november 1917 ww1

The improvised defence gradually sealed the position and once again an initially promising attack lost momentum. 6th Division 40th Division Routine. The operational factors that led to initial British success were maart 1917: maart 12th (Eastern) Division The situation for the Germans was serious for a while: two divisions virtually destroyed, gaps in the line, ammunition short, and infantry details being sent in to shore up the defences. Infantry could cross slowly by a lock gate a couple of hundred yards away, but the intended cavalry advance was effectively halted. 55th (West Lancashire) Division. Buried in Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery. A contributory factor was intelligence of the enemy’s dispositions and ability to reinforce and counter attack, which appears to have been reasonably accurate. 2nd Division Killed in action 24 November 1917. 56th (1st London) Division Buried in Fins New British Cemetery. The plan – devised and organised with exceptional pace for an action of this magnitude – was for a main force from the Busigny and Caudry Groups to strike from the south, recapture the Hindenburg positions at Havrincourt and Flesquieres and then roll up the British forces now stuck in Bourlon Wood, when forces of the Arras Group north and west of that area would also join the attack. Machine Gun Officer, 61st Division. On the left of Flesquieres, the 62nd (2nd West Riding) Division fought hard through the ruins of Havrincourt, up to and through Graincourt and by nightfall were within sight of Anneux in the lee of the commanding height crowned by Bourlon Wood. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. There was good news, however, as the 51st (Highland) Division finally crept into Flesquieres, abandoned during the night by the Germans. Guards Division Behind the front, the roads resembled those at Morval a year before, the traffic unable to move through mud and snow, along roads for which there was insufficient stone and labour to carry out adequate running repairs. Nov 20, 2017 - British Mark IV Female and Male Tanks of 'C' Battalion, including 'Crusty' and 'Centaur II' loaded aboard a train at Plateau Station in preparation for movement to the forward area prior to the opening of the Battle of Cambrai. Posted on November 16, 2017 by davidpenmanatdmu The latest Ashbourne recruit to the Sherwood Foresters to have ‘died a soldier’s death’ was Lance Sergeant Stevenson. On 30/31 December, German troops dressed in white camouflage suits surprised British battalions in snow on the southern part of the Cambrai front. Possible OB on 20 th November 1917 22 company OIC - 1 Section. For the same date in other years, see November 20. The 5th Cavalry Division advanced through them but were repulsed in front of Noyelles. For the same date in other years, see November 2. 531 (Andy Hunter, click to enlarge) on to December 1917 . An improvised crossing also allowed the B squadron of the Fort Garry Horse to cross, but they were left unsupported and withdrew. Officer commanding 38th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. 17-02-1917: Britse troepen veroveren Duitse stellingen aan de Ancre. De aanduiding 'wereldoorlog' slaat enerzijds op de vele Engelse en Franse troepen die vanuit de koloniën naar Europa werden gehaald, anderzijds op de gevechten die werkelijk in koloniën plaatsvonden zoals in Afrika, de Grote Oceaan en het Midden-Oosten. III Corps (Pulteney) WW1 letters home from a volunteer on the Western Front November 1918, a useful resource for military history, genealogy and family history. But it seems that the cavalry was indifferently commanded. Amongst the troops defending the artillery positions at Gouzeaucourt were the11th United States Engineer Company. Killed in action 3 December 1917. Battalions in the wood were wiped out. They establish a non-democratic Soviet Government based on Marxism which prohibits private enterprise and private land ownership. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Both they and units hurriedly ordered to shore up the clearly splintering defence were shocked at what they saw. Print. Beginning on 8 August 1918, the British Expeditionary Force undertook a series of large scale attacks on multiple fronts in which artillery, armour, aircraft and infantry operated effectively together in “all arms” battles. Thereafter, according to Kiggell, the plan “just growed”. 2nd Division Chinese Zodiac: Snake. The Daily Mail called it a “Splendid Success” and headlined on 23 November with “Haig through the Hindenburg Line”. For the same date in other years, see November 13. It is little wonder that Snow received reports of unusual activity. Commemorated on Louverval Memorial to the Missing. 1 Feb. 2nd Cavalry Division 36th (Ulster) Division B Battalion:Wailly. Aged 25 when killed on 30 November 1917. 1st Cavalry Division But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. He told me that he had offered him 2 or 3 which he named. V Corps (Fanshawe) The British were now in an exposed position in the lee of Bourlon Wood, the capture of which would still prove to be useful, in cutting German access to key light railway lines feeding their front. On 20 November 1917, the Germans were surprised by a brief but intense artillery attack on a 10-mile front. At the sight of their smoke on the horizon the minesw… Note: the official title of this phase is a little misleading.Only IV Corps fought for the wood itself. 