intel fortran compiler

The Intel Fortran Compiler Classic fully supports Fortran through the 2018 standard. Don’t have an Intel account? Der Intel Fortran Compiler kann in die IDEs Visual Studio, Eclipse und XCode integriert werden. Erhältlich ist die aktuelle Version des Compilers für die Betriebssysteme Linux, Windows und Mac OS X und die Prozessorarchitekturen IA-32, x86-64 (Intel 64, AMD64). Language – What extensions to standard Fortran do the compilers support? Intel Fortran Composer XE 2013 SP1 (compiler 14.0), User-Defined Derived Type I/O; OpenMP directives, clauses and procedures; coarrays ; Microsoft Visual Studio parallel build support, Intel Fortran Composer XE 2013 SP1 Update 1 (compiler 14.0.1), Japanese localization of 14.0; Windows 8.1 and Xcode 5.0 support, Intel Fortran Composer XE 2015 (compiler 15.0), Full support for Fortran 2003; BLOCK from Fortran 2008; EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE from Fortran 2008; New optimization report annotates the source from within Visual Studio, Intel Fortran Composer XE 2015 Update 1 (compiler 15.0.1), Intel Fortran Compiler 16.0, part of Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016, Submodules from Fortran 2008, enhanced interoperability of Fortran with C from draft Fortran 2018, OpenMP 4.1 extensions, Full Fortran 2018 support, OpenMP 4.5 and initial Open MP 5.1 for CPU only, OpenMP* 4.5 and initial OpenMP support for CPU and GPU Offload, This page was last edited on 28 December 2020, at 22:43. Fortran is one of the earliest imperative computer programming languages around. Continued availability of the Visual Studio 2010 Shell for Windows versions. NOTE: Certain Intel Fortran compiler versions are known to cause issues. More Fortran 2003 support. Der Intel Fortran Compiler, auch IFORT oder IFC genannt, ist ein Compiler mit Frontends für Fortran, den der Prozessorhersteller Intel zur Verfügung stellt. Activation and version verification of Intel Fortran compiler. September 2011: Intel Fortran- Neue Version 12.1 Jetzt auch Intel Visual Fortan v12. The Intel® Fortran Compiler compiles Fortran source files for Intel® 64 and IA-32 architectures. For more information on these compilers, see Precompiled headers, code-coverage tools. Code produced by this compiler may also be run on x86 compatible CPUs such as those from AMD. If you use Mozilla Firefox*, you may encounter an issue where the, Introduction, Conventions, and Further Information, Specifying the Location of Compiler Components, Running Fortran Applications from the Command Line, Using Makefiles to Compile Your Application, Using Microsoft Visual Studio* Solution Explorer, Performing Common Tasks with Microsoft Visual Studio*, Selecting a Version of the Intel® Fortran Compiler, Understanding Solutions, Projects, and Configurations, Navigating Programmatic Components in a Fortran File, Specifying Path, Library, and Include Directories, Setting Compiler Options in the Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE Property Pages, Using Intel Libraries for oneAPI with Microsoft Visual Studio*, Using Guided Auto Parallelism in Microsoft Visual Studio*, Using Code Coverage in Microsoft Visual Studio*, Using Profile-Guided Optimization in Microsoft Visual Studio*, Using Source Editor Enhancements in Microsoft Visual Studio*, Specifying Project Types with ifort Command Options, Using Fortran Console Application Projects, Using Fortran Standard Graphics Application Projects, Using Fortran QuickWin Application Projects, Using Fortran Windowing Application Projects, Using Fortran Dynamic-Link Library Projects, Additional Documentation: Creating Fortran Applications that Use Windows* OS Features, Optimization Reports: Enabling in Microsoft Visual Studio*, Options: Guided Auto Parallelism dialog box, Options: Profile Guided Optimization dialog box, Using Visual Studio* IDE Automation Objects, Ways to Display Certain Option Information, Displaying General Option Information From the Command Line, What Appears in the Compiler Option Descriptions, mbranches-within-32B-boundaries, Qbranches-within-32B-boundaries, mstringop-inline-threshold, Qstringop-inline-threshold, Interprocedural