love + fear

You can no more expect to reap a harvest of what you "love" by planting "fear" seeds than you would expect to reap a harvest of apples by planting an orange seed. As well as multiple outfits that are her "best yet". Do you remember talking about polarity in a previous lesson? In fact becoming consciously aware of the power of both love and fear and learning to consciously direct your thoughts, beliefs and emotions toward love, regardless of the "perceived" appearances in your physical world, will prove to provide "profound" transformation in each of your physical outcomes. Most have heard and are familiar with the saying that Love and fear cannot co-exist. However, the reasons we give may have workable solutions, and what’s really driving us are those deeper fears of loss. The list is endless..."Infinite" in fact. We tend to believe that the more we care, the more we can get hurt. Fear of a lack of security…fear of failure…fear of the unknown...fear of the future based on the past experiences they've encountered that were experienced simply as a result of fear based beliefs chosen and held in the past which created and caused the experience to begin with. Love softens you, fear hardens you. New love stirs up past hurts. Fear and love are indeed two sides of the same thing—or, if you want to be all scientific about it, they're governed by the same hormone, oxytocin. Simply choose love. Fear of failure keeps you from "doing" those things which would create the success that you desire and IS the "underlying" cause for creating what is "perceived" as failure or mediocre results at best. Although you are unable to change the fact that you think, you do have a choice and can consciously choose "what" you think. If you have a desire to see your big dreams and desires unfold, don't fear what you don't want…learn to shift and focus your predominant thoughts on loving what you do want. Why is love so painful? Much like breaking from an old identity, this separation isn’t physical. That is why experiencing what we love can seem so difficult, or in some cases, impossible. Become aware of who and what you truly are, which is a spiritual being inhabiting a physical "meat suit" which is having a physical experience with EVERY conceivable outcome already available to you. But I am now reconsidering this idea, maybe there are basically only two approaches to living: love or fear. 18 There is no fear in love. You are at all times thinking, speaking and acting out of … The story of lost love is one most of us can tell, and the question, "Why do relationships fail?” lingers heavily in the back of our minds. So you're not a "10" in every which way. An individual choice that you have the right as well as the ability to make. The Law of Attraction says "Thought correlates with it's object.". LOVE + FEAR was designed by Andy Renton and shot by Zoey Grossman. About two decades ago I heard this overly simplistic idea—that there are really only two emotions, love or fear —and I disregarded it. “Fear is the most difficult emotion to handle. Learn to Love yourself and get out there and REALLY's an extremely empowering, exciting, fulfilling and powerfully transformational event. The Love and Fear article and all content throughout is copyright protected and strictly prohibited from copy or reproduction of any type without the express written consent of the author Chuck Danes and/or Enlightened Journey Enterprises. We cannot selectively numb ourselves to sadness without numbing ourselves to joy. Take Me To The Wealth Creation Index Page, Copyright © 2008. Make no mistake…action is ALWAYS required in the fulfillment of hopes and dreams but when the focus remains fixated on the love of something the avenues to make that something into tangible physical form will ALWAYS be pleasant and feel good to you and due to the love and passion you have for what is attracted and presented can seem effortless. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love." We can choose to focus on lack, limitation and discontent which falls under the "fear" heading or we can choose to place and keep that focus on abundance, plenty and fulfillment which is categorized under the love heading. By getting to know ourselves, we give ourselves the best chance of finding and maintaining lasting love. In the same way all sponsoring emotions experienced can be and are categorized under one or the other...either love or fear. Many of us shy away from the things that would make us happiest, because they also make us feel pain. It's no secret in today's world that the predominant thoughts that you think become things...physical things. Faith is constant and unfailing in delivering outcomes in each and every area of life. Your choice to focus on Love and experiencing what you love is a belief that you can and "Unconditional Love" )the Law of Attraction) makes certain that you do. We all have a “critical inner voice,” which acts like a cruel coach inside our heads that tells us we are worthless or undeserving of happiness. So when I say is it love or is it fear I’m asking you to get spiritually fierce, to get so self-approving that you will have the courage to trust your intuition even when its guiding you into the unknown. Most fears are experienced as the result of looking at the past and believing that because some undesirable event, condition or circumstance happened then, that it could be or will be repeated at some point in the future. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. You have absolutely NOTHING to fear except your "unwillingness" to begin consciously, purposefully and intentionally creating the kind and quality of life that you have been provided the right, the ability as well as the choice to choose for yourself. Love over fear is a choice every time someone tells us something about ourselves or has an experience of us that we don’t want to hear. These fears can be masked by various justifications for why things aren’t working out—but we may be surprised to learn about all of the ways that we self-sabotage when we get close to someone else. We may even try to rationalize to ourselves a million reasons we shouldn’t be in the relationship. As Dr. Pat Love said in an interview with PsychAlive, “when you long for something, like love, it becomes associated with pain,” the pain you felt at not having it in the past. On the pure sales chart Love + Fear landed at 3 and lasted 6 weeks on the UK album sales chart, longer than her last album Frootstayed on the chart. When we fall in love, we not only face the fear of losing our partner, but we become more aware of our mortality. The truth is that love is often imbalanced, with one person feeling more or less from moment to moment. Fear harms the trusting of love. Whether we know it or not, most of us are afraid of really being in love. Granted, the love of something emits a far greater and far more powerful energy, but remaining focused and fixated on fear can, will and does produce results based on that which is feared. Worrying over how we will feel keeps us from seeing where our feelings would naturally go. The Law of Attraction is a scientific expression that we can use to better understand and define "Unconditional Love" which is continually unfolding, and attracts to us our physical experiences…what we "perceive" to be our reality which is based on and determined by our inalienable right of free will to choose either love or fear or a mix of. Enjoy deserve it...In fact it's your birthright. Focusing on that which is feared can only attract and produce what you fear in physical form just as remaining focused on desired outcomes…those that you love will, with unwavering certainty draw to you the ways and means to produce the desired outcomes. Why People in Recovery Should Stop Focusing on "Relapse", The Big Challenge: Jumping From Adolescence Into Adulthood. Inevitably love ALWAYS wins. Fear paralyzes and keeps hopes dreams and desires from being fulfilled in life just as love makes certain that they're experienced. LOVE+FEAR is an album set split into two eight-song collections and lands as MARINA'S fourth full-length record since she released her critically-acclaimed third album, FROOT, in 2015. So what drives our fears of intimacy? This is a very strong argument: Love neutralizes fear. Although both love and fear, or ANY other emotional output for that matter, at their core exist as vibrational energies, love resonates and projects a much higher vibrational resonance than fear which can only draw to you energies that harmonize with the energy being projected which is transmuted from the unseen, metaphysical or spiritual realm and through the unwavering and immutable process of creation produces a harvest which shows up as the events, conditions and circumstances in your life. When it comes to falling in love, we may be hesitant to go “all in,” for fear of the sadness it would stir up in us. Any and all guarantees are handled through the company that provides the resource. Fear keeps people stuck doing what they feel they "have" to do to have their security and as a result few rarely venture out to fulfill their passion and purpose which would, when done with the proper intention...out of love...provide them with far more security than any "trade your time for money" J.O.B. We are rarely fully aware of how we defend against these existential fears. Summary: The fourth full-length album by Marina Diamand is the first with her shortened name (previously under Marina And The Diamonds) features a collaboration with Clean Bandit and Luis Fonsi. An "anxious" expectation of receiving is a communication that you are waiting for and expecting an outcome which the Universe responds to in precisely the way it is being communicated which keeps you in a place of continual waiting and expectation with the desired outcome remaining just outside of your reach. Relationships can be the ultimate symbol of growing up. An attachment to or "anxiousness toward" an outcome projects and communicates want which implies not having or the lack of which projects an energy frequency which is tainted by fear and pushes away rather than draws to you the desired outcome. Getting to know our fears of intimacy and how they inform our behavior is an important step to having a fulfilling, long-term relationship. It took about 2,000 years, but contemporary neurobiological evidence has revealed that Lao Tzu and Saint John were absolutely on the money. Any habits we’ve long had that allow us to feel self-focused or self-contained start to fall by the wayside. Fearing in something happening in your life is due to an underlying belief just as the Love and experience of something is due to an underlying belief. It took about 2,000 years, but contemporary neurobiological evidence has revealed that Lao … Love represents one form of this seed and fear represents a different form of seed. It will in fact keep the majority from ever "truly" living life to the fullest unless a conscious choice is made to choose something different. Both provide physical outcomes "unconditionally" that harmonize and correlate precisely and with unwavering certainty with your individual choice. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love” (1 John 4:17-18). Plant a seed and the harvest produced consists of and correlates with the kind and quality of seed planted. Fear is a negative reinforcement while love is a positive reinforcement. The more you focus on the things you want, (love) the more of those kinds of things you'll see manifest in your life. In the first phase of Love Not Fear, we’ve distributed to 47 organizations to support their tireless work of meeting the immediate needs of our community. Love and fear. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. Learn to "consciously" utilize the incredible and never failing creative power that has been freely provided to you and your ability to rise above any "perceived" obstacle that might be encountered in life by merely making the conscious choice to do so will be automatic. Old, negative dynamics may make us wary of opening ourselves up to someone new. It’s also a lot darker, electronically. The ways we were hurt in previous relationships, starting from our childhood, have a strong influence on how we perceive the people we get close to as well as how we act in our romantic relationships. LOVE + FEAR debuted at 5 on the UK albums chart. Many today...the mass majority in fact are inundated with various fears and as a result of what they are "unconsciously" asking for through their vibrational output or energetic projection are continually attracting events, conditions and circumstances that are harmonious with that choice resulting in outcomes which further reinforce the "perceptions" that life is hard, difficult or at best bearable. You get to choose your experience. Fear and love are the two most powerful motivators of human behavior. Most relationships bring up an onslaught of challenges. Relationships can break your connection to your family. Despite saying on the first leg there will not be a supporting act but a pre-s… When we enter into a relationship, we are rarely fully aware of how we’ve been impacted by our history. You are frightened, deathly terrified, that something will happen to those you … When we love we […] These vibrational frequencies attract to themselves additional frequencies that harmonize with them creating in physical form whatever choice you make. Failure is merely fear created in physical form but creation is ALWAYS successful...It NEVER fails and ALWAYS provides just what you ask. We have trouble feeling our own value and believing anyone could really care for us. Love is going with the flow and fear is paddling against it. There are those who perceive that what was taught by the greatest spiritual teachers is outdated and can't be applied in todays world. Truth will NEVER become outdated. Love has in it no element of fear; but perfect love drives away fear, because fear involves pain, and if a man gives way to fear, there is something imperfect in his love. Why is it that based on a recent CNN poll taken in 2006, it was found that 86% of those polled expressed dislike and dissatisfaction in their careers, yet the majority of those "believed" that they had no choice in the matter? Either choice delivers precisely what we choose because "Unconditional Love" says "Whatsoever ye desire..."believe" and ye shall receive.". Unconditional Love provides you with the choice as to what you will experience and the same Unconditional Love provides it too you just as you choose. Is the experience of the thing feared being realized? Love surely is possible and is worth the effort. This development can also represent a parting from our family. When looked at from a deeper perspective, seeking security is simply another form of fear disguised. It's been proven that career dissatisfaction is one of the greatest underlying causes for depression yet those who feel stuck in their careers due to fear choose to remain there. The shows shall be split into 2 halves that both represent the album, "Love" and "Fear", and will be structured like a theatre show where the set will change throughout. Fear keeps the majority trapped in a self imposed prison. You are at all times thinking, speaking and acting out of love or out of fear. If ever there were a time to stop beating yourself up for being human, it is now. In fact everything in your life, including every thought that you think, every word that you speak, every action you take falls under one of these powerfully creative headings. The process of creation has been created to be VERY simple. Love + Fear is both introspective and very universal, as Marina searches within herself to reevaluate what her music means to her and then produces an album that's very outward-looking, as she tackles climate-change, politics, social media, loneliness to name but a few. We may steer away from intimacy, because it stirs up old feelings of hurt, loss, anger or rejection. You can choose to project love or you can choose to project fear. Our core defenses are challenged. The closet dupe is Copperplate Gothic & PT Sans for Love + Fear (slightly squished). What I personally choose to refer to as Abundance and Happiness. Each of the resources recommended in the Love and Fear article and throughout has been personally tested and approved by the founder as a credible and effective means of accomplishing it's intended purpose. Often times we love our passions, but afraid to pursue them, Love over fear is a lifestyle brand to promote love and push us to overcome our fears Before you go on to the next chapter, there's something else I should tell you...I Love You. | Let's look at how fear effects various people in their day to day lives and keeps them from fulfilling the BIG dreams and desires that so many have but so few attain.... Why do you suppose that according to a recent Harris Poll, of the 72% of people surveyed in the US alone who expressed a desire to begin a home based business that so few ever follow through and do so? Love, Fear and Uncertainty. In an attempt to cover over this fear, we may focus on more superficial concerns, pick fights with our partner or, in extreme cases, completely give up the relationship. "Truth" is eternal. LOVE + FEAR is the highly anticipated fourth studio album by MARINA. It doesn’t mean literally giving up our family, but rather letting go on an emotional level – no longer feeling like a kid and differentiating from the more negative dynamics that plagued our early relationships and shaped our identity. These critical thoughts or “inner voices” are often harmful and unpleasant, but they’re also comfortable in their familiarity. Make certain that what you are projecting through your thoughts and emotional output is filled with love which cannot fail to draw to you more of that which you love. Because of where you keep your predominant focus…your quality of consciousness. One Year In: How Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Affecting Us? It is essential that you discover and exercise your "true" power to discover that who you "really and truly are" has absolutely nothing to fear, but that we make ourselves fearful each time we look outside of ourselves for some external thing or power to make us feel fearless. And it is the pain that makes people fear love. FEAR. Many, fully believing that by remaining aware of those things feared will enable them to escape them when in reality it is the awareness of and focus on the things feared which draws them to you. What the most enlightened masters of the past taught is being validated by modern day science today. "I stay where I am because I'm seeking security." Choose Love inside and you'll experience those things that you Love on the outside. The reality is that you are NOT running into blocks and barriers keeping you from your desired outcomes...those things that you love...but rather attracting