laogai death toll

... Report Suggests the CDC Manipulated the COVID Death Toll March 28, 2021 0. [20], The conditions that Laogai prisoners live in have been under scrutiny as the world learns more about them. Generally, food rations are cut by 10–20% if a worker fails to meet the standard. The policies killed thousands of landlords and resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, and thus the Anti-Peng Pai Incident was essentially retaliation from the local citizens. There are, according to the Chinese government, "approximately 200 different kinds of Laogai products that are exported to international markets". Also depending on location, the clothing is available in different thicknesses. Harry Wu has written books, including Troublemaker and Laogai, that describe the system from the 19(? [25], Nutrition in the camps was a big problem, especially during the early 1950s through the 1960s, in the early years of the PRC (People's Republic of China). "Inmates rarely leave with any new skills unless the training fits the camp's enterprising needs. [11] In January 1980, the Guangdong Revolutionary Committee was removed and the People's Government of Guangdong was re-established. Segue l’articolo [23], Food distribution has varied much through time, similar to its variation across the "over 1,155 documented laogai" camps. [23], Baths and showers were very rare and often not mentioned at all in memoirs. By Ian Johnson. During the night no lights are allowed and no one is allowed to move about. It's understudied, but the "reasonable" estimates are around 15 million, but this is still too high probably by a factor of at least 2. [24], The Laogai camps were infested with many types of pests. [24] New prisoners were forced to sleep nearest to the latrine while more senior ones slept near the opposite wall. Laogai entered Italian dictionary! [26] Starting August 1967, a massacre broke out and lasted for around half a month, causing the deaths of over 160 people; in addition, over 800 were crippled for life and over 3,000 were injured. Highly contagious, these were also often left untreated until it was too late. The Chinese government has stated, Our economic theory hold the human being is the most fundamental productive force. Like us on Facebook. These welts itched, and severe cases led to inmates scratching their skin raw, leading to dangerous infections. Commonly stamped on the uniforms are the Chinese characters for fan and lao gai meaning "criminal" and "reform through labor," respectively. Depending on the locale and its economic situation, the quality of clothing can vary significantly. In the end, an estimated 30 million people perished because of the Great Famine, and as ThoughtCo tells us, the combined death toll of the Great Leap Forward and the famine could be as high as 48 million. The death toll was somewhere between hundreds and thousands. [19][20], Starting from July 1968, the Guangdong Revolutionary Committee as well as the Guangdong military took advantage of two directives from the Central Committee of CPC (July 3rd Public Notice and July 24th Public Notice[21]), using them as excuses for cracking down the Red Flag faction, and thereafter collective killings became prevalent in Guangdong. The West's criticism of the laogai is based not only on the export of products made by forced labor, but also on the claims of detainees being held for political or religious violations, such as leadership of unregistered Chinese House Churches. ; E.D. The first form is the killing of adherents through beatings and various forms of torture. [17] While the laogai has attracted widespread criticism for the poor conditions in the prisons, Seymour and Anderson claim that reports are exaggerated, stating that "even at its worst, the laogai is not, as some have claimed, "the Chinese equivalent of the Soviet gulag". [10], According to a research paper (2003) by Andrew G. Walder of Stanford University and Yang Su of UC Irvine, the following six counties in Guangdong reported a death toll of over 1,000 due to the Cultural Revolution:[8]. Bed bugs were so numerous that at night they often moved in swarms. Eventually, death followed many of these conditions. [1][2][3][4][5] There were 80 counties in Guangdong during the Cultural Revolution, and according to the 57 county annals which became available during the "Boluan Fanzheng" period, massacres occurred in 28 of the counties with six counties recorded a death toll of over 1,000—the average death toll among all the 28 counties was 278. Interrogated and reprimanded for discussing with Ilham Tohti and other Uyghur dissidents and criticizing China's unfair treatment of its minority citizens in Xinjiang in 2009. [24] They sucked the blood of the prisoners, leaving little red welts all over their bodies. [17] In September 1976, Mao Zedong died and in October, the Gang of Four was arrested, putting an end to the Cultural Revolution. Upon return it is once again a dinner of cornbread, corn gruel, and vegetable soup. This is about average. [23] Roundworms were also a common threat to the prisoners' health, especially in laogai farms, where human excrement was used as fertilizer. Other articles where Laogai is discussed: Harry Hongda Wu: …assumed personal responsibility for exposing laogai (“reform through labour”), “a vast prison machine that crushes all vestiges of humanity—not only flesh and blood but spirit and ideals as well.” He founded the Laogai Research Foundation in 1992 and served as its executive director. [7][8], The system has been estimated to have caused tens of millions[9][10][11] of deaths and it has also been likened to slavery by its critics.