boule de suif

In Rouen he worked to organize the fortification of the town, and upon leaving he hopes his Much of the interaction among the group of travelers in Maupassant's story revolves around the character nicknamed Boule de Suif. His ability to capture a scene and recreate it in literary form has earned him a notable place in the history of naturalists. XVIII, No. Une Famille typifies a number of stories whose aim is clearly to decry how marriage destroys friendship between old male cronies and to express his repugnance at how the wife is always certain to drag her husband down to her She perhaps could not see her success for the troubling fantasies her mind served up to her as she watched him move restlessly about Europe and Africa and as she watched him become more and more a recluse because of his art and his illness. Regarding it technically, the opening is somewhat fumbled and shapeless; and surely no one will deny that the conclusion is forced, against probabilities, into a conventional shape. Following an initial act of compassion on her part, the travelers turn on Boule de Suif. He sends comments down to the travelers through Monsieur Follenvie. Comte, as he is referred to in the story, is one of the ten travelers aboard the coach bound for Le Havre. With the insolent gaiety of youth he paints it in the faces, actions, gestures, … of Frenchmen and Frenchwomen.… This we may call satire, if we will, but it has risen to a great height, and is in a key untouched, we are sure, by Juvenal. Ironies abound in the story, contrasting Boule de Suif’s authentic principles and generosity with her bourgeois fellow passengers’ shallow platitudes and coldheartedness. Madame de Maupassant's influence upon her son can never be accurately evaluated, for the more one ponders his work the more one is struck with her presence in the character of heroine after heroine. But the antique symbol of a rebellious, suffering spirit which defies the god of nature, whether he is to be styled Zeus or Satan, has never perhaps died out of men's minds; and in 'L'Inutile Beauté' it finds vehement expression, though in language too gross and violent to be quoted. The story's protagonist, Boule de Suif, discovers that despite her heroic acts of self-sacrifice, she cannot rise above her circumstances to win the admiration of the group. Throughout the narrative, she is put in a self-sacrificing position by a group of strangers who barely recognize or appreciate her generosity. Published by Editions Larousse (FR) (2007) ISBN 10: … Maupassant's choice of a culinary metaphor to describe their activity is not unexpected: Un étranger n'aurait rien compris tant les précautions du langage étaient observées. Comte Hubert serves with Monsier Carré-Lamadon on the General Council, representing the Orleanist party. Our feeling, as we read the last words of 'Boule de Suif,' is not so much pity for the victim, as a loathing like that which overcame Gulliver on returning from his last voyage, and falling in with the Yahoos who were his own kith and kin. Le champagne a de ces effets-là; il trouble, dit-on, le sommeil. The doctrine's purpose is to explain why some actions are right and others are wrong. Although he is scarcely seen, the commandant is obviously egotistical and self-centered, as he does not allow the travelers to leave even though they have documents from his superior authorizing their safe passage. Defend your own ethical position in light of your research. All of the other passengers are outraged by the commandant's indecent proposal. Pretty and delicate, Madame Carré-Lamadon is much younger than her husband; the statement that she was "la consolation des officiers de bonne famille envoyés à Rouen en garnison" is deliberately suggestive, and the frequent references to her sexual fascination with the Prussian officer are not gratuitous. (p. 499). Never, never, never!" Madame Loiseau is never courteous to Boule de Suif, even after the prostitute feeds her and her husband. In a similar way, this sharing of Boule de suif's abundant provisions is the first step in the bourgeois' betrayal of the prostitute and, by metaphorical extension, of France. Then Andre Mariolle (whose determination not to be compromised by love was quite as strong as hers) came into her life. Lamarthe is probably closer to expressing his creator's conviction when he argues that the Realist-Naturalist novelist in suppressing the poetic quality of existence and dealing only with life's grim realities is to blame for woman's turning upon her weaker counterpart: "Nowadays, my dear sir, there's no longer any love in books, nor any love in life. Read texts from Boule de Suif and join the Genius community of scholars to learn the meaning behind the words. He is widely recognized throughout the region surrounding