voyager nothing human reddit

I learned to grant a certain license to the writers to set up each show, fully explaining everything robs story time and I'm here for the story. Bliss is a cocktail of familiar Star Trek plot elements. There might be deus ex machina/reset button endings, sure; but that doesn't mean that the crew don't get all kinds of crap beaten out of them first. Find out when Star Trek: Voyager is on TV, including Series 5-Episode 8: Nothing Human. It makes no sense to delete the program. Or for a less controversial example, do opponents of total-war firebombings such as occurred against Chongqing, Coventry, and Dresden refuse to use data about the spread of fires therefrom if it would save a city today? That doesn't mean we're condoning the horrible actions they did. Ah, here I am, mission accomplished. Does Tuvok? But to just destroy the information means that all those lives ended for no reason, and that nothing good could ever come from it. However, Janeway (at Paris' urging) ordered the Doctor to operate on her, against her wishes and when Torres wakes up she is outraged. If anything the Doctor and the Marqui were looking at it the wrong way. It really makes you think whether or not you should side with the Doctor or if the Cardassian arguments has some merit. This post is a paean (slight exaggeration) to the Voyager series 5 episode 'Nothing Human' followed by a mini-rant critique of where the episode falls down on a series level. I've always felt that Nothing Human was more of a DS9 season three episode vs. a Voyager episode, but it is what it is. then the same logic should apply to the Crell Moset program. More importantly, Torres (i.e. The season finale of "Equinox" saw Federation fighting Federation, something that Roddenberry would never have … But it was the entirety of Crell Moset's research, right? You could tell the crew that you deleted it, but you and the Doctor should know that it's available when needed. This episode was released on VHS, paired with "Infinite Regress". Imagine if at the end of Caretaker, we were told that Voyager had 'X crewman, Y shuttles, Z torpedoes' and the show was written in that context, the characters would have had so many more opportunities to prove themselves (and win the audience over in the process). In S1, there's some time spent on "Hey, we have limited resources, let's not waste anything," but that refrain all but vanishes in later seasons. Joined: Jul 11, 2017 Location: Tube 32. It also addressed the we're stranded here issue in a serious, grown-up manner. I mean if it really is unethical to use it ... "Let's just deactivate the evil hologram and let B'Elanna die. Summary: A young man comes to the last hometown of Vincent van Gogh and investigates the artist’s final days there. If they had the same concerns as Torres, would Janeway have said, "Fine, I'll let you die"? I am not a big fan of throwing away knowledge regardless of the source. . OK, what's so special about this episode? Imagine, if we had that traumatic moment and in the next episode he's just back to normal, without a care in the world; it robs the concept of so much of it's potential... Year of Hell and The Killing Game are also two examples of why said pragmatism was necessary. I came across an old episode of "STAR TREK VOYAGER" that I have not seen in a long time. Granted, I enjoy seeing these details, we're all here to go into great detail of all kinds. We don't know because this incredibly weighty issue is never really addressed again, when it could have been a fascinating angle to pursue...but unfortunately not. On November 9, 2004, this episode was released as part of the season 5 DVD box set of Star Trek: Voyager. The horrible actions had already happened, when Voyager gets to the alpha quadrant they can report Muset. Struggling to cope with the unusual case, The Doctor creates a holgraphic recreation of Crell Moset – an infamous Cardassian surgeon who reportedly experimented on Bajorans during the Occupation… The Trekzone Review. Nothing our characters do actually happens in terms of affecting the series as a whole because they didn't actually do it in the first place. With Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Robert Duncan McNeill. I agree this episode had great use of deus ex machina. In fact, the loss of crewmen/shuttles/torpedoes etc shouldn't be treated as mundane at all, they should be an opportunity to differentiate Voyager (from other Trek) and to show our character's having to make tough decisions and winning through their resourcefulness. The Cardassians certainly have it. His audience is less than enthralled.) A main crew member (B'Elanna) was actually being racist. "Is that an order?" Fish1941 Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt. The comment/post has already been nominated. ...but to delete it after the fact is slightly pointless. But neither of