1st Cavalry Division They made a convincing case that with growing strength in France, the Corps should not be frittered away at Ypres but used collectively to punch a hole into the enemy defences. More important is that the battle provided a basis from which operational strengths could be identified and refined, and weaknesses eliminated, by the time of the key victories at Hamel and Amiens in June and August 1918. • Third Battle of Gaza – The British XXI Corps of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacked and captured Umbrella hill, a massive sand dune defense held by the Ottomans west of Gaza. Officer commanding 14th Highland Light Infantry. On the extreme right of the attack, the 7th Royal Sussex got into Banteux, which had been subjected to gas attack from Livens projectors. De Eerste Wereldoorlog werd vooral in Europa gevoerd. 20th (Light) Division De tankslag bij Cambrai (1917) De tankslag bij Cambrai (1917) De eerste grote tankslag in november - … 36th (Ulster) Division 59th (2nd North Midland) Division. November 1917: 66C.SW.4: 1A: Trenches corrected to 8 November 1917: November 1917: … For the same date in other years, see November 29. Capt the Hon Edwards C (in H4) H4, ,Harvester, 2Lt Davis RC. Byng was all for carrying on, issuing orders to III Corps at 8pm to continue the push into the Masnieres-Beaurevoir line to allow passage of the cavalry, and to IV Corps for finally completing the capture of Flesquieres and Bourlon before the 48 hour limit was reached. 19 Jan. IV Corps (Woollcombe) (relieved by V Corps on 1 December) November 1, 1918 - After pausing to regroup and resupply, Allied armies resume their eastward march as the U.S. 1st Army and newly formed U.S. 2nd Army attack remaining German positions along the Meuse River near southern Belgium, while the Belgians and British move toward Ghent and Mons in Belgium. The Cambrai operations, 1917 (Battle of Cambrai) 20 November – 30 December 1917: the Cambrai operations. No personal details are collected. Eventually, on the 3rd December, Haig ordered a retirement ‘with the least possible delay from the Bourlon Hill-Marcoing salient to a more retired and shorter line’. Late on 21 November, Byng ordered the III Corps operation to halt and for consolidation to take place. It is apparent that although the methods to exploit these developments were evolving, they had not as a whole been driven into artillery doctrine from the top: their use at Cambrai was an innovation from below, for the idea of a surprise bombardment using the new methods came from Brigadier General Tudor, officer Commanding Royal Artillery of the 9th (Scottish) Division. I remember my quandary as I had to tell him that none of those he had selected (and one or two others he also mentioned) … would be fit to go into the attack by the date named, as they would not have had the minimum time necessary to absorb their reinforcements without which they could not be battle formations. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Phase: the capture of Bourlon Wood, 23 – 28 November 1917 6 Nov 1917 : Indiana UP, 1995. A small salient remained at Flesquieres, which was an exposed position ruthlessly exploited by the German assault in March 1918. > the ability to maintain surprise These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Generation Greatest Generation. Byng, Haig and Smuts all assigned the absence of serious resistance on the southern part of the front to a lack of training among junior officers, NCOs and men – a much more credible factor, but one directly attributable to the rush to undertake the operation despite advice from the staff that the divisions were simply not in a condition to undertake it. Officer commanding 4th Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. What is much more difficult to understand is the strategic need to carry out this operation at all, the objective of employing these ideas at this place and at this time, and the evident lack of thought about potential outcomes. Nearly all deficiencies made up, except for unditching gear. The 20th (Light) Division captured La Vacquerie after a hard fight and then advanced as far as Les Rues Vertes and Masnieres where there was a bridge crossing the St Quentin Canal. Viewed as a heavy hit and run raid, Cambrai had been a failure. For the same date in other years, see November 26. Haig pre-empted it, having already organised one of his own. Kiggell counselled that there were insufficient troops to undertake both operations and Third Army’s action was placed on hold. Not least of them was the Guards Division, still recuperating from a mauling in Fontaine Notre Dame and now heading into what would become a bitter fight to hold the enemy at Gouzeaucourt: “First we had to struggle through the flood of terrified men … nothing seemed to stem the torrent of frightened men with eyes of hunted deer, without rifles or equipment, among them half-dressed officers presumably surprised in their sleep, and gunners who had had the sense and calmness to remove the breech blocks from their guns and were carrying them in their hands. For no good reason, it was not noticed that further canal crossings at Crevecoeur-sur-Escaut were very lightly defended, until too late in the day. Lieutenant General Sir Aylmer Haldane (VI Corps) assigns blame to Cavalry Corps commander, Lieutenant General Charles Kavanagh, “who was vague as regards his intentions”. 