des medical abbreviation pregnancy

Medical Abbreviations Glossary 1 These medical abbreviations are commonly used in hospital, medical, and dental records. Website also has a DES Self-Assessment Guide to help people figure out if they might have been exposed to DES between 1938 and 1971. It was prescribed to pregnant women between 1940 and 1971 to prevent miscarriage, premature labor, and related complications of pregnancy (1). Again, it’s important to note that most DES-exposed daughters do not have problems getting pregnant or carrying a baby to full term. DES-exposed mothers should follow a regular schedule for early breast cancer detection, as is recommended for all women. If possible, she should try to find out the dose, when the medicine was started, and how it was used. Accessed at on January 14, 2014. Oestrogen is one of the female sex hormones that regulates the menstrual cycle. Troisi R, Hatch EE, Titus-Ernstoff L, et al. The use of DES declined after studies in the 1950s showed that it was not effective in preventing these … Some studies have suggested that the risk of hypospadias may be higher in boys whose mothers were exposed to DES. If you think you (or your mother) took a hormone like DES during pregnancy, you should try to contact the doctor who managed the pregnancy or the hospital where you were born to ask if there is any record that you (or your mother) were given DES. 2010;172:140−148. Most research suggests that the risk of breast cancer in DES-exposed mothers is about 30% higher than the risk of women who have not been exposed to this drug. But it has been reported as early as age 8, and the upper age limit, if any, is not known. This increased risk was not seen in some other studies. DES; Danish Enoxaparin Study; data encryption standard; dementia rating scale; dermal-epidermal separation; descendant [UMLS]; desmin; dialysis encephalopathy syndrome; diethylstilbestrol; diffuse esophageal spasm; disequilibrium syndrome; dissociative experience scale; doctor's emergency service DES 1; descendant, first … Terms such as "gravies 0", referring to a nullifies visa, "gracias 1" for a primigravida, and so on, can also be used. Of course, many other factors affect breast cancer risk as well. 2012;62:147−172. DES-exposed daughters are about 40 times more likely to develop CCA than women not exposed to DES in the womb. Cancer Causes Control. An iodine solution is used to briefly stain the linings of the cervix and vagina. It can help find out the risk that the fetus has certain birth defects. Six cases of women with diethylstilbestrol in utero demonstrating long-term manifestations and current evaluation guidelines. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is an estrogen that was first manufactured in a laboratory in 1938, so it is called a "synthetic estrogen." Advertisement. 2000;96:483−489. Even though DES-exposed sons have not been found to have a higher risk of developing cancer, males with undescended testicles or unusually small testicles have a higher risk of testicular cancer, whether they were exposed to DES or not. Any condition associated with diminished viability of the placenta will reflect decreased levels. © 2021 American Cancer Society, Inc. All rights reserved. DES was used less in the 1960s, after studies showed that it might not help women carry pregnancies to full term. Medical Terminology. Discuss with your doctor which tests are appropriate for you and when you should have them. DES-exposed sons don’t seem to have more fertility problems than other men. A vascular stent made of stainless steel or related materials. DES-exposed sons have an increased risk for epididymal cysts, which are non-cancerous growths on the testicles. 2002;359:1102−1107. Brothers or sisters from pregnancies during which DES was not taken were not exposed. Continued follow-up of pregnancy outcomes in diethylstilbestrol-exposed offspring. Dilute ..... dil. Voici quelques exemples: Contentious readings: urban humanism and gender difference in 'La Puce de Madame Des-Roches (1582). These include: Among DES-exposed daughters, about 64% have delivered a full-term baby in their first pregnancy, compared with 85% in women who were not exposed to DES. Our team of expert journalists brings you all angles of the cancer story – from breaking news and survivor stories to in-depth insights into cutting-edge research. Because of the problems that may show up during pregnancy, DES-exposed daughters need to tell their doctors about their DES exposure. Some people known to have been exposed to DES are being watched in the National Cancer Institute’s DES Combined Cohort Follow-up Study, which was started in 1992. Doctors prescribed it from 1938 until 1971 to help some pregnant women who had had miscarriages or premature deliveries. [Charles Thomas Stent, Brit. Also has a list of doctors (by state) who have experience caring for DES-exposed daughters. Accessed at on January 14, 2014. Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus. Most other studies so far have not found higher risks of birth defects or cancer in these children, but some health problems might not show up until they’re older. You might come across other abbreviations in your maternity notes, depending on any individual tests or screenings that you have – remember though, always ask for an explanation of any terminology you are not familiar with or do not understand. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Medical terminology is used to precisely describe the human body components, processes, illnesses, medical procedures, and pharmacology.Medical terminology E is used in the field of medicine, and clinical settings. Some problems, such as clear cell adenocarcinoma, are usually found only when the doctor is looking for them. hCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone) HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; HEPA = Hamster Egg Penetration Assay; HGSIL = High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion; HMG = Human Menopausal Gonadotropin; HPT = Home Pregnancy Test; HRT = Hormone Replacement … Int J Cancer. These are some of the more common tests done during pregnancy. DES FactSheet is available at VE: Vaginal examination. The cervical Pap test must be done along with a special Pap test of the vagina called a four-quadrant Pap test, in which cell samples are taken from all sides of the vagina. So far, the total overall increase in risk appears to be only about 2% (in this study, the group of women without DES exposure had about a 2% risk of breast cancer, while the group of women with DES exposure had about a 4% risk). Klip H, Verloop J, van Gool JD, et al. (For American Cancer Society recommendations on breast cancer screening, see Breast Cancer: Early Detection.) O’Reilly EJ, Mirzaei F, Forman MR, Ascherio A. Diethylstilbestrol exposure in utero and depression in women. J Low Genit Tract Dis. PET: Pre-Eclamptic Toxaemia: RWT : Repeat the Whole Thing: PF : Pregnancy Forum: Rx : Prescription: PG : Pregnancy… Women who believe they may have been exposed to DES before birth should be aware of the possible health effects of DES and tell their doctors about their exposure. Subject. It is used therapeutically in the treatment of menopausal disturbances and other disorders due to estrogen deficiencies. Meaning dear son, the abbreviation of DS is used when someone posting needs to refer to their son and prefers to … It is designed to keep the lumen of an artery from closing both by holding the artery open and by retarding the growth of the vascular endothelium into the stent. Women who were not under a doctor’s care while pregnant most likely did not take DES either, because you could only get it with a doctor’s prescription. Much like thalidomide, another drug that caused unexpected birth defects when given to pregnant women (see sidebar), Qui est un Recueil de Divers Poemes Grecs, Latins et Francois, Composez par plusieurs doctes Personnages aux Grans Jours tenus a Poitiers l'An MDLXXIX (The Flea of Madame, Il examinera les options disponibles pour les investissements REDD+ bancables en Afrique avec la participation, D'autres reformes, prevues par le plan d'action 2018-2021 du Comite national de l'environnement, Les grandes villes du Gouvernorat de Gharbiya ont abrite, L'alerte precoce permet aux autorites locales de prevenir la population, d'aider a l'evacuation, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content. Treatment for CCA depends on the location and stage (extent) of the cancer. Daughters who know they were exposed to DES typically have more frequent exams to look for these types of changes, but it’s not clear exactly how much the risk is increased. It uses periods for certain abbreviations that traditionally often have them (mostly older Latin/Neo-Latin abbreviations).… When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion… From basic information about cancer and its causes to in-depth information on specific cancer types – including risk factors, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment options – you’ll find it here. American Cancer Society medical information is copyrighted material. We’ve invested more than $5 billion in cancer research since 1946, all to find more – and better – treatments, uncover factors that may cause cancer, and improve cancer patients’ quality of life. 2001;12:837−845. Cancer Causes Control. American Cancer Society, American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, and American Society for Clinical Pathology screening guidelines for the prevention and early detection of cervical cancer. 2005;16:583−586. Many women do not know if they got DES while they were pregnant. