gitmo update 2020

Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Military Commissions are run by the Department of Defense through the work of five organizations to achieve the overarching goal of a just resolution to all commissions cases. Much Love…:). Writing About God, Spirituality, And Life, Please note,…while I have my own thoughts on the validity of this information, I can not present it as truth, either in whole or in part. admin June 1, 2020. This is just another part of FINDING THE TRUTH for me. MID 2020 GITMO UPDATE : Equally, there has been numerous documents published on the Human Rights Tribunal International website relating to violations of all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) including war crimes to commit mass genocide involving ANTIFA, CDC, Fauci, Gates Foundation, National Lawyers Guild, National Governors Association, The Rothschild … Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents. Pass the popcorn! Biden’s inauguration was shown in France 10 hours earlier than it was in The United States. We got to talking and I saw I was not alone. No shade, please explain. 16 Responses to Arrest/Execution Update from Gitmo… ~ December 13, 2020. [ March 27, 2021 ] Vaccinated Becoming Reinfected News [ March 26, 2021 ] Video Proves Boulder Shooting False Flag Dark Projects [ March 25, 2021 ] Lady Di And JFK Jr. To Testify At Gitmo Conspiracies [ March 23, 2021 ] FBI Destroyed Hunter’s Laptop Conspiracies Com Medeea Greere Before we get started, let us first understand that before Trump was POTUS GITMO (Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp) was a fraction of the size it now is. Much Love…:), Sorry auto correct out sweepstakes…Research deepfakes, Just found this, hope it’s all true!!! She made … Editor’s Note: Thanks to my good frind J for sharing this news…lot’s of darkness being removed NOW. Been in the Trump movement following bread crumbs that led me to the Galactic Federation. Plus Twitterings || Kat – DEC 01 2020 – “it’s General FLYNN’S turn!” Posted on December 1, 2020 by fromthefirstorder It doesn’t mae sense and also where are all these clones being mass produced and how did they know to make clones of the exact people who are now allegedly arrested? ( If this sounds like I’m covering my ass,…then you are very astute. June 16, 2020 Timothy Holmseth CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING, CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN, Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE, U.S. MILITARY 12 Before Its News. ), Wow! Love, Spirituality, free energy, abundance. Pence and … Notice the weather shown vrs reality in DC on Jan. 20! Check this out! This list of Guantánamo prisoners has the known identities of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, but is compiled from various sources and is incomplete.In official documents, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) continues to make intermittent efforts to redact prisoner's names. "Vril" means the Light Force and Lucifer is known as the light bearer to secret societies like Freemasonry and the Illuminati. 40 detainees remain at Guantanamo Bay. Worth Listening to the End: Has Q Been Identified? Thanks for reading my blog! David Trent - 1,550 Views. I will only offer material that has passed the sniff test, so to speak and I'm fully au fait and au courant with the subject, before unleashing upon … Related The Bush Crime Family History Source – Rotter News. He is expected to be sentenced to life in prison on Oct 27th 2020 I like how this leaked list from gitmo conveniently lists the occupations of the Greek people so my Fox news brain can fully understand why I agree with their death. Or whenever it was actually recorded. Lady Gaga sang at Biden’s inaugural today. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Deep State operative and former CIA director John Brennan has a new home at the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba, Real Raw News has learned.A source familiar with Trump’s war on the Deep State and mission to invalidate a fraudulent presidential election told RRN that U.S. military assets loyal to Trump arrested Brennan on 25 March and flew him You’ll have to use your own judgement, and be your own quality control. Past Presidents had the wreath brought to them and they walked it back and placed it at the tomb. Helping others access and implement new creative skills. DELTA VIRTUE SIGNALS & LOSES 35 MILLION IN TAX CREDITS & HOLLYWOOD TRIES TOO, Love Theme from St. Elmo’s Fire (Instrumental), Tears For Fears – Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Official Music Video), Tears For Fears – Shout (Official Music Video). Or whenever it was actually recorded. Arrest/Execution Update from Gitmo... ~ December 13, 2020 Names Released on Indictments for Treason, Human Trafficking, Election Fraud, and More; Military Tribunals Begin | David Zublick [video]~ January 21, 2019 Yep…and the show goes on. 0. He did not die in a skiing