them to you and creating them based on YOUR choosing of keeping your focus on them. That choosing determines with immutable and unwavering certainty 100% of the time what that harvest will consist of. When asked why she picked black and white covers Marina laughed "I just don't know." It was released digitally on 13 September 2019 by Atlantic Records and contains five acoustic versions of songs that originally appeared on Marina's fourth studio album, Love + Fear. Just the way someone who was badly burned will not get close to a fire. Perfect Love Casts Out Fear from 1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. Love and Fear Lyrics: Between love and fear / Girl, be nice to me, yeah / She said she need a re-up / That's not a bad idea / And if looks can kill ya / I'd be unfamiliar / We could do it for real We are placing a great amount of trust in another person, allowing them to affect us, which makes us feel exposed and vulnerable. As adults, we may fail to see them as an enemy, instead accepting their destructive point of view as our own. In life, love and fear can be viewed as conflicting, meaning they are disharmonious and repel each other, much like water and oil. Thought correlates with it's object. Although in reality they do co-exist in the physical world they cannot be experienced by the heart or mind at the same time. Fear NEVER feels good. Often, as in my case, parents find themselves at odds over whether decisions about how much supervision is required are motivated by fear — of a world full of danger and/or judgment from other parents – or love. That's an inalienable right we have each been provided. As with everything both Love and fear at their core in their purest and most basic form exist as a vibrational frequency of energy. They represent starting our own lives as independent, autonomous individuals. In their purest sense, love and fear cannot coexist. Regardless of which area of life it might be, fear is a very limiting and sad way to live life. By Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes . Fear is merely a form of faith, often unrecognized which is determined by choosing to place your predominant focus on that which is feared. LOVE+FEAR are both lush, vibrant and powerful representations of the two main emotional driving forces behind human responses. When we truly love God and act on that love, we will not fear God’s punishment. What so few fail to realize and grasp is that Fear is merely "faith" disguised. We get to choose which we will use because of "Unconditional Love" and that Unconditional Love attracts to us and provides us what we choose without fail whether that individual choice is based on love or fear. All that needs to be done is to replace the fear with love. The more someone means to us, the more afraid we are of losing that person. We have God’s promise that believers in Jesus Christ will not be judged with the world: “God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:9; cf. Fear is merely a form of faith that resides on the opposite end of the spectrum of love. You only need become conscious of that fact…awaken and begin "consciously" choosing what you love by placing and consistently keeping your predominant focus on what it is that you love. Love and fear are the root foundations of all our other emotions. It is the withdrawal of the pleasure that makes it painful. Put another way, you will never experience what you desire to experience in your life by keeping your predominant focus on what you would rather not experience. Doing so, while also remaining conscious and aware of your tangible results, will provide you with a much deeper understanding and in fact, PROOF as to how the day to day events, conditions and circumstances in the various areas of your life unfold. Creation NEVER fails. Fear is merely a "faith" that whatever it is that is being feared will unfold and as a result it does. Fear is always struggle, resistance and continually attempting to swim against the current. Our life now holds more value and meaning, so the thought of losing it becomes more frightening. So how do you break out of this fear mode? Your physical experiences in life...those things that you can see, touch, taste, hear and smell are merely effects. A new relationship is uncharted territory, and most of us have natural fears of the unknown. When another person sees us differently from our voices, loving and appreciating us, we may actually start to feel uncomfortable and defensive, as it challenges these long-held points of identification. Fear is merely a "faith" or belief that the things we fear will be experienced by us in physical form and as a result of that underlying "belief", that is what we will experience at some point unless and until the fear is changed within ourselves and we make the choice to shift the focus from what is feared to what is loved. Love doesn't require effort for attraction to occur. That creation begins within yourself. Although "consciousness is the seed for all of creation there is another element to experiencing your dreams and desires in the physical world. It's choosing to place your predominant focus on the things feared from the past that will ensure that more of the thing feared and focused on will be created in the future. 1 … The one who fears is not made perfect in love. Learning to become consciously aware of our reactions to specific outcomes whether it be love or fear can be a great way to let us know what we are believing in at any given moment and begin to understand how to better utilize our creative power "consciously", intentionally and purposefully. Reviewed by Lybi Ma. While these attitudes can be hurtful, over time, they have become engrained in us. It is afraid people whom have difficulty loving. While you may come up with ways to temporarily counter the effects that the fear will create, you will always find yourself acting and escaping from the effects of the fear rather than focusing on love and never having to dodge or escape anything. This is a very strong argument: Love neutralizes fear. Allowing worry or guilt over how we may or may not feel keeps us from getting to know someone who is expressing interest in us and may prevent us from forming a relationship that could really make us happy. 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