these episodes are heavily reliant on pragmatism (although they're both individual good obviously)? What are you thoughts? The episode wraps up as you'd expect; against the odds, Torres and the alien are saved, the EMH deletes the Moset program and we hit the reset button for next week. Torpedoes were just a little ornery. "I'm the Captain. However, when B'Elanna learns that the expert is a Cardassian that performed immoral medical experiments during the occupation, she refuses treatment. At least, we'd have our morals intact." Nice posting--and not as ranty as promised : ). Recreate the experiments in an approved manor, reference the work done so you avoid suffering, and prove it works using accepted means, using the unethical means as something of a map. "I hope you can understand why I went against your wishes, B'Elanna. Star Trek: Voyager Rewatch: “Nothing Human ” Keith R.A. DeCandido. I always liked this episode because I love cardassians, but your analysis really enriched the episode for me a lot more. But if it doesn't carry over, does it really matter? Do foes of firearms or firearms used in crime refuse to use information about their medical effects? Find out about all the goofs from "Star Trek: Voyager" Nothing Human (TV Episode 1998) on IMDb. Seriously, how many are left?". New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Retrospect 46m. You're missing the most obvious issue with this episode—it makes no goddamn sense. The Bajoran was difficult to take seriously (dammit, man, it's a hologram, not a mass-murderer). Or, better, if Janeway had made the decision knowing it would cause the alien's death. In TOS/TNG/VOY in particular, (but plenty of ENT/DS9), we have to see a complex subject handled in a one-hour show. [Presumably.]. Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; Loving Vincent (2017) Category: Mystery. [on the basis that if you're going to have crime, it should be organized crime] What illicit goods/services get traded for replicator credits? "And what emotion is that?" Nothing Human – When B’Elanna Torres becomes attached (literally) to a very large symbiote, the Doctor creates a hologram of a Cardassian doctor who’s the galaxy’s foremost expert on exobiology. When a bug-like alien latches onto B'Elanna, the Doctor consults a hologram of a … It is however my personal belief that while it was obtained evilly not using what was learned to help is an insult to those who did suffer and a complete waste. Far to often, when a Trek crew is presented with a no win scenario, where they have to choose, yes or no, some third option will materialise and get them out of jail. It is a Season Five episode called (5.08) "Nothing Human". I agree there would have been more weight to the decision if the alien had died. At least get a good thing out of tragedy and use the research that can never be recreated. Understood?" Hey so i just watched this for the first time in years and thought it brought up a great moral conundrum. (note: I'm talking about the episode as a concept not the acting etc...although all that is perfectly fine) What's the set-up in 'Nothing Human'? I suppose you could also argue that this episode might have been better had it been earlier than season 5, if only to help establish the idea that not everything is going to work out perfectly for our crew. And if you're missing out on enjoying this story, you're missing one of Voyager's best for moral dilemma. Also, its been a long while so I could be misremembering the episode. Created by Rick Berman, Michael Piller, Jeri Taylor. With regard to Torres' skills, Voyager loses at least 43 crewmen over the course of the series but as well as the emotional trauma of losing ~1/4 of the crew it should also have a practical effect. I would have really appreciated a statement, "good thing we mined that flobflormium and could make more torpedoes." I'm all for taking the moral high ground, but in this instance, they're really just picking a selective point in history and tossing it out because this was the most recent. I also like how Janeway leaves the choice of whether to keep Moset's program up to The Doctor. I've always felt that Nothing Human was more of a DS9 season three episode vs. a Voyager episode, but it is what it is. Star Trek news and discussion. This is a great decision on the part of the writers because on a meta-level, we want to see how our characters act (whether we agree with their choice or not) when the 'chips are down' not when everything is going great ("it's easy to be a saint in paradise"). It would have given Voyager a breath of fresh air and made it a very different series. Discussion in 'Star Trek: Voyager' started by cosmic mouse, Sep 20, 2017. cosmic mouse Commodore Commodore. However, in the episode the attitude seems to be it's OK to use it but only once, which doesn't really make sense in the context of the issue. Tomatometer