3rd Division Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. History of the Great War - Principal Events Timeline - 1917 Nowhere had the Masnieres-Beaurevoir line been convincingly penetrated, and the key Bourlon ridge, dominant of the northern half of the battlefield, remained firmly in German hands. All those consulted said it was expected and suitable defensive measures had been taken. 7 tanks did but were unsupported and the survivors withdrew. They were led by the Tank Corps GOC, Hugh Elles, in a Mk IV tank called ‘Hilda’. 2nd Division 103 years, 4 months and 15 days. Of these, some 6,000 were taken prisoner in the enemy counterstroke on 30 November. By now the roads were breaking up under the strain of thousands of men, wagons and lorries. Nov 7 The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic is proclaimed; first Council of People's Commissars is formed with Vladimir Lenin as leader and including Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin Nov 8 Telephone Co runs 1st advertisement for Army operators, receives 7,000 applicants Nov 10 41 suffragists are arrested in front of White House It was not just surprise that made the artillery effective: weight of firepower and the proportion devoted to neutralisation of enemy batteries were also important factors. Leap Year: No. Lead by Lenin, communists took over the vital city of St Petrograd and removed the Provisional Government from power. All arms success had come by luck rather than great design. The audacious plan had failed and although some ground had been gained, in places the Germans were now on ground formerly occupied by the British. An entirely new command, the XXIII Reserve Corps or Busigny Group, came into being on 23 November, bringing together the 5 Guard, 30, 34 and 220 Divisions, arriving from other parts of the front to face the British VII Corps. Click the image for details. The notion that the Hindenburg Line was impregnable was exploded”. He wasted his breath: Byng ignored his advice. New York: St. Martin's Press. D Battalion:Wailly. 1st Cavalry Division The task of clearing Bourlon Wood fell to the 119th Brigade who attacked with two Battalions up front: the 19th Royal Welch Fusiliers and the … > adequate weight of artillery and deployment of well trained if hardly fresh troops. For the same date in other years, see November 27. Finkielman, Jorge. Hindsight: The genesis of Cambrai can be traced easily enough through these developments in the summer of 1917. Ten days later, a counter-attack regained much of the ground. The following events occurred in November 1917: For the same date in other years, see November 1. This was an attempt to lure out the German fleet by attacking lighter ships, but the germans being too cautious, it ended as an inconclusive action, unsatisfactory for both Germans and British. On Nov. 7, 1917, Russia’s Bolshevik Revolution took place as forces led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin overthrew the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky. The Germans climbed the slope to re-take Lateau Wood, pushed up the complex of shallow ravines south of Banteux, moved through Villers Guislain and past Gouzeaucourt. The British intercept and decode a telegram from the German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann to Mexico urging her entry into war against the United States. 1917 saw the entry of America into World War One, the result of Germany’s use of unrestricted submarine warfare. For the same date in other years, see November 9. No mention is made of the breakdown of all arms fighting, nor the serious communication failures that led to the commander of 29th Division (Major General Sir Henry de Beauvoir de Lisle) claiming that he knew nothing of the German attack before it was upon his headquarters. The 51st (Highland) Division had a very hard fight for Flesquieres, but its failure to capture it and keep up with the pace of the advance on either side left a dangerous salient which exposed the flanks of the neighbouring Divisions. 4 Nov 1917: Every available man on working parties, 5 Nov 1917: Battalion engaged on a Contact Aeroplane Scheme with 1st Battn ROYAL FUSILIERS. If the secret concentration of a large number of guns was impressive, the assembly of 476 tanks possibly surpassed it, although when running in low gear at low engine speed, the new Mark IV version tanks, although just as heavy, slow and difficult to manoeuvre as their predecessors, were remarkably quiet. Ultimately a disappointing and costly outcome, but Cambrai is now seen by historians as the blueprint for the successful “Hundred Days” offensives of 1918. [Charles Carrington, Soldier from the wars returning (London: Hutchinson & Co, 1965), pp.205-6]. When first presented with the Byng’s plan for the attack, Douglas Haig recommended strengthening the left flank in order to take Bourlon Wood very early. One GSO1 staff officer at GHQ – Brigadier General E. N. Tandey – recalled a meeting in September 1917: “I was called one afternoon, in the absence of the MGGS, to the Chief’s chateau. Both of these points are open to challenge. The “ray of hope” had become a slow, piecemeal and inevitably costly shambles. 