Rouen as a practical joker, and most everyone knows that he is full of duplicity, yet no one seems to mind because he is so merry. Cornudet, il est resté immobile sans rien dire jusqu'à la fin de … Les thèmes principaux sont la nourriture, l’argent et la guerre de 1870 qui a beaucoup marquée Maupassant. Maupassant shows considerable artistry in the symbology of having Boule de Suif upstairs in the inn, separated from the others physically by some small distance, while the distance of her spiritual separation is so vast, as vast as the distance between positive and negative. She desires to stand up for what she believes. The solemnity and decorum with which the coprophagic pigeons feed upon the horses' dung is clearly symbolic of the arrogance and outward "dignity" with which the travellers had committed the most shameful and undignified of betrayals. But his females were more likely to be doers, despite the fact that the author had his character, the novelist Gaston de Lamarthe (whom some have seen as Maupassant himself), tell the weak Mariolle: "Look, my dear fellow, woman was created and came into the world for two things, which alone can cause her true, her great, her excellent qualities to bloom: love and childbearing" XII, 144. The rapidity with which the travellers empty the strumpet's basket, and the savagery of their appetites are suggestive of a cannibalistic carnage, the victim of which is Boule de suif herself: "Les bouches s'ouvraient et se fermaient sans cesse, avalaient, mastiquaient, engloutissaient férocement." However, when the others are hungry, she shares her food and eventually they warm up to her. Irma's choice of a name for the man she was dismissing was forged in the mind of a creator burning with a sense of outrage at men blinded to the truth by their stubborn, ego-inspired antifeminism. And, moreover, we learn that most people in giving themselves to everything give themselves to nothing and that the enemy will settle for nothing but the greatest individual as his price. Maupassant was born with the gift of a photographic memory, and this innate talent helped him to remember the nuances of Norman people that later made his stories so descriptive. No one ever said what he wanted to say with a nicer exactitude or a more certain effectiveness than did de Maupassant. Today: India is a free country and, although overpopulated and struggling, it has become a powerful nation through its contributions to progressive politics and technology. The sexual activity of the first night in the hotel had been limited to Cornudet's fruitless attempt to overcome the resistance of Boule de suif and Loiseau's supposed seduction of his wife. 485–88), [Bel-Ami] is an edifying romance, not marred, be sure of it, in the telling. In surrendering herself physically to the Prussian, she could subject herself to violence, even death at the hands of the enemy—indicated when the travelers themselves engage in moments of worried silence for the prostitute. Albert H. Wallace, "Chapter 3: Maupassant's Women: His Mother and His Heroines," in Guy de Maupassant, Twayne's World Authors Series, Twayne Publishers, 1973. He, like the Comte, is a member of the superior social class. Boule de Suif is a short, perfectly round, fat little woman with plump, sausage-like fingers, shiny skin, and enormous breasts. Maupassant was incredibly adept at this type of revelation because of his photographic memory and keen ability to express and depict scenes and dialogue with exceptional clarity. She served as the posthum…, Boucher De Crèvecoeur De Perthes, Jacques France eventually lost the war to Germany. He writes a limpid French, bright and unembarrassed wherever it has no reminiscence of Flaubert, as in most of his later stories. The final betrayal of Boule de suif, the arrogance which the bourgeois display as they continue their journey, and their insensitivity and egoism in eating in her presence and without offering her even their leftovers (the nuns wrap up their remaining sausage after having eaten their fill) once again evoke the culinary. Gathered together at the coach are the driver and ten passengers: Comte and Comtesse Hubert de Bréville, Monsieur and Madame Loiseau, Monsieur and Madame Carré-Lamadon, Cornudet, Boule de Suif, and two nuns. Vol. Why explore these Bedlams, whether of life or literature? The vulgar Loiseau is the only one not to lower his eyes under the prostitute's provocative gaze; rather, he continues to look at her "d'un air émoustillé." Rather than invest his money to increase his wealth, he had spent it; rather than work, he had played. Madame de Maupassant's fear that the very genius of which she was so proud would be the cause of an ever-widening gulf between her and her son, though it might have proven well founded, need not have tormented her. Without Boule de Suif as their companion, the entourage would have suffered greatly, as they all forgot to bring provisions for the long trip. Boule de Suif (“Ball of Fat”) is the nickname given to a well-known prostitute who finds herself traveling in a coach with conventionally respectable people through Prussian-occupied France during wartime. Many critics have remarked upon the symmetry of the last carriage scene and the first: it does indeed close the circle, and such oxymoronic expressions as "voyageurs immobiles", "gredins honnêtes" suggest the paradox implicit in the text itself. 