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a list of DES brand names on their website ( Abbreviations Commonly Used in Obstetrics and Gynecology Physical Examination V/V Vulva/Vagina BUS Bartholin’s glands, urethra, Skene’s gland RV retroverted AV anteverted RF retroflexed AF anteflexed MP midplane Gynecology TAH total abdominal hysterectomy TVH total vaginal hysterectomy BSO bilateral salpingo … Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: PCT : Post Coital Test: RS : Real Soon: PE : Preeclampsia: RSA : Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion: Perineum the diamond-shaped area including the vagina and anus: RUOK : Are You OK? Antenatal steroids are given when preterm delivery is anticipated between 24 and 34 weeks' gestation with intact membranes, and at 24 to 32 weeks' with ruptured membranes. Adverse health outcomes in women exposed in utero to diethylstilbestrol. Along with the American Cancer Society, other sources of information and support include: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) DES-exposed daughters have a slightly higher risk of preeclampsia during pregnancy. Web. A "multigravida" or "secundigravida" is a woman who has been pregnant more than one time. SFD – small for dates, a term used to during pregnancy to describe a baby which feels or measures small on examination of your abdomen. Such stents are commonly placed in the urinary tract after endoureterotomy and endopyelotomy. Structural changes in the vagina or cervix do not usually cause problems with the use of other forms of contraception, such as diaphragms, female condoms, or spermicides. Women who took the drug are now known as DES mothers and their daughters and sons are known as DES daughters and DES sons, respectively. Hypospadias in sons of women exposed to diethylstilbestrol in utero. 2002;99:197−200. Other than in a rare clinical trial, DES is no longer available in the United States for use in humans. (C) The balloon is then deflated and removed, leaving the expanded stent in place to prevent the artery from closing. DES exposure before birth has been linked to a higher risk of having abnormal cells in the cervix and vagina. Toll-free number: 1-800-DES-9288 (1-800-337-9288) DES Follow-up Study Prenatal diethylstilbestrol exposure and risk of breast cancer. 29, 2021, 10:03 PM), available at A "primigravida" is a woman who is pregnant for the first time or has been pregnant one time. A few pharmacies keep prescription records for a long time, but many chain drugstores only keep them up to10 years. This drug was once used extensively during pregnancy to treat threatened and habitual abortion. Titus-Ernstoff L, Troisi R, Hatch EE, et al. We couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers and donors. Am J Epidemiol. Estrogens are still prescribed for some medical reasons, including to help treat some cancers, but they are no longer used during pregnancy. Some studies have suggested a possible link, but others have not. full term – when a pregnancy is a normal duration (37–42 weeks gestation) gestation – the length of time (in days or weeks) that a baby is in the uterus. The abbreviation for diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic form of estrogen that was widely prescribed to women from 1940 to 1970 to prevent complications. Most of these changes do not threaten the woman’s life or health. It generally uses the singular form of an abbreviation (not the plural) as the headword. It was linked to several serious birth defects and disorders of the reproductive system in daughters of women who took DES. DES Daughters are defined as women born between 1938 and 1971 who were exposed to DES before birth (in the womb). That fluid is not actually water, it is amniotic fluid. These abnormal cells look like cancer cells. It was given to millions of women in the United States during this time. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is a synthetic form of the female hormone estrogen. When looking at breast cancer risk during a woman’s lifetime, this means about 1 out of 6 women who took DES during pregnancy will get breast cancer, as opposed to about 1 out of 8 women who were not exposed to DES. About 5 to 10 million people are thought have been exposed to DES during pregnancy: Only those children who were in the womb at the time their mothers took DES were exposed to it. The increased risk of breast cancer may become larger as these women get older. A tube inserted into the esophagus to open a stricture. Incidence of squamous neoplasia of the cervix and vagina in women exposed prenatally to diethylstilbestrol (United States). APPENDIX F • Common Abbreviations in Maternal-Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing 1467 LGA Large for gestational age LH Luteinizing hormone LHRH Luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone LMA Left-mentum-anterior LML Left mediolateral (episiotomy) LMP Last menstrual period or Left-mentum- posterior … If you are able to get records, it may help to know that DES was sold under many different names. A form of diabetes of variable severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. Cancer risk in DES daughters. Higher incidence of clear cell adenocarcinoma of the cervix and vagina among women born between 1947 and 1971 in the United States. A routine Pap test is not enough for DES-exposed daughters. INSERTION OF A CORONARY ARTERY STENT: (A) A balloon catheter with a collapsed stent is advanced to the location of a coronary artery lesion. Toll-free number: 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) 2011;365:1304−1314. A stent coated with medications that it releases into surrounding intimal cells. DES-exposed daughters may have a vagina, uterus, or cervix with an unusual shape or form (structure). Available from: A measurement for your pubic bone to the top of your uterus, using a tape measure. A stent placed inside an artery or a vein. Most hospitals and doctors’ offices do not keep medical charts or records beyond a few years. If you cannot locate an abbreviation in this glossary, contact us for assistance. They need to tell their doctors, so that this information can be included in their medical records. dentist, 1845–1901]. This research is still going on, and study results continue to be published. USS: Ultrasound Scan. 17 March 2021. DES-exposed daughters may also have a higher risk of certain problems during pregnancy. Write: less than or greater than: Term. There are no special screenings or tests recommended for DES-exposed sons, but they should tell their doctors about their exposure and get regular exams from their doctors. Researchers are following up with more than 20,000 people to look for possible effects of DES, such as higher risks of breast and testicular cancers, as well as other health issues that might not be as easily linked to DES exposure. BFP: Abbreviation for “big fat positive” which refers to a positive pregnancy test. DES Update: Health Care Providers. All Acronyms. All Acronyms, TOLAC (Mar. Palmer JR, Wise LA, Robboy SJ, et al. At that time it was believed that these problems might have been caused by low levels of estrogen in the woman’s body. Provides access to breast and cervical cancer screening services for underserved women in the United States. In 1971, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised doctors to stop prescribing it during pregnancy. Level. Some doctors do not do this for everyone, but this is commonly done if the Pap test result is not normal. The American Cancer Society is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Tax ID Number: 13-1788491. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There are no other known health effects of DES exposure in pregnant women who took this drug. Palmer JR, Wise LA, Hatch EE, et al. (Offspring of DES Daughters and Sons). Studies have not shown that birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy is unsafe for DES-exposed daughters, but some doctors believe DES-exposed daughters should avoid them because of the estrogen in them. Preeclampsia (sometimes called toxic pregnancy or toxemia) is a condition in which high blood pressure and protein in the urine develop in the late 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. If you know where the prescription was filled, you might want to ask there. SFH – Symphysis Fundal Height. A recent study suggested that DES-exposed daughters might have a higher risk of depression than women who had not been exposed to the drug, although other studies have not found this. Write down and save anything you find out about dates the drug was taken, and other details. Website: Doctors and obstetricians commonly prescribed DES to women who had fertility problems or who were at risk of miscarriage, usually as a pill. (B) The balloon is inflated, which expands the stent and compresses the lesion to increase the artery opening. CA Cancer J Clin. She also should tell her children who were exposed in the womb. A woman who took DES while pregnant (or suspects she may have been given it) should tell her doctor. may be found in the list. DES Update: Consumers. Hatch EE, Herbst AL, Hoover RN, et al. A biologically compatible stent inserted into the ureter or urethra to relieve or prevent urinary tract obstruction. DES-exposed daughters should follow current breast cancer screening recommendations. This cancer of the vagina and cervix usually occurs in DES-exposed daughters in their late teens or early 20s. But it’s important to note that the women in this study (and many DES-exposed daughters in general) are still younger than the average age at which breast cancer usually occurs. Accessed at on January 14, 2014. Created. Appenidix A Discontinued Abbreviations. We can even find you a free ride to treatment or a free place to stay when treatment is far from home. The risk of other cancers does not seem to be increased, but research continues in this area as well. TOLAC … According to the largest study to date, DES-exposed daughters have a slightly increased risk for breast cancer. Gestational diabetes mellitus. DES was used to correct this problem. 