[4][12][13]. According to Mao Zedong, "The Laogai facilities are one of the violent component parts of the state machine. At 9:30 p.m., no matter what the weather, all prisoners gather together outside the barracks for roll call and a speech from the captain. He noted fleas would be so numerous that they would "turn his quilt purplish black with their droppings". Outside this wall was 40 feet of empty space, followed by another wall, similar to the first but larger. Chinese student dissident and human rights activist, of Manchu Origin. This prisoner, called the zhiban or "duty prisoner," delivers the food to the rest of his group in large bowls on a cart. [2][4][16] The peak of the massacre lasted from July to October in 1968. ][23], While there are many types of Laogai complexes, most enterprises are farms, mines, or factories. The Guangdong Cultural Revolution Massacre (simplified Chinese: 广东文革屠杀; traditional Chinese: 廣東文革屠殺) was a series of massacres that took place in Guangdong Province of China during the Cultural Revolution. Both systems, however, were based on penal labour. Can Republicans Stop Democrats From Trashing The Country? In early 1967, local governments and committees of the Communist Party in Guangdong were paralyzed due to the power-seizure movement by the "rebel group (造反派)", and the society was in chaos. Each morning, the cadre of the camp decided who was sick enough to stay in the barracks and miss the day of work. Internet: Phone: toll free (866) 512–1800; DC area (202) 512–1800 ... Laogai is not a dying institution, as some have suggested. Professor R.J. Rummel puts the number of forced labor "democides" at 15,720,000, excluding "all those collectivized, ill-fed and clothed peasants who would be worked to death in the fields". [1][2] Meanwhile, in May 1968, Mao Zedong launched the "Cleansing the Class Ranks", a nationwide political purge that resulted in the persecution of at least tens of thousands in Guangzhou alone, many of whom with foreign ties were persecuted to death. Some prisoners may receive black or grey while others wear dark red or blue. ditch-digging or manure-spreading) do not often lead to desirable employment. During the 1950s and 1960s, Chinese prisons, which were similar to organized factories, contained large numbers of people who were considered too critical of the government or "counter-revolutionaries". Basic essentials, such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, toilet paper, soap, and towels were not provided; prisoners had to spend their wages to acquire them. [17] In August 1973, Huang was expelled out of the Communist Party of China. The prisoner Zhang Xianliang wrote that "the parasites on a single inmate's underpants would be as numerous as the words on the front page of a newspaper". Some prisoners excel and are able to do more than what is required of them. A 2015 special report from Freedom House, ... Local police regularly torture residents to death… The 1950s was a critical decade for identifying and suppressing opposition a… Whoever gave the president his estimate of the death toll was only making a guess. The number of detainees is uncertain. On March 15, Mao deemed military control necessary in Guangdong, appointing Huang Yongsheng as the director of the Military Control Commission. This behavior earned them the Laogai nickname of tanks or "tanke". [11][27], Some Chinese researchers have pointed out, however, that Peng Pai imposed "Red Terror" policies when he was leading the peasants' movement and after he established the "Hailufeng Soviet". During the Mao era, food in prisons was very scarce, not only because of a nationwide famine during the Great Leap Forward (1959–1962), but also because of the harsher rules[clarification needed]. There were also sentry towers on each corner. [13][14] In 1967, two factions in Guangdong—the "Red Flag faction (红旗派)", which was a rebel group, and the "East Wind faction (东风派)", which was a conservative group and supported the military control—often went into large-scale violent struggles.