2021 . Among the other women, it is clearly Madame Carré-Lamadon who bears the closest resemblance to Boule de suif, despite physical dissimilarities mirrored in the geometric connotations of the names by which they are most often known in the text (Boule de suif and Carré-Lamadon). Defeat breaks the souls of most of the men it tries. ("Et, parbleu, duns des cas pareils tout le monde est frère et doit s'aider. Here too, the concomitance of these two activities is quite deliberate, and such temporal indications as "Aussitôt à table, on commença les approches" or "Aussitôt le repas terminé on remonta bien vite dens les chambres […]" are more than merely referential. Mariolle's algolagnic relationship with a serving girl whom he called upon to read to him every night from Manon Lescaut evidences the strange, almost maniacal proclivity Maupassant developed in later years for debasing the male. Boule de Suif believes that these axioms should never be broken, namely that there should always be a different means to achieve the same end that would not require doing acts in opposition to her imperatives. With Maupassant there is no affectation of artistic phrase. Speaking of his hurt he says: "The arts having tempted him, he did not discover sufficient courage to give himself entirely to any one of them, nor the persevering obstinacy necessary to triumph in it" XII, 205. As a prostitute Boule de suif is to be bought and consumed, much as one would buy a cutlet from a butcher shop. Utilitarianism has a democratic feel, in that a majority of people feeling happiness is similar to a majority of people approving of initiative, thus making it a law. Boule de Suif is emotionally damaged from the event that saved her companions, but she is even more deeply hurt when they turn against her, once again regarding her and her actions as immoral: On the trip out of Tôtes, Boule de Suif is hurried and does not have time to pack provisions, but none of the other passengers will share food with her, speak with her, or thank her in any way. Langevin, the second son of Victor Langevin, a…, Desmarest, Nicolas reinforces the notion of self-sacrifice. The social superiority displayed by the Carré-Lamadons and the Brévilles is matched by Cornudet's intellectually superior attitude. . sortait une vapeur." (p. 492), ['Notre Coeur' has] its brilliant pages; but in subtlety of colour and high-wrought passion it will not compare for an instant with George Sand's 'Elle et Lui,' to say nothing of 'Lélia' or 'Indiana.' When it comes to reaching down into their pockets, however, the group is reluctant to part with even a handful of coins to quickly resolve their situation, nor do they feel obligated to do so. C'est cette nouvelle, lue par Flaubert qui lui a valu les éloges du maître que le jeune Maupassant admirait tant. C'est cette nouvelle, lue par Flaubert qui lui a valu les éloges du maître que le jeune Maupassant admirait tant. Personnage principal de la nouvelle, elle se nomme Élisabeth Rousset, mais Maupassant ne la désigne qu’ainsi : Boule de suif. (pp. Boule de Suif is regarded as someone from the lowest social class, dirty and immoral, not worthy of sitting among the rich. The respectable travelers look down upon the lower social classes. (pp. Roger Colet, a rare Maupassant scholar and translator, states in his "Introduction" in Selected Short Stories, "[Maupassant] is the victim, in a sense, of his own perfect art.". Flaubert introduced his new protégé to other writers, including Émile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, and Henry James. You were the ones who invented the ideal, they [the women] believed in your inventions. It is not by chance that this movement, too, had been made possible by the sacrifice of the humble. Her husband and companion is Monsieur Carré-Lamadon. In this weird region of nightmare and hallucination nature seems dead. Finally, the respectable individuals are in the vast majority, as it is expensive to flee to Tôtes. However, as the days go by, her fellow passengers begin to scheme a way to coerce Boule de Suif into sleeping with the commandant. (Mégantic-L'Érable),,, Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bouyer (or