the Navigators' Guild. At that point, the collection would be turned over to her and she would be allowed to sell it. However, the rebels had managed to activate Wren's prototype deflector shield generator. Thus, Vanto finally understood why Thrawn had sent him away. Nightswan mused that Thrawn could kill him at any moment, leading Thrawn to reiterate that he had no use for Nightswan dead. Following the Battle of Atollon, Thrawn's fleet worked with the First Legion led by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, whom Thrawn once knew as the Jedi Skywalker, during a mission that resulted in the rescue of Force-sensitive Chiss girls. Yularen then informed Thrawn that a coded message had been beamed off the Chimaera following the transfer of the shuttle thief that Lyste had apprehended above Lothal. This decision angered Thrawn greatly as he considered it nothing more or less than a foolish waste of resources. Keying a comm frequency that he had discovered aboard the stolen freighter, Thrawn contacted the insurgents as requested to speak with Nightswan. Maintaining a steely resolve, Thrawn instead fired back. [4], When Faro reminded Thrawn that a few mid-sized insurgent ships remained, he decided to let those that chose to flee go unharmed. While impressed by the weapon's ability to incinerate Mandalorian warriors by reacting with the beskar alloy in their armor, he believed that Saxon did not know how to utilize the weapon's full potential. He asserted that his life was the only thing keeping the Imperials from destroying the Creekpath facility and killing the civilians inside because he was the only Imperial commander that would go out of his way to prevent casualties. [4] When he left the Ascendancy, there were stirrings of political conflict, though Thrawn assumed the Aristocras would settle their differences as they had many times before. For his outstanding record of successes and his string of unusually fast promotions, Thrawn was promoted from commander to commodore and was given command of the ISD Chimaera. Determined to succeed Lansend Twenty-Six where they had failed the Sempre, Thrawn commanded radio silence as the Chimaera approached the processing center. [4], Thrawn was interrupted mid-thought when Vanto entered his cabin to inform him that they had arrived at Umbara and that Cheno had requested his presence at the bridge. Thrawn intended to use his buzz droid to cut through the hull and free the tibanna canisters. [4], Thrawn was away from his encampment when the Venator-Class Star Destroyer Strikefast, commanded by Captain Voss Parck, arrived at the planet searching for smugglers. Shifting the conversation when Vanto threatened that a mess up could mean being demoted to an ore carrier like Rossi's old assignment, Thrawn once again brought up their investigation into the Empire's secret military project. In a final confrontation with Joko before he departed, Thrawn was promised that Joko would appeal his actions in hopes of securing yet another court-martial for Thrawn. Additionally, they would be left to deal with the Dromedar situation on their own as the Blood Crow had been called to Moltok to deal with a Makurth boss' attack on a Ho'Din settlement. He then traveled to Atollon aboard the Chimaera with Pryce and the captive Kallus in tow. Clarifying that they would head to Coruscant, Vanto suggested Thrawn act grateful for his promotion, making Thrawn smile as Pryce had suggested the same. [1], After meeting Qilori, Thrawn did research into Pathfinders, uncovering a deep secret that they could track each other through hyperspace. Zahn has since written a canon novel series focused on Thrawn. STAR WARS The Black Series Archive Grand Admiral Thrawn Toy 6-Inch-Scale Rebels Collectible Figu… Origins and service in the Chiss Ascendancy. Syndulla was, however, able to convince the reluctant leaders to show the galaxy that the Rebellion would not back down, even to the might of Thrawn and his fleet. Additionally, he found Nightswan's knowledge of the Mark I Buzz Droid's value intriguing, asking Vanto if he could investigate doonium demand. Thrawn then allowed the rebels to have their victory. Taking the buzz droid to where the tibanna canisters static-locked to the hull, Thrawn explained his plan to free the tibanna. In response, he deployed his prototype TIE Defender piloted by Imperial ace, Commander Vult Skerris, and escorted by two TIE interceptors to flush the rebels out of the nebula. Despite Rukh's efforts, the rebels nonetheless escaped. Based upon the character from the Star Wars franchise, he is a symbol of the Never-ending Story's heavy Star Wars roots. Once the repairs were finished, Thrawn was once again assigned to patrol the Mid Rim and Outer Rim, but he had been promoted to a commander and the captain of the Thunder Wasp following Cheno's firing. Despite being aware that Lyste was innocent, Thrawn told Kallus and Pryce that Fulcrum was apprehended, before dismissing the two. [4], Thrawn receiving his promotion from the Emperor, Arriving on Coruscant, Thrawn made his way once more to the Emperor's throne room. When Kallus expressed skepticism that Thrawn's new fighter initiative would make a difference, Thrawn responded that victory and defeat depended on the smallest details. Thrawn was aware that the offer was a trap intended to get the Chiss and Vanto caught gambling for credits in a lab they weren't authorized to be in, but chose to accept the offer anyway. The Rebels' escape coincided with a diversionary attack launched by Ryder at the east gate. [16] Agent Kallus later tried to elude Thrawn's hunt for Fulcrum by planting clues that incriminated Lieutenant Lyste. Thrawn replied in a similar fashion and allowed the rebels to escape. 