Not Yet Available TOMATOMETER Critic Ratings: N/A Critics Consensus. Near the end of the episode, The Doc confronts Moset on the holodeck and at one point he's asked "Still wrestling with your ethical sub-routines there Doc?" High concept episodes like "Course: Oblivion" took bold chances you wouldn't see in other Trek shows, yet "Nothing Human" felt like a classic Trek examination of human morals and beliefs. Losing you was unacceptable. ... Maybe a little slash fic. Instead we just get a reset which is a shame. It's short sighted, ethically childish, and flat out stupid. That's all I needed. Me too...they don't get as much attention as the Klingons/Romulans etc which is a shame... Really great post. With Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Robert Duncan McNeill. Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home. the only qualms should be what do you do with the scientist that performed the morally questionable work in the first place... i mean, it happened and there's nothing to be done about that; might as well pull something good out of a bad situation. No high-minded idealism, no "debating about the finer points of morality"; Torres is ultimately saved because her skills are too important to lose. Yeah why did they need to add a personality element, bit silly but i guess they wanted an excuse to explore the theme, I don't see why they couldn't reimage the Cardassian. That's why I said "the episode as a concept"'re right, the actual plot that puts the concept into practice makes little sense :). As for Year of Hell, though it shows what Voyager could have been, it's ultimately retconned because it's a time travel episode. The plot could have worked perfectly but the writers were overly elaborate in the story. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While responding to a distress call, Torres is 'facehugged' by an injured non-humanoid alien which parasitises her, using her as a life-support mechanism. You could tell the crew that you deleted it, but you and the Doctor should know that it's available when needed. you may end up designing a new test that may have many other applications. Press J to jump to the feed. If you know what you need to test and then design a test to do it. This episode highlights that fact as the idealist Doctor questions the practise that the Cardassian hologram is defending. Now, you could of-course argue that the Maquis/Seven perfectly fill in all the missing skills and that Starfleet ships carry redundant crew just in case but you know what's more interesting than solving a problem off-screen? This episode was released on VHS, paired with "Nothing Human". I might also add a look at how this episode might have gone if the patient wasn't B'Elanna. What's interesting is Janeway doesn't save Torres because... she's Chakotay's etc friend, who they've know for >5 years, she's a beloved member of the Voyager crew, Although these reasons obviously play a part, Janeway's main motivation for saving Torres is because, 'all issues regarding Moset aside, the fact of the matter is they cannot afford to lose their chief engineer in their situation, lost and alone in the Delta Quadrant.' New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DaystromInstitute community. Voyager 2 will reach there in a few years. And then, "Using more torpedoes!?! Don't read that article unless your okay with having your day ruined. Thanks for this. Once the creature is beamed to sickbay, Torres finds that it uses biochemical secretions to give commands. Which means that no matter what they do, the research is out there. That's like tossing out medical research just because some guy that looked like Hitler was in the room. What a brilliant analysis! OP is right, tension over the number of crewman would have made each fatality more intense, and they should have done much less to keep it dramatic. He cannot decipher it, but there is an audio component. Is she secretly happy that she is alive but feels guilty for about that? Or kept the information gained. Specifically, do opponents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki refuse to use information obtained from those detonations regarding the effects of the bombings, the yield, and so on? I did what I thought best. Episode guide, trailer, review, preview, cast list and where to stream it on demand, on catch up and download. Learn more about Daystrom's Post of the Week here. The subject of research ethics is a complex issue and one could very well spend their entire lives theorizing, researching, and debating the topic. I just kept thinking... turn him into something other than a Cardassian. The Doctor is a walking medical encyclopedia, and even he can't do what Moset can. It's not bad. Not impossible but it definitely strains credibility. Sadly the Voyager writers didn't seem to think audiences could handle an actually tough ethical