Optimization (IPO) Options, coarray-config-file, Qcoarray-config-file, complex-limited-range, Qcomplex-limited-range, qopt-assume-safe-padding, Qopt-assume-safe-padding, qopt-mem-layout-trans, Qopt-mem-layout-trans, qopt-multi-version-aggressive, Qopt-multi-version-aggressive, qopt-multiple-gather-scatter-by-shuffles, Qopt-multiple-gather-scatter-by-shuffles, qopt-prefetch-distance, Qopt-prefetch-distance, qopt-prefetch-issue-excl-hint, Qopt-prefetch-issue-excl-hint, qopt-ra-region-strategy, Qopt-ra-region-strategy, qopt-streaming-stores, Qopt-streaming-stores, qopt-subscript-in-range, Qopt-subscript-in-range, Profile Guided Optimization (PGO) Options, finstrument-functions, Qinstrument-functions, prof-hotness-threshold, Qprof-hotness-threshold, prof-value-profiling, Qprof-value-profiling, qopt-report-annotate, Qopt-report-annotate, qopt-report-annotate-position, Qopt-report-annotate-position, qopt-report-per-object, Qopt-report-per-object, Offload Compilation Options, OpenMP* Options, and Parallel Processing Options, par-runtime-control, Qpar-runtime-control, parallel-source-info, Qparallel-source-info, qopenmp-threadprivate, Qopenmp-threadprivate, fast-transcendentals, Qfast-transcendentals, fimf-arch-consistency, Qimf-arch-consistency, fimf-domain-exclusion, Qimf-domain-exclusion, fimf-force-dynamic-target, Qimf-force-dynamic-target, qsimd-honor-fp-model, Qsimd-honor-fp-model, qsimd-serialize-fp-reduction, Qsimd-serialize-fp-reduction, inline-max-per-compile, Qinline-max-per-compile, inline-max-per-routine, Qinline-max-per-routine, inline-max-total-size, Qinline-max-total-size, inline-min-caller-growth, Qinline-min-caller-growth, Output, Debug, and Precompiled Header (PCH) Options, feliminate-unused-debug-types, Qeliminate-unused-debug-types, fzero-initialized-in-bss, Qzero-initialized-in-bss, Programming Tradeoffs in Floating-point Applications, Handling Floating-point Array Operations in a Loop Body, Reducing the Impact of Subnormal Exceptions, Avoiding Mixed Data Type Arithmetic Expressions, Comparison of Intel® Fortran and Windows* API Routines, Redistributing Libraries When Deploying Applications, Resolving References to Shared Libraries Provided with Intel® oneAPI, Including the Intel® Visual Fortran Interface Definitions for Windows* API Routines, Specifying Default Pathnames and File Names, Obtaining File Information: INQUIRE Statement, User-Supplied OPEN Procedures: USEROPEN Specifier, Microsoft* Fortran PowerStation Compatible Files (Windows*), Programming with Mixed Languages Overview, Using Standard Fortran Interoperability Syntax for Existing Fortran Extensions, Interoperating with arguments using C descriptors, C Structures, Typedefs, and Macros for Interoperability, Calling Subprograms from the Main Program (Windows*), Passing Arguments in Mixed-Language Programming, Stack Considerations in Calling Conventions (Windows*), Compiling and Linking Intel® Fortran/C Programs, Building Intel® Fortran/C Mixed-Language Programs on Windows* Systems, Handling Fortran Array Pointers and Allocatable Arrays, Understanding Errors During the Build Process, Using the END, EOR, and ERR Branch Specifiers, Using the IOSTAT Specifier and Fortran Exit Codes, Overriding the Default Run-Time Library Exception Handler, Advanced Exception and Termination Handling, Handlers for the Application (Project) Types, Providing Your Own Exception/Termination Handler, Using Windows* Structured Exception Handling (SEH), Custom Handlers for Fortran Console, Fortran QuickWin, and Fortran Standard Graphics Applications, Custom Handlers for Fortran DLL Applications, Custom Handlers for Fortran Windows Applications, Procedure Pointers as Derived-Type Components, Structure Constructors with Parameterized Derived Types, Type Parameter Order for Parameterized Derived Types, Deferred-Length Type Parameters for Parameterized Derived Types, Assumed-Length Type Parameters for Parameterized Derived Types, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, and Hollerith Constants, Determining the Data Type of Nondecimal Constants, Specifying Data Objects for Coarray Images, Examples of Intrinsic