accident. Things are not as they seem. 2 – CLAIM YOUR WORLD ~ March 31, 2021, March 26, 2021 Late Edition: Evergreen Containers Exposed ~ March 26, 2021, The New Earth Blog ~ Living in the New Energy, THE MIND OF RD REVILO, The Blog (& Podcasts) 4 BLACK Men, A Healing Stone Egyptians believed could prevent aging… ~ April 1, 2021, April 1, 2021: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes… Are On the Way [videos] ~ April 1, 2021. Begin typing your search above and press return to search. Posted By: Lymerick Date: Saturday, 2-Jan-2021 23:39:36 ... (Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp) was a fraction of the size it now is. He had the cabal who he was starting to investigate while he was a Congressman. You’ll have to use your own judgement, and be your own quality control. Share this. That is why Potus said Pence is on a plane to go in a far away place. Are you ready to BE in…, ___________________________________________________________________________________________, Lady Gaga sang at Biden’s inaugural today. Much Love…:), Very true news purposefully kept from the public. Press Esc to cancel. Looks and sings differently. Conscious Thought: Driven by Intelligent Awareness, Adama, Sananda, OWS & Archangel Michael ~ Now Time For Final Seal To Be Opened ~ July 7, 2016, Message From Mira of The Pleiadian High Council ~ 7/05/2016, Your Free Gift for Today… Permission to Be Human ~ July 7, 2016, Special message for 12:12. October 29, 2020 There appears to be some movement at GTMO, and a couple of Orders have been posted on the OMC website in the last couple days. Dismantling The Deepstate by Lucifer1419: 12:27pm On Aug 03, 2020; Continued -----LIST OF ARRESTED & EXECUTED Jul 27, 2020 SONNY BONO MURDERED Sonny Bono was murdered. Recently Banned by Amazon Must Be Worried Trump Forgot the Plan Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. You got that right. Please note,…while I have my own thoughts on the validity of this information, I can not present it as truth, either in whole or in part. Arrest/Execution Update from Gitmo… ~ December 13, 2020 (and you thought nothing is happening!!) The fake inaug was done on a sound stage in advance with actors and clones. cosmosmith says: January 25, 2021 at 15:23. 29-Apr. The inauguration was staged on a set with actors and clones in advance. President Trump has ordered Guantanamo Bay to prepare for incoming ‘high level’ prisoners, including American politicians, within the next few months. Like Like. Some may be executed at GITMO. by Steven Rotter, March 14th, 2021 . ( Log Out /  As of June 11, 2020 images of lists with elites’ names began surfacing on social media and circulating around in groups and group chats. During President Trump’s State of the Union address, he announced plans to expand Guantanamo Bay in order to house ‘Deep State traitors’ such as Clinton, Podesta, and Obama. GCR update 2020 said that Pence is a pedophile who has raped hundreds of children and even killed one. Create a free website or blog at They seem to identify who is currently on house arrest, in prison, awaiting tribunal, at GITMO, or already executed. An important connection to notice here is that The Vril Society essentially gave birth to the Nazi party. Trump Tweets "Have a Look", See Who are the New Residents of GITMO. On February 23, 2021 February 23, 2021 By sanora1. Subscribe 475. ( Log Out /  Can someone explain to me what purpose does it serve to arrest and/or execute all these people and then let ‘clones’ run around and continue to do harm, i.e. The Vril Society was one of he most influential of the occultic groups in post-WWI Germany, many of Germany’s social elite were members. Author EndofTheAgeHeadlines Posted on October 2, 2020 October 2, 2020 Categories Conspiracy, Deep State, Government, Hillary Clinton FBI, Politics, Q 23 thoughts on “GITMO ORDERED TO PREPARE FOR “HIGH-LEVEL” AMERICAN PRISONERS” Try again. As well it should! Learn how your comment data is processed. Share Embed Published on 10 Dec 2020 / In News and Politics ®"Ⅎ˥ƎSWIH ˥˥Iʞ ┴,NpIp NƎI┴SԀƎ"® | #BackTheBlue PLEASE SUB … Also previous Military had rank on the sleeves of their uniforms with unit ribbons and awards showing. Hence, the prematurely and illegitimately declared Biden … Go figure! He had two types of people who wanted him dead. Thank you, Research IS everything…you GO girl! ( Log Out /  MILITARY TRIBUNALS 71,000 CHARGED POLITICIANS CELEBRITIES ETC By Nobel E I saw this asked if I could share. (Steven Rotter)Arrests of Famous people update March 10, 2021 by Juan O Savin. People have been talking about the Fake inauguration. David W Sooley says: January 20, 2021 at 22:19. ❤️, I applaud your righteousness! Hasple will not be one of them because she has agreed to help Trump in testifying as to what the CIA did and when. Mid-2020 GITMO Update: Arrests, Indictments, & Executions. In this video Juan O Savin says our nation has to fix the terrible mess it’s in (caused by The Deep State) before arrests of the cabal can happen. Trust the Plan. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. [P] – The Unseen Masters of All #QAnon #GreatAwakening #WhoIsP #Illuminati #13Bloodlines #Payseur #Springmeier ~ August 16, 2018, The Next Wave of Mass Awakenings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton ~ March 31, 2021, GAIA DAILY – Mar. ), INDICTMENTS Update 9-27-20. Very highly-connected insider, Juan O Savin, explains what is coming, regarding the arrests and executions of famous people and politicians (The Deep State.). ( Log Out /  GITMO is full so they can’t be imprisoned there. David Guillod Hollywood producer ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL Keith Raniere NXIVM leader found guilty in a criminal civilian court in 2019, on seven charges, including two counts of sex trafficking, racketeering and forced labor conspiracy. Arrests of Famous people update March 10, 2021 by Juan O Savin. Quantum LOVE requires Truth! Very highly-connected insider, Juan O Savin, explains what is coming, regarding the arrests and executions of famous people and politicians (The Deep State.) A military commission is a military court of law traditionally used to try law of war and other offenses. It is unknown how badly she was injured in the raid. My faith in God, my country is being blessed by seeing justice done!! Reply. VP Pence was arrested 5/10/2020 from a friend who has access to a military intel. President Trump I thank you for your courage and all the people who helped you in this task!! Our Inner Sun has been activated ~ December 13, 2020, Arrest/Execution Update from Gitmo… ~ December 13, 2020, Crimes Against Humanity, List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – 24th February, 2021 (video) ~ February 25, 2021, Special Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of March 31, 2021 ~ March 31, 2021, Starship Earth: The Big Picture March 31, 2021 ~ March 31, 2021, Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 1, 2021 ~ April 1, 2021, Charlie Ward and Gene Decode: Horrifying D.C. D.U.M.B.s, Amazing Ascension, Miraculous Health and Wealth Incoming (Part 1) ~ February 15, 2021, A Message From The Pleiadian High Council March 31, 2021, READ THIS NOW!!! Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Such BS Caught on Video: Pete Buttigieg Has Gas-Guzzling Suburban Drop Him Off a Couple Blocks from Work So He Can Ride His Bike in for the Cameras (VIDEO), Transhumanism and The Spiritual Battle For Humanity, ARCHBISHOP VIGANO CONFIRMS CLAIMS IN VIRAL CANADIAN “GREAT RESET” LETTER, THE GREAT RESET IS REAL AND WHY YOU WON’T ENJOY IT, Ontario imposes provincewide ’emergency brake’ as 3rd wave of COVID-19 hits hard, EPIC BACKFIRE! the Gates? American National Union of The United States of America against the Rotschild family MID 2020 GITMO UPDATE 2ND COMPLAINT BY American National Union of The United States of America Against the ROTSCHILD FAMILYDownload Source: Before it News Get ready…Much Love…:). Mid-2020 GITMO Update: Arrests, Indictments, & Executions. What in the World is on Cynthia's mind? ❤️, Been investigating about EVERYTHING for 41 years. It's Still Goin' By the Book. During Biden’s none of this was shown. Welcome to the Office of Military Commissions. During Biden’s it was placed and he was only allowed to stand there. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, How To STAND UP For Yourself (CHRIS SKY vs 30 COPS & HE WINS! In the case of the 2020 POTUS election, the Democrat ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has been cited for carrying out the greatest election cycle crime wave via fraud and theft in U.S. history. A disruptive Hillary Clinton was placed in lockdown at GITMO following a series of incidents in which the former Secretary of State spat on guards, defecated on the floor of her cell, assaulted U.S. military personnel, and, in her witch’s cackle, hurled obscenities indefatigably at staff and fellow inmates, said a source familiar with Clinton’s […] 1,550 Views 11. VIDEOS, PODCASTS. That has raised a lot of questions. ... Top posts august 12th 2020 Top posts of august, 2020 Top posts 2020. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Change ). Drekx Omega June 15, 2020 at 9:57am Yes Amparo, you and I have differing motives and tactics, when posting blogs. U.S. Department of Defense does not deny U.S. Military rescuing children from underground tunnels – GITMO update. She is/was a double. GENERAL FLYNN ACTIVATED = GITMO updates with Juan O’Savin: Haspel Shot, Wounded, and Sang Like a Canary! About EVERYTHING for 41 years Update from Gitmo… ~ December 13, 2020 posts... Using your Google account this is Just another part of FINDING the TRUTH me! Of them because she has agreed to help Trump in testifying as to the! The people who helped you in this task!!!!!!!!!!!. Coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts in: you are very astute Force and Lucifer is known as the Light and! 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