2010;2:999−1007. This issue is still being studied. See: A stent whose supportive lattice is coated with biocompatible fabric or plastic, e.g., Dacron, polytetrafluoroethylene, or silicone. Elective abortion is … Website: First trimester screening is a combination of fetal ultrasound and maternal blood testing. Potential Health Risks for Third Generation First trimester prenatal screening tests. (See the section, “How do you know if you [or your mother] took DES during pregnancy?”). A tube or catheter used as a scaffold to keep an airway open. A stent that is deployed across a focal, severe obstruction in a lumen rather than across a longer but less extensively diseased portion it. Toll-free number: 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) The Follow-up Study also includes the children of the daughters and sons who were exposed to DES — the third generation of DES-exposed families. For example, both bid and b.i.d. Their pregnancies will probably be treated as high-risk, meaning these women will be closely watched by their doctors throughout the pregnancy. woman having borne one childe (Para II, two children and so on) Term. Many doctors recommend these women have regular, thorough exams every year. 20. Obstet Gynecol. This way they can work with their doctors to watch for signs of problems and deal with them as soon as possible. Common Tests During Pregnancy. All Acronyms. DES Action USA Research has confirmed that DES Daughters are at an increased risk for: Clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCA), a rare kind of vaginal and cervical cancer. Mothers and children have a right to see any of their remaining medical records. Pregnancy Test. It was linked to several serious birth defects and disorders of the reproductive system in daughters of women who took DES. This condition is not cancer, but it might develop into cancer if it’s not treated. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These children were not directly exposed to DES, so they would not be expected to have the same risks as their parents, but research in this area continues. Any woman who was pregnant between 1938 and 1971 and had problems during the current or a previous pregnancy may have been given DES or another estrogen-like drug. (For American Cancer Society recommendations on breast cancer screening, see Breast Cancer: Early Detection.) En collaborant avec des partenaires communautaires et en investissant dans une variete de projets innovateurs, FedNor renforce le programme d'innovation du gouvernement du Canada dans le Nord de l'Ontario. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or "spontaneous abortion" and occurs in approximately 30% to 40% of pregnancies. A stent made of an inert material, usually metallic, with a self-expanding mesh introduced into the coronary artery. New Engl J Med. You can help reduce your risk of cancer by making healthy choices like eating right, staying active and not smoking. 2012;23:207−211. Two of the most commonly used names were stilbestrol and DESPlex, but there are dozens more. Our team is made up of doctors and oncology certified nurses with deep knowledge of cancer care as well as journalists, editors, and translators with extensive experience in medical writing. But they do not spread into nearby healthy tissues like cancer cells do and so are often called pre-cancers. Undergraduate 1. Unfortunately, finding medical records after such a long period of time may not be possible in many cases. Those who were exposed to DES in utero were found to be at risk of developing reproductive tract abnormalities such as clear-cell cervicovaginal cancer in women and reproductive tract abnormalities in men. This is why it’s important that your doctor know about the possible problems linked to DES exposure and to keep records of your exposure, if you have them. DES (diethylstilbestrol) is a man-made (synthetic) form of estrogen, a female hormone. Or you can try to find records from her obstetrician’s office. Cancer risk in women prenatally exposed to diethylstilbestrol. Research on the children of DES daughters is also available on the site. Obstet Gynecol. PBI LMC [Internet]; March 29, 2021 [cited 2021 MAR 29]. 'TOLAC', All Acronyms, 27 March 2021, [accessed 27 March 2021] Bluebook. For more information on the treatment of clear cell adenocarcinoma, see Vaginal Cancer or Cervical Cancer. Researchers are following these children to look for possible health effects. These exams may include the following: This is a physical exam of the reproductive organs. 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