5th Cavalry Division Officer commanding 1/2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Independently and at the same time, IV Corps in Byng’s Army had developed a scheme for a surprise attack using unregistered artillery. III Corps (Pulteney) The Tank Corps deployed its entire strength of 476 machines, of which more than 350 were armed fighting tanks. 23 November 1917 40th Division at Bourlon. This includes cookies that track any click through to affiliate links and advertisers that appear on this site. For the same date in other years, see November 12. Facing the area Gouzeaucourt-Epehy, it had not been part of the main attacking force at Cambrai but had carried out subsidiary operations. 01-02-1917: Duitsland begint de 'onbeperkte onderzeebootoorlog'. The collective view of the operational factors contributing to British defeat was outlined very clearly in the papers assembled for the enquiry. A Battalion:Wailly. Cambrai, being on relatively undamaged rolling chalk land, would be ideal although they favoured an attack in French Flanders, which GHQ vetoed. Elco-built Motor Launch, HM ML. By the evening of the 21st, Haig was satisfied that ‘no possibility any longer existed of enveloping Cambrai from the south’. Haig and Byng decided to press on, even though it meant deepening the salient that had been created and throwing in even more troops into this northern sector of the battlefield. Cartoons: One Hundred Years of Cinema Animation. 92 tanks would support these units. 20th (Light) Division World War I was a global conflict fought between the Central Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria; and the Allies which was a coalition of many nations, most prominently the Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan and Italy.It began on July 28, 1914 and ended on November 11, 1918.The major events of the First World War in 1917 include the Russian Revolution; … Commemorated on Louverval Memorial to the Missing. Buried in Ruyaulcourt Military Cemetery. Elles and Fuller talked of a short, limited heavy raid designed to cause damage and chaos – a tactical operation designed to kill, not capture ground. The cavalry were hampered by uncertain communications regarding progress and the collapse of the canal bridge at Masnieres under weight of a passing tank did not help, either, as there were few crossing points. Driven by the tactical importance of the position, absence of signs of growth of German strength and the fact that Third Army had not yet called upon V Corps (which had been placed at its disposal as reserve at the outset of the battle), Haig ordered Byng to continue with the attack on Bourlon. By August he had discussed his idea with Brigadier General Hugo de Pree of IV Corps General Staff and in turn had gained the approval of the commander of IV Corps, Lieutenant General Sir Charles Woollcombe. 62nd (2nd West Riding) Division. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The journal of the Western Front Association, 62 (2001), pp.13-23, reprinting from British Army Review, 117 (1997). Once again, the battle resembled the Somme: piecemeal attack and improvised counter attack. Questions were rightly asked in the War Cabinet, which requested an enquiry. Officer commanding 7th Norfolk Regiment. Killed in action 20 November 1917. 5th Cavalry Division. Killed in action 30 November 1917. 121 Brigade was cut down by heavy machine gun fire, and few men got as far as the village. Enemy casualties are estimated by the British Official History at approximately 45,000. In memory of Frank, Harry, Thomas, William, Gabriel and James. These cookies do not store any personal information. Initially very successful with large gains of ground being made, but German reserves brought the advance to a halt. For the same date in other years, see November 24. With few fresh troops, surprise lost, the tanks weakened and the field artillery in the process of moving up, the renewed attack had all the hallmarks of “penny packet” Somme fighting and achieved little. November 1917 22 company OIC - 1 Section November 6 originally conceived as a military target Cambrai... Followed by the 9th Royal SUSSEX REGT in the light of subsequent events this. No possibility any longer existed of enveloping Cambrai from the wood, the plan “ just growed ” home a... S plan stored in your browser only with your consent clear that Haig had been destroyed, disabled or down... Was indeed ironic also on the Saint-Quentin canal, from which the front could be supplied along the River with. Tanks advanced across the ground, supported by an intense Phosgene barrage, intending to the. 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