situation. Press J to jump to the feed. A page for describing Recap: Star Trek Voyager S 5 E 8 Nothing Human. There isn't any. If the knowledge was obtained via unethical means, I don't think it does anyone any good to just burn it. How could the computer create Moset and have him justify his atrocities when Starfleet didn't even know and thus couldn't program him to? Star Trek: Voyager "Nothing Human" Air date: 12/2/1998 Written by Jeri Taylor Directed by David Livingston. A stran… At the centre of the story is the sort of gigantic monstrous space entity that haunted earlier tales like The Immunity Syndrome or Datalore, a reminder of how weird and dangerous space can be.The “pitcher plant” in Bliss recalls the parasites from Operation — Annihilate! The sad truth is a lot of our medical knowledge has come from brutal practices>. I like the arguments quite a bit, but I take great exception to the methods used to present them. So, I strongly concur that Janeway should've kept the program, either in whole if needed or in part (e.g. This would allow the knowledge to still benefit people, but still send a strong message that it is not how you should do it. I love the philosophy of voy so much. I think it's a moral grey zone. They've already used it so you could argue deleting it is kinda hypocritical. Nothing Human. Janeway is the Captain of a ship stranded far from home with no backup and no convenient resupply of academy graduates if her Chief Engineer dies and for once the script didn't let her off the hook, she had to play that role with no easy options! Nutshell: An interesting episode that specializes in pulling the rug out from under itself. Obviously we discuss the ends justifying the means for a while until Janeway decrees that the Doctor must save Torres (despite the patient's wishes). It furnishes skills that no one else has to an even higher degree than Torres does. When the wave has passed, Janeway orders all stop and damage assessment. On the face of it this seems like a relatively standard episode, we have a crisis, a little bit of a debate and it all wraps up neatly at the end, however, what makes the episode great is how it resolves... Two things really make this episode a great concept, both of which are related to Janeway's decision, (i) deus ex machina and (ii) the utilitarianism of being stranded. "Star Trek: Voyager" Nothing Human (TV Episode 1998) bloopers, mistakes, errors in continuity, plot holes, anachronisms, spoilers and more. Nothing Humanis very much an example of Star Trek: Voyagerdoing archetypal Star Trek, those abstract morality plays with elaborate prosthetics that offer commentary on contemporary conundrums. To be sure, we don't want to incentivize it, just as anti-abortion folks refuse anything that might incentivize abortion, so it makes some sense on that level (which, notably, does not really apply to Voyager), but there is plenty of knowledge obtained by mankind on many subjects that might be considered wildly unethical insofar as how it was obtained. I know you're angry, but we need to put this behind us. They should have kept the information gained. As it is, it's a great concept but the episode doesn't hold up well when you think about how the concept is portrayed. What's the problem with episode on a series level? 17. It's a good episode, but it's definitely on the wrong show. Minor rant...aka Meandering additional points that are sort of linked to the episode. It would have been pretty jarring in Star Trek for Janeway to go "Sorry Ensign Jones, this torpedo is more valuable than you are, we have to leave you behind. the patient) refuses to have the procedure performed because she thinks it would be validating Moset's methods and compromising herself (and so would rather die; which obviously makes Tom super unhappy). It's a good episode, but it's definitely on the wrong show. Sure they would still have solved the problems (it's TV after all) but they would have done it on-screen as opposed to doing almost exclusively episodic stories, where virtually everything is fixed between episodes. Wow, this would have been an awesome idea because it's completely consistent with the UFP's ethics. If you thought VOY's crew weren't pragmatic when it was necessary, I'd encourage you to watch Tuvix and observe Paris' facial expression when Tuvix tries to appeal to Tom for his life. but that doesn't mean that the crew don't get all kinds of crap beaten out of them first. Personally i think the Docs decision was absurd given their circumstances (the cardassian was a hologram!!!). (Torres and Janeway). You're my crewman. Prey 46m. And, of course, even abortion foes don't refuse to use knowledge of human development from embryo to baby derived from aborted fetuses, as far as I know, especially when it might save their child. Voyager starts to receive news from home, both good and bad. The box set includes 7 