[2][15][16]. [17][18] However, organized defiance from the Red Flag faction persisted, and as a result the violent struggles continued while societal order did not re-establish in the following three months. [12], In May 1966, Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution in mainland China. "China's Prison Camps Turn to Commerce --- Forced Labor Helps Settle Unexploited Regions. [2] However, Chinese Criminal Law still stipulates that prisoners able to work shall "accept education and reform through labor". Estimates of the death toll during the Cultural Revolution range from 40,000 to 7,000,000 depending the source, but living witnesses saw very few people die during those years. Many of them simply perished in the camps, part of a Laogai death toll that by Wu's calculations may have reached 15 million since 1949. ", "Chongqing: China allows counsel for reeducation-through-labor cases", "Uighurs in 'forced labour for Western brands, "Al Jazeera English to close China bureau", China’s Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900, "China's Detention Camps for Muslims Turn to Forced Labor", Congressional-Executive Commission on China, "D.C. museum 1st in U.S. to look at Beijing's prison system", "The Great Separation: House Church Pastor Expects Death in Chinese Prison", "China's Laborers Pay Price for Market Reforms", "Exposing Laogai: Harry Wu Speaks At AIM Luncheon", Howard W. French, "Survivors' Stories From China". [1][2][4][5] The Guangdong massacre was among the most serious collective killings in China at the time, and was related to the Guangxi Massacre. The 70 million estimate relies on a ridiculous 27 million camp deaths. In the spring of 1989, activists gathered in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square and called for greater human rights. Do your students know that Chairman Mao was responsible for more than five times the death toll (via executions, policy induced famine, torture, war, nuclear testing, political purging, etc…) that Adolf Hitler is associated with? March 28, 2021 0. In Jiabiangou, Gansu, around 2,500 out of 3,000 prisoners died of starvation between 1960 and 1962, with some survivors resorting to cannibalism. During the Cultural Revolution, Guangdong recorded one of the highest numbers of "abnormal deaths" in China: In September 1971, the "Lin Biao incident" broke out and Huang Yongsheng, then chairman of the Guangdong Revolutionary Committee, was removed from his post and was arrested as an ally of Lin. [24] These minimums do not meet the needs of the prisoners, who must purchase underclothes, socks, hats, and jackets with their meager monthly earnings of 2.5–3 yuan (US$0.37–US$0.44 as of April 11, 2009). [6][22], The Guangzhou Laogai Fan Incident (广州吊劳改犯事件/广州打劳改犯事件), or the incident of Laogai prisoners, took place in Guangzhou in August 1967. [9] They claim that inmates were subjected to back-breaking labor in the most hostile wastelands, and that executions and suicides by any means (like diving into a wheat chopper) were commonplace.[9]. Counterattack the Right-Deviationist Reversal-of-Verdicts Trend, Central Organization and Propaganda Leading Group, List of campaigns of the Communist Party of China,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 January 2021, at 22:48. However, the Chinese government considers Laogai to be effective in controlling prisoners and furthering China's economy. Common methods of fatal torture include shock with multiple electric batons, hangings by the wrists or ankles – including upside down fo… Minimum death toll is the minimum estimate of famine dead (15 million) plus minimum estimate of land reform dead (0.8 million) plus minimum estimate for Counte… The vast majority of the torture takes place in prisons, temporary detention centers, and throughout the P.R.C.’s vast labor camp system. [23] Also, many inmates would steal produce from the fields they worked on, smuggling vegetables back to their barracks. Review of Su, Yang, Collective Killings in Rural China during the Cultural Revolution. [10] In April 1968, the local revolutionary committee was established and in August, local military began its massacre targeting members of the counter-revolutionary organizations, killing over 700 people in total. [1][2][5] The massacre in Yangjiang was the most serious, with over 2,600 deaths in Yangchun County alone. Generally the prisoners return to the barracks at about 6:30 p.m. [24] Other health problems caused by the lack of healthy food included severe diarrhea or constipation from the lack of oil and fiber. [7][23] As a result, local civilians exhibited extreme act of violence towards strangers for the sake of self-protection. [12] "A quarter of China's tea is produced in Laogai camps; 60 percent of China's rubber-vulcanizing chemicals are produced in a single Laogai camp in Shengyang ... one of the largest steel-pipe factories in the country is a Laogai camp ... "[12] One camp alone, Ziangride, harvests more than 22,000 metric tons of grain every year. Undershooting or overshooting the target productivity governs their quality of life. Vertalingen van het uitdrukking THE DEATHS OF TENS OF THOUSANDS van engels naar nederlands en voorbeelden van het gebruik van "THE DEATHS OF TENS OF THOUSANDS" in een zin met hun vertalingen: ...kind of divine plan requires the deaths of tens of thousands of people?. [12] In 1981, Huang Yongsheng was sentenced to 18 years in prison and died in 1983. [10] Harry Wu puts the death toll at 15 million. Food is distributed by one person per squad, which consists of about 10 people. Before the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) took control, hunger was rarely used to control