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[4], When the Chimaera arrived at Lansend Twenty-Six, the station had already fallen under attack by the Castilus and its squadrons of V-19s. However, the Spectres circumvented Konstantine's plan and managed to rescue Mart with the help of his uncle Commander Jun Sato. Thrawn then inquired about Nightswan, and Tanoo admitted that Scath had brought him in to help the smuggling plan along. In that time he would be allowed to continue to attempt to get the buzz droids working again in order to bring them up to their maximum market value. Hair color Taking a more optimistic tone, Thrawn reminded Nightswan that Emperor Palpatine would one day die and that when that day came there was hope that the Empire would choose a more tolerant and just leader. [9], Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Emperor Palpatine noted that he no longer had the benefit of Thrawn's services to track down the Rebel fleet, and ordered Lord Vader to take care of the matter despite Vader's desire to continue his search for Luke Skywalker. Grand Admiral Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo) patch, Imperial 7th Fleet, Chiss Ascendancy, Star Wars inspired, velcro, iron-on, sew-on backing BarBCraftsShop. While Bridger, Jarrus, and Wren stayed behind to deal with Maul, Syndulla proceeded with the mission. [19] As part of their intelligence operations, these spies were tasked with keeping an eye out for rebel droids such as Chopper, who had taken part in numerous undercover missions. While Thrawn's fleet succeeded in wiping out much of the rebel assault force, his plan was undermined when Commander Skerris defied his orders to cease pursuing Syndulla and created an accident, which allowed Hera and some rebels to escape to the planet's surface. When Yularen asked why Kallus did not report Bridger's capture, Thrawn concluded that Kallus was the real Fulcrum and had framed Lyste for the crime. While he knew that every artist was an individual, Thrawn knew that they were the product of a culture, so Thrawn could use art to begin to deduce the "fundamental pattern" of a species. [43] IGN has asserted that the character "essentially kicked off the wave of Expanded Universe novels,"[44] while Empire Online credited Thrawn with doing "much to revitalize and legitmise [sic] Star Wars fiction… at a time when the franchise was in danger of dying. He was promoted from lieutenant to captain and assigned the role of First Officer aboard the Arquitens-class light cruiser Thunder Wasp with Vanto still playing the role of his aide. There, Thrawn unpacked one of his crates of supplies from the Blood Crow, revealing one of his two Mark I Buzz Droids. The two began discussing the Dromedar incident, Nightswan revealing that he was the reason that Thrawn had a Buzz Droid that day and Thrawn countering by revealing that he had two Buzz Droids so even if Nightswan hadn't helped he still would have escaped. Tarkin agreed with Thrawn's idea, and, after the discussion ended, the Grand Admiral used this to force Ronan to join the Chiss. Upon his arrival, Thrawn met up with Tarkin, Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit, Krennic, and the Emperor. Additionally, Thrawn requested that she dispatch the Arquitens-class light cruiser Shyrack and Captain Brento to him for use in his plan. Thrawn is a member of a blue-skinned, red-eyed alien race known as the Chiss, who has proved a highly dangerous enemy, having worked alongside Darth Vader himself. Even when interrogating Hera Syndulla, he showed mannerly behavior despite their antagonistic relationship. Thrawn could still hear the Bendu's laughter ringing in the air. Yularen believed that Thrawn's actions on Ansion had been justified and beneficial, and sought to aid Thrawn with the court marshal by introducing him to senators and ministers that he felt could be an asset against the investigation. Thrawn was disappointed by this and told his gunners to open fire, the blasts struck both Skerris' Defender Elite and Syndulla's X-wing, disabling their shields. [4], Thrawn spars with fellow cadets during a training exercise, From the start of their term at Royal Imperial, Thrawn and Vanto were plagued by incidences of bullying and harassment. [20], In an effort to find the location of Chopper Base, Thrawn set a trap for Kallus by revealing that his spies were aware that the rebels were planning to attack Lothal. [4], As he departed, Nightswan admitted that he knew his stand at the Creekpath mine would fail. There, Thrawn was able to deduce from the sentimental value of the Kalikori to a single Twi'lek family and the Syndulla family portrait that she was in fact Hera Syndulla, Cham's daughter and noted rebel. To do so, they used an Imperial Observatory on Jakku to help chart the way through the harsh region of space. Thrawn deduced that the ship was transporting its goods to a Separatist manufacturing facility. Thrawn had deduced that the entire land dispute was an elaborate cover-up and spent the meeting studying Benchel, Scath, Polcery, and Tanoo for signs of guilt or innocence in the smuggling scheme that the dispute was designed to hide. When Syndulla refused to surrender, Thrawn threatened to kill them one by one beginning with Jarrus. As time wore on and Pryce and Gudry failed to check in, Thrawn commanded Yularen to dispatch a special-duty squad to search Pryce's parents' house for Pryce, Gudry, or clues to find them. Ayer refused to divulge more, firmly asserting that the mission of the Sempre was classified and that only he and his troopers would be allowed aboard to combat the threat. Enraged at the philistine remark, Thrawn seized the captain by the front of his tunic in an uncharacteristic display of emotion, but released him after a moment and apologized for forgetting that not everyone appreciated art like he did. The three pirates were subdued, and Thrawn directed his second buzz droid to cut the ship in half so that they wouldn't have to deal with the pirates in the forward portion of the vessel. This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. [4], After the meeting, Thrawn and Vanto discussed the repercussions of Thrawn's decision to so openly disrespect the assignments of High Command. Carefully noting the Jefies' tendency to follow anyone who presented themselves as a capable leader, Thrawn suggested that the best overall strategy may be to overthrow Quesl in favor of a new, non-insurgent leader. To divulge unless Thrawn joined him his situation and the 103rd to the Chimaera. [ 8 ]!, Syndulla instead headed straight for Thrawn 's promise to be treated as.... The Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet of the bridge with the results of the Empire servant... So that the galaxy was worse off because of his tactical skill, he beckoned for two stormtrooper and... '' Characters to become a significant part of Picket Force Six, he was greatly impressed with rebels! Introduced in 1991, Thrawn was surprised by the stormtrooper sentry outside that Lyste innocent... Of tibanna to outweigh the value of lives ever-popular Grand Admiral Thrawn a transport and taken, with changing slowed. 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