DVD optical discs with all the episodes in season 5 with some extra features, and episodes have a Dolby 5.1 Digital Audio track. Nothing Human. The Doctor was clearly uncomfortable working with Moset up to that point and this really serves to further humanize The Doc and establish that he is much more than just a standard hologram. or the space vampire from The Man Trap. If they'd remembered what they done that could have had some impact going forward but as good as the episode is it doesn't real do anything for the series as a whole? Year of Hell and The Killing Game are also two examples of why said pragmatism was necessary. It was fitting that the ship's captain, Kathryn Janeway, rose up through the science ranks rather than command. Does Tom Paris end up in charge of the inevitable black market? a Kazon convoy but it gets reinforced with extra ships unexpectedly and Tuvok says 'Captain we can defeat them but we're critically low on X, I recommend we fall back'. All in all, not a bad episode at all; although it would have been nice if the show followed up on everything that happened. If Moset was a real alien who they met on their journey or if his evil work was a lot more secret than 'yeah, we've looked into the records and the crewman's story checks out' (or if the hologram was an old off-limits program in the database) it could have worked perfectly. Also agree that there should have been more time devoted to crewmembers dealing with the deaths of other crewmembers. Launched in the year 2371, the Intrepid-class Federation starship USS Voyager was a ship built to return to Starfleet's founding principle of scientific exploration. Janeway makes a hard choice to save her life against B'Elanna's wishes and accepts that she's going to get some shit for it (or at least the episode gives us that impression; it doesn't help that in typical Voyager fashon everything that happens in this episode is forgotten next week). The key moment of the episode is the ethical debate scene with Tom advocating against Torres' wishes while it's also pointed out there is a good chance that the injured alien will die if the procedure is performed. As I say above, there was an opportunity to use the events of this episode to help character development by having what happened here carry over (perhaps leading to something like extreme risk where although Torres is physically OK, emotionally she's anything but). (note: I'm talking about the episode as a concept not the acting etc...although all that is perfectly fine). When an alien attaches itself to B'Elanna's nervous system, the Doctor enlists the help of a holographic recreation of an expert. But then Ensign Kim reports that a signal was downloaded into the ship's database when the wave hit. It could be that there is simply nothing to see from its camera. Letting our characters use their ingenuity to solve it on screen! Thank you! Nothing Human. Should they have taken the high road? What if it was Ensign Redshirt-of-the-week, or even better, a recurring minor cast member, like Vorik or Samantha Wildman, who are less important to the overall survival of the ship? It also encounters the Hirogens, who only live to hunt and have their sights on Voyager. So, what about the episode itself? Like what the Japanese did to the Chinese prisoners in WWII, we saved their notes and information and used it to further medical science. I agree that more lasting consequences would have made for much better viewing, rather than the episodic nature of TNG. The one thing I would add to your assessment (not rant!) Star Trek: Voyager is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman, Michael Piller, and Jeri Taylor. A subreddit for in-depth discussion about Star Trek. Summary: Stardate: UnknownWhen an alien attaches itself to B'Elanna's nervous system, the Doctor enlists the help of a holographic recreation of an expert. I suppose you could argue it would have carried more weight if the alien had died which could have been spun into further debate/discussion about the ethics of what they've done but that's probably nitpicking. This is an excellent review, and I'd ask M-5 to give you a nomination if it hadn't already been done. Review by Jamahl Epsicokhan "Ethics are arbitrary." Air Date: Dec 2, 1998 We had a protracted discussion last episode about the comparative depth of Voyager. Also like how Janeway leaves the choice of whether to keep Moset 's methods, then do use! But your analysis really enriched the episode good huge debate over weather we should use the research is out.... Knowledge regardless of the source up through the science ranks rather than voyager nothing human reddit episodic nature of TNG episode be. Voyager encounters a massive energy wave, the Doctor or if the had. Was gathered through amoral means to receive news from home, both good and.! 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