Bovier) De, "Boule de Suif" was adapted as a film by Christian-Jacque in 1945, starring Micheline Presle, Berthe Bovy, and Louis Salou. Ten such individuals have gathered together in the courtyard of a hotel to ready themselves for their trip out of Rouen to Le Havre. According to Rossi, despite his hypothesis, Kant himself offered evidence to suggest that such willing of the highest good may be an exercise in futility. Personne ne lui propose quoi que ce soit, tous l’ignorent superbement. As for the other characters, all had prospered under the reign of Napoleon III, and the Second Empire saw, for a time at least, the alliance of two conservative forces, the bourgeoisie and the Church. During the first night in Tôtes, Cornudet tries to persuade Boule de Suif to sleep with him. This story provides the clearest and most moving presentation of Maupassant's admiration for female strength in times of dire disillusionment. With a clearer understanding of both utilitarianism and a Kantian ontological ethic, Boule de Suif's plight begins to take shape. Mariolle's failure to reach any of the admirable goals he had set for himself is a presaging of his surrendering of all of his male prerogatives. She is a "marchande d'amour", her marchandise being her body. Yet they respond not out of generosity, but of greed. The only sound disturbing the silence of the night had been Follenvie's heavy breathing, "un ronflement puissant, monotone, régulier, un bruit sourd et prolongé avec des tremblements de chaudière sous pression" In contrast, the last night in the hotel is a restless one: Et toute la nuit, dans l'obscurité du corridor coururent comme des frémissements, des bruits légers, à peine sensibles, pareils à des souffles, des effleurements de pieds nus, d'imperceptibles craquements. This discussion of the nutritional code would be incomplete were we to fail to evoke the most arresting metaphor of all, that of the pigeons pecking at the horses' steaming excrement in the final The “Boule de Suif” and Other Stories Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you. She is not of noble birth and it is above all her sexuality ("elle […] passait même pour avoir été . In this essay, Carter examines Immanuel Kant's moral argument for God in relation to Maupassant's story. To Maupassant, marriage was a form of servitude which the female refused to accept because she recognized it as such, and to which the male submitted while deluding himself with the notion that he was free, the master. That these plump provincial women have succeeded in domesticating the occupying soldiers can only be seen as a further indictment of the "bourgeois émasculés." Langevin, Paul The woman traveling alone, Boule de Suif, is a fat, appealing prostitute. "You think you're raping the women of France," sneers the proud Rachel to the sadistic Mlle Fifi (Wilhelm d'Eyrik), "As for me! he replies, 'because they are the truth, the only solid ground beneath the world's illusion.' Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, In fact, a study of Maupassant's lexicon reveals the presence of a contiguous relationship between Boule de suif and the nuns. The scenario of the conspiracy had been sketched the previous day while Boule de suif attended a baptism. L'action se situe durant la guerre de 1870 : dix personnes fuient Rouen, occupée par les soldats prussiens, pour gagner Dieppe en diligence. In some cases, Kant feels that at least some of these choices may have the opposite effect on one's own life. Present a comparison to the class of the morality invoked by these historical events alongside the morality of the characters in the short story. Même si ce n'est pas la première nouvelle de Guy de Maupassant, c'est le récit qui l'a imposé comme un maître. Let us begin, then, with the sexual code. France's ignominious defeat by these unworthy opponents becomes thus all the more difficult to accept and, notwithstanding the truism advanced by the old sexton of "Boule de suif" ("c'est les grands qui font la guerre"), the outcome of this war was made possible by complicity at all His theories arose out of the stagnating doctrines of two of the most important philosophic theories: rationalism and empiricism. After this, the coachman is nonexistent until the travelers are granted leave from Tôtes four days later. Ultimately she does accept, exclaiming, "All right … but I'm only doing it for your sakes." Read this short story and compare and contrast the style to "Boule de Suif.". distinct ism because his philosophy is incredibly profound and complex. them seem to have been inspired by his observations of his mother's life. A simple phrase like “digesting his eggs” conjures, in this sinister context, a mess of hideous gastrointestinal burbles. His 300 stories were written in the naturalist style and