prisoners. Stay updated via RSS. Chapman, Michael. [26] In the incident, Peng Pai was labelled as a "traitor" and "opportunist". [12] One camp near Beijing distributes between 13.5 and 22.5 kg of food per person per month. The food consists of sorghum and corn, which are ground into flour and made into bread or gruel. Another common pest was lice; some prisoners were known to eat them to supplement their meager diet. In China, although this argument was used, career preparation was minimal until recently. [4][5][6] Publication of information about China's prison system by Al Jazeera English resulted in its expulsion from China on May 7, 2012. Mao’s total death toll reached an estimated 65 million before he died on September 9, 1976. If prisoner deaths from labor colonies and special settlements are included, the death toll according to J. Otto Pohl rises to 2,749,163, although the historian who compiled this estimate (J. Otto Pohl) stresses that it is incomplete, and doesn't cover all prisoner categories for every year. They may be indifferent to the laogai, but let’s hear their reaction on this news from China. They sometimes receive extra or better quality food. [1][2] Moreover, in Hainan Island, which was an administrative region of Guangdong Province at the time, massacres also occurred in places such as the Dan County (over 700 deaths). The officials also took their sweet time even acknowledging the situation, and neglected to secure food aid in a swift manner. [7][23][25] Many bodies of the victims in the massacre were hung up on trees or utility poles along the streets. 1734 S St NW, Washington, DC. As many as 10,000 people were arrested and many executed. In the 21st century, critics have said that Chinese prisons produce products for sale in foreign countries, with the profits going to the PRC government. Laogai (Hanzi: 劳改; Pinyin: Láogǎi), singkatan untuk Láodòng Gǎizào (劳动改造), yang berarti reformasi melalui tenaga kerja, adalah sebuah sistem peradilan pidana yang dihapuskan yang melibatkan penggunaan buruh tahanan dan pertanian penjara di Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT). [citation needed], Investigators from the Laogai Research Foundation have confirmed sites where prisoners mine asbestos and other toxic chemicals with no protective gear, work with batteries and battery acid with no protection for their hands, tan hides while standing naked in vats filled 3-feet deep with chemicals used for the softening of animal skins, and work in improperly run mining facilities where explosions and other accidents are a common occurrence. One must remain in one's assigned sleeping place and wait until 5:30 a.m. the next morning before getting up, when the whole cycle begins again. Currently, the Laogai Research Foundation, a human rights NGO located in Washington, DC, estimates that approximately 1,045 laogai facilities are operating in China, and contain an estimated 6.8 million detainees. [18] Conditions in Laogai camps [19] After almost starving to death in the camps, he eventually moved to the United States as a visiting scholar in 1985. The brainwashing that occurred over the amount of time people were imprisoned could be so intense that they were driven to insanity and, in many cases, suicide.[23]. [17] Currently, the Laogai Research Foundation, a human rights NGO located in Washington, DC, estimates that there are approximately 1,045 laogai facilities in China, [18] containing an estimated 6.8 million detainees, [19] although the actual number of detainees is uncertain. [22][23] Also issued to the prisoners are a pair of shoes made of rubber or plastic. Washing clothes was also rare, but clothing supplies in prisons have improved since the mid-Deng-Jiang Era. Hours & Info. However, many people arrested for political or religious reasons were released in the late 1970s at the start of the Deng Xiaoping reforms (known as reform and opening). The conditions in these camps are considered extremely harsh by most of the world's cultures. This wall is about 20 feet high and topped with electrical fencing. Violence and abnormal death Circular by the CCP Gansu Provincial Committee leading group on Rightist reform work on the problems in checking up on the inmates at Jiabiangou Labor Camp Jun 24, 2019 [7][23] The incident lasted for around a week and was caused by rumors that the Laogai prisoners were released from prisons in northern Guangdong and that Guangzhou was about to be looted. Mission Laogai – A project to increase student awareness of political injustice and elicit a sense of activism about injustices that occur in Laogai prisons. Cases were documented of prisoners eating "field mice, crickets, locusts, toads, grapevine worms, grasshoppers, insect larvae and eggs, and poisonous snakes"., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 30 March 2021, at 13:03. In una situazione di pace surreale a Urumchi, Kashgar e altre città dell’Est Turkestan, attuata forzatamente da decine di migliaia di truppe e forze di polizia cinese, l’Associazione americana Uiguri (UAA) è profondamente amareggiata dal numero di morti e feriti di tutte le etnie che sono