Assignment to Polymorphic Variables, Effects of Equivalency and Interaction with COMMON Statements, STAT= and ERRMSG= Specifiers in Image Control Statements, Intrinsic Module Procedures - ISO_C_BINDING, Intrinsic Module Procedures - ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, IEEE Intrinsic Modules Quick Reference Tables, Functions, Subroutines, and Statement Functions, General Rules for Function and Subroutine Subprograms, Character Constant and Hollerith Arguments, References to Generic Intrinsic Functions, References to Elemental Intrinsic Procedures, Procedures that Require Explicit Interfaces, Interoperability of Procedures and Procedure Interfaces, Argument Keywords in Intrinsic Procedures, Categories and Lists of Intrinsic Procedures, Rules for Formatted Sequential READ Statements, Rules for List-Directed Sequential READ Statements, Rules for Namelist Sequential READ Statements, Rules for Unformatted Sequential READ Statements, Rules for Formatted Direct-Access READ Statements, Rules for Unformatted Direct-Access READ Statements, Forms and Rules for Internal READ Statements, Rules for Formatted Sequential WRITE Statements, Rules for List-Directed Sequential WRITE Statements, Rules for Namelist Sequential WRITE Statements, Rules for Unformatted Sequential WRITE Statements, Rules for Formatted Direct-Access WRITE Statements, Rules for Unformatted Direct-Access WRITE Statements, Forms and Rules for Internal WRITE Statements, Characteristics of Defined I/O Procedures, Resolving Defined I/O Procedure References, Examples of User-Defined Derived-Type I/O, Dollar-Sign ($) and Backslash ( \ ) Editing, Interaction Between Format Specifications and I/O Lists, Rules for General Directives that Affect DO Loops, Rules for Loop Directives that Affect Array Assignment Statements, Clauses Used in Multiple OpenMP Fortran Directives, Deleted and Obsolescent Language Features, Deleted Language Features in the Fortran Standard, Obsolescent Language Features in the Fortran Standard, FORTRAN 66 Interpretation of the EXTERNAL Statement, Alternative Syntax for the PARAMETER Statement, Alternative Syntax for Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal Constants, Alternative Syntax for a Record Specifier, Alternative Syntax for the DELETE Statement, Alternative Form for Namelist External Records, Type Declarations within Record Structures, Character and Key Code Charts for Windows*, ASCII Character Codes Chart 2: IBM* Character Set, ASCII Character Set for Linux* and macOS*, Library Modules and Run-Time Library Routines, Overview of NLS and MCBS Routines (Windows*), Standard Fortran Routines That Handle MBCS Characters (Windows*), Overview of Serial Port I/O Routines (Windows*), Statements for Program Unit Calls and Definitions, Statements and Intrinsic Procedures for Memory Allocation and Deallocation, Intrinsic Functions for Numeric and Type Conversion, Trigonometric, Exponential, Root, and Logarithmic Intrinsic Procedures, Intrinsic Functions for Floating-Point Inquiry and Control, Intrinsic Procedures for Bit Operation and Representation, National Language Support Library Routines, ATTRIBUTES INLINE, NOINLINE, and FORCEINLINE, ATTRIBUTES MIXED_STR_LEN_ARG and NOMIXED_STR_LEN_ARG, DBESJ0, DBESJ1, DBESJN, DBESY0, DBESY1, DBESYN, Using Other Methods to Set Environment Variables, Understanding Files Associated with Intel® Fortran Applications, Compiling and Linking Multithread Programs, Viewing Fortran Data Types in the Microsoft* Debugger, Viewing the Call Stack in the Microsoft* Debugger, Debugging a Program that Encounters a Signal or Exception, Adding OpenMP* Support to your Application, Enabling Further Loop Parallelization for Multicore Platforms, Function Annotations and the SIMD Directive for Vectorization, Profile-Guided Optimization via HW counters, Profile an Application with Instrumentation, Understanding Code Layout and Multi-Object IPO, Requesting Compiler Reports with the xi* Tools, Compiler Directed Inline Expansion of Functions, Developer Directed Inline Expansion of User Functions, Addressing Support for 64-bit Architecture (Linux*), Tradeoffs and Restrictions in Using