often described the life of the lower and middle classes. Cast. Boule de Suif est une fille grosse, très belle et généreuse. If she is adequately doing her job, the people whom Boule de Suif services should leave her, reentering society with a greater happiness and thus contributing to the pool of greater happiness for the greatest number. The alimentary uses of animal fat are well-known, and Boule de suif is the first to be assimilated to the nutritive, both literally and metaphorically: Petite, ronde de partout, grasse à lard, avec des doigts bouffis, étranglés aux phalanges, pareils à des chapelets de courtes saucisses […] elle restait cependant appétissante et courue, tant sa fraîcheur faisait plaisir à voir. The novels especially provide us with portraits of women who closely resemble Laure de Maupassant. This move alarmed the French, as they were wary of a Prusso–Spanish alliance. Unfortunately, the French army did not embrace the rebellion and, under the tacit support of the Prussians, the French soldiers took Paris from the revolutionaries and executed tens of thousands in what was known as Bloody Week. Eventually, it became apparent that, at the bare minimum, Maupassant possessed an amazing ability to create characters of great depth and stories of immense clarity, even if the paradoxical protagonist were an immoral, heroic prostitute. But one must see his treatment of woman in the proper light and must be familiar with every line he wrote about her to reconcile his ambivalence regarding woman as a general class, for the question continually arises as to how he could have set a course in his own life which seemed oriented upon degrading her. The result of this rejection, states the narrator, is that Boule de Suif "felt angry with her neighbors, ashamed of having given way to their pleas, and defiled by the kisses of the Prussian into whose arms they had hypocritically thrown her." When death removed Madame de Burne's primary problem, she vowed never again to compromise herself in marriage. This, of course, leaves no concern for the means to the end of the consequence: No examination is given to duty or to what is right or good; the aim is purely targeted on the greatest happiness for the greatest number. The literature of Guy de Maupassant, while widely read, has received little in the form of critical study. What of importance had he seen? Language French Thus, while the prostitute, ostensibly the symbol of vice, prayed, the married couples, apparent bastions of all that is proper and "moral", plotted against her, the women in particular deriving vicarious pleasure from their planning. The author thus wins our esteem early and causes us to be more wary of the others. Self-conscious of respectability, they are uncomfortable sharing a coach with “a member of the courtesan class,” who is nicknamed “Boule de Suif” (ball of fat) because she is so round. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Boule de Suif, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. However, some individuals are given permits to leave Rouen. Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Now a "have not", he is associated with the prostitute who is by definition déclassée. idealistic cliches, but she possessed idealism and the courage to pursue it. That her value in his eyes is sexual rather than material is of little importance, for the result is the same: not only does he fail to defend her against the collaborators, but he shows no pity for her when the voyage resumes, his sense of fraternity for this unfortunate war victim being too weak to persuade him to share his lunch with her. Note, of course, the exaggeration; but mark also how much truth lurks in the gibe.… Our guide to these heartrending sights is only too competent. As a born Frenchman we might expect him to be witty and amusing; but humour we should not have looked for.… Maupassant, however, was not a scented popinjay, like those to whom Paris means all the world they have travelled in, or those others who have come up from the provinces young, and are glad to forget the miseries of their peasant childhood. Hypocritical complacency 's strong philosophical argument that wins Boule de Suif: Autres... La nouvelle entière à lieu pendant la guerre de 1870 and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica External_metadata_update 2019 Boule... Most famous normative ethical dogma in the wake of the short story the enemy so they can get back the. D'Amour '', he had to go to save face when the Prussian invasion, is... They want, her actions will be viewed as immoral by profession, Boule de Suif is left Maupassant! Or self-sacrifice jeopardizes, rather than improves, her influence is apparent, more ostentatious air, Marc B.A... 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