stati provocati dalle proteste della scorsa settimana. These two were often left untreated and, added to the continuous strain of 12 hours of manual labor, weakened the immune system. Congo Free State (1886-1908): 8,000,000 []: Roger Casement's original 1904 report estimated that as many as 3 million Congolese had died of disease, torture or shooting since 1888 (cited in Gilbert's History of the Twentieth Century; also in Colin Legum, Congo Disaster (1972)). Some camps have reported two meals a day, while others allow three. Congratulations! This often involves pushing the cart a great distance to the place where the others are working. "Press Release: Laogai Museum Now Open to the Public". Laogai (Chinese: 劳改; pinyin: Láogǎi), the abbreviation for Láodòng Gǎizào (劳动改造), which means reform through labor, is a criminal justice system involving the use of penal labour and prison farms in the People's Republic of China (PRC) and North Korea (DPRK). Others survived, but … Like us on Facebook. [23], Along with a poor diet came many diet-related diseases: beriberi, edema, scurvy, and pellagra were the most common, due to lack of vitamins. During the Boluan Fanzheng period, Xi Zhongxun, then Provincial Secretary of the CPC in Guangdong, was in charge of the rehabilitation of the victims, receiving support from the Central Committee of CPC. [14] Products include everything from green tea to industrial engines to coal dug from mines. Except for those who must be exterminated physically out of political consideration, human beings must be utilized as productive forces, with submissiveness as the prerequisite. Descriptions of camp life by inmates, which point to high mortality rates, indicate a probable annual death rate of at least 10 per cent. [11] In January 1980, the Guangdong Revolutionary Committee was removed and the People's Government of Guangdong was re-established. In Mao: The Unknown Story, the Mao Zedong biographer Jung Chang and historian Jon Halli Inmates who entered the Laogai system with marketable skills were often assigned jobs utilizing these skills within the prison complex. The Laogai system's fundamental policy is "Forced Labor as a means, while Thought Reform is our basic aim. ", being held for political or religious violations, Concentration camps in the Independent State of Croatia, Internment camps in Sweden during World War II, List of concentration and internment camps, "Prison slaves: China is the world's factory, but does a dark secret lurk behind this apparent success story? The new regime faced plenty of opposition from different corners, including defeated Nationalist soldiers, former backers of the Guomindang, landlords and capitalist businessmen, political moderates and democrats, warlords and provincial leaders, ethnic minorities, Christians and foreigners. [1] Persons who were detained in the laojiao were detained in facilities that were separate from those which comprised the general prison system of the laogai. Laogai facilities of all levels are established as tools representing the interests of the proletariat and the people's masses and exercising dictatorship over a minority of hostile elements originating from exploiter classes. [26] Dulan County prisoners have planted over 400,000 trees.[26]. Prisoners are roused from bed at 5:30 a.m., and at 6:00 a.m. the zhiban from the kitchen wheels in a cart with tubs of corn gruel and cornbread ... at 7:00 a.m. the company public security cadre (captain) comes in, gathers all the prisoners together, and authorizes any sick prisoners to remain in the barracks. Wu spent 19 years, from 1960 to 1979, as a prisoner in these camps, for having criticized the government while he was a young college student. On June 4, the Chinese Army opened fire on the protesters and crushed some under the treads of their tanks. [4][5][10] Moreover, more than 50,000 people (some says 5,000[4][5]) were jailed, some 700 houses were burned down, and thousands of people were permanently disabled. [23] Prisoners were known to have spread manure, both human and animal, and been required to eat immediately without being able to wash their hands. 2024088301. Using this estimate, there would have been 1.5 – 2.5 million Falun Gong practitioners in labor camps in 2010 alone. [12], Career preparation has historically been used to justify forced labor prison systems around the world. [11] The cousin and the nephew of Peng Pai were killed in the massacre, while Peng's mother was persecuted; the head of Peng's nephew was cut off by the perpetrator and displayed to the public for three days. Once at the worksite, the captain delegates production responsibilities ... At lunchtime the zhiban arrives pulling a handcart with a large tub of vegetable soup, two hunks of cornbread for each prisoner, and a large tube of drinking water ... after about 30 minutes, work is resumed until the company chief announces quitting time in the evening. Baths and showers were very rare and often not mentioned at all memoirs! Of life prisoners are a pair of shoes made of cement or wood, but … Today about to... 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