Traceback, Sample Programs and Traceback Information, Specifying Alternative Tools and Locations, Temporary Files Created by the Compiler or Linker, Using the Intel® Fortran COM Server (Windows*), Fortran COM Server Interface Design Considerations, Deploying the COM Server on Another System, Using the Intel® Fortran Module Wizard (COM Client) (Windows*), Calling the Routines Generated by the Module Wizard, Getting a Pointer to an Object's Interface, Additional Resources about COM and Automation, Disable or Decrease the Amount of Inlining, Dynamically Link Intel-Provided Libraries, Disable Inline Expansion of Standard Library or Intrinsic Functions, Disable Passing Arguments in Registers Instead of On the Stack, Understanding Single and Multibyte Character Sets, Using Function Order Lists, Function Grouping, Function Ordering, and Data Ordering Optimizations, Comparison of Function Order Lists and IPO Code Layout, Understanding Fortran Language Standards Overview, Conformance, Compatibility, and Fortran Features, Minimizing Operating System-Specific Information, Supported Native and Nonnative Numeric Formats, Environment Variable FORT_CONVERT.ext or FORT_CONVERT_ext Method, Environment Variable FORT_CONVERTn Method, Compiler Option -convert or /convert Method, Download Documentation: Intel® Compiler (Current and Previous). Everyone is advising to use intel fortran compiler with microsoft visual studio. Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional. Intel also offers a tool for memory and threading error detection called Intel Inspector XE. The compilation on Linux posses no problems, but Intel Fortran compiler on Windows seems to cause great complications for CMake. … Fortran 90: Compaq CVF und Intel Fortran. The incompatibilities most often surface at GEMPACK install time. The Software Optimization Cookbook, High-Performance Recipes for IA-32 Platforms, Richard Gerber, Aart J.C. Bik, Kevin B. Smith, and Xinmin Tian, Intel Press, 2006, "Intel® Fortran Compiler for oneAPI Release Notes", "Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Windows",,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. IA-64 (Itanium2) wird mit den Versionen 11.x des Compilers unterstützt. The Intel Fortran Compiler (Beta) supports full Fortran 77/90/95 and has partial support of the Fortran 2003 standard. Select the Fortran compiler of choice and search for Profile-Guided Optimization. コンパイラー 日本語版. so that compiler developers can easily construct their own compiler by combining or modifying the components or adding new components. I have to link fortran compiler to abaqus. When used with Intel cluster tools (see the "Description of Packaging" below) the compiler can also automatically generate Message Passing Interface calls for distributed memory multiprocessing from OpenMP directives. Der Intel C++ Compiler implementiert den vollständigen C++ Sprachstandard einschließlich C++17. Intel oneAPI is a cross-platform toolset that covers several languages including C, C++, Fortran and Python. so that compiler developers can easily construct their own compiler by combining or modifying the components or adding new components. I am trying to debug a Fortran code. OpenMP 3.1, additional 2003 (ALLOCATE with SOURCE=, polymorphic source) and 2008 standards support, Windows version ships with Visual Studio 2010 Shell. I have all of the OBJECTS as dependencies to the main library target which is a shared library, which should force it to build all of the source inputs. Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional. The IA-32 compilations run on any IA-32 Intel processor and produce applications that run on IA-32 systems. Fortran sources as those from AMD source files for Intel® 64 and IA-32 architectures and Debug Fortran online... Microsoft Fortran by Microsoft and many more programs are available standalone from Intel for Windows, Linux Bundle aus... For instant and free download 's operating System compiler implementiert den vollständigen Sprachstandard... For Linux ) as well as a command-line interface available for development Linux-based... 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