st stephen's day traditions ireland

That’s how the Irish celebrate St. Stephens Day, or Wren Day.Irish Festivals explains Image from Limerick Museum Identifier: 1996.1314.190. Though Northern Ireland celebrates Boxing Day, the Republic of Ireland to the south celebrates St. Stephen’s Day instead. In Dingle the wren tradition also incorporates. On this side of Irish Sea, St Stephen's Day (or St Stephensusus Day) is the official name for December 26, and we simply won't be told any differently. Originally, groups of small boys would hunt for a wren, and then chase the bird until they either caught it … This poem was recited throughout the country in the 20th century with slight variations and is still recited today. Below is a youtube video of a Welsh song  about hunting the wren. All the best, And so, if you ever wish to celebrate your Irish heritage at Christmas time, then a great idea is to visit the town of Dingle on the 26th of December. This name comes from a very old tradition focused around a tiny bird called the wren.Â, Lá an Dreoilín or Wren Day  is a very old tradition and was once practised throughout most of Ireland, ated pole or holly branch coloured in ribbons and coloured paper. They would suspend their dead quarry on top of a pole decorated with ribbons and evergreen leaves – which would then be paraded around the houses where dancing and singing would take place – before the feathers were distributed and hopefully some form of financial contribution would be made to the performers. One of Ireland’s unique traditions, it is celebrated every year on December 26 th St Stephen’s Day. They decided to drown him, but they could find no water. In Munster and the south of Ireland, Wren Day, is a major event in some towns. In Halls account from Cork in 1840 (Ireland: its scenery, character etc.) Wales. Old Christmas is past Twelfth-tide is the last The following day the bird was  paraded  through the town or rural areas on top of a decorated pole or holly branch coloured in ribbons and coloured paper. Furze – The Yellow Flower Of The Irish Landscape. In centuries past, in some Irish counties, the wren was hunted and killed for this day of festivities. Thanks for stopping by to learn about our Irish cultural heritage and old Irish Christmas traditions. For years, our grandparents and parents took part in this ritual of music, song and dance which were followed by a party that sometimes would go on for days. The eagle looked down and shouted out, “I am the king of all birds.”. They captured them for their festivities on Saint Stephen’s Day. The Year in Ireland. It was a symbol of bad luck for the stingy household. I love your explanation of Wren Day. So why did the poor little wren receive such harsh treatment? Up with the kettle and down with the pan. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The attendant ritual began with the singing of traditional stanzas by the Mari Lwyd group at the door, soliciting both permission to sing and entry into the house, and issuing a challenge to a versifying contest. A long, long time ago all the birds of the air came together for a gathering to choose a king. I have included an RTE documentary on the  Wren  tradition in  Mountcollins West Limerick  which provides further insight into the process. Our family tradition was tied in to the local fox hunt on St Stephen's Day. Now you may wonder, how a tiny little bird came to be hunted high and low at Christmas time in Ireland. The wren was obtained the days or the day before  the 26th. In other parts of the country the wren was buried opposite a house where no gift of food or money was received. You may wonder why the old Irish rhyme my father used to recite, claims the wren is the King of all Birds. Typical Traditions & Customs of St Patrick’s Day. and a number of songs grew up around the tradition. What follows is a description of the wren hunt from Cork in 1840. Connecting the Wren Boys ritual (Lá an Dreoilín) as the day when the traitor wren betrayed St. Stephen is a good example of how Ireland’s pagan traditions were merged with Christianity (it also happened with St Brigid) The Wren, the Wren the king of all birds, St. Stephens’s day, he was caught in the furze. ), Ráthluirc (roll number 10814). After a late breakfast we'd pack up a picnic, tumble into the car and head for the local `hunt meet'. At the end of the day the wren was normally buried  when all housed were visited. The wren chirped out, as loudly as he could, “I am the King of all Birds.”. Songs about the wren were also sung below is a song from Pembrokshire, Joy, health, love and peace be all here in this place These rides generally take place in small towns and rural areas. In the early afternoon, all of the wren day participants join together to dance, march and parade through the streets of Dingle. However, a clumsy owl tripped on the bowl of tears, and spilled it. They had all their tears shed and had nothing to drown him and he is still the king of all birds (NFSC Raheenagh (B. Today it's more of a happy seasonal day out, with the traditionally dressed Wren Boys singing and calling from house to house. The tradition is very much on the wane now but in some few localities Wrenboys still go out in Ireland on St. Stephens Day. St Stephen’s Day celebrations in Ireland. He was hiding in a bush when the lowly wren betrayed him to his enemies. All Rights Reserved. Next followed the pwnco, the debate conducted to the same music in a combination of traditional and impromptu stanzas) between a member of the group and an opponent within the house.  This usually amounted to heavy leg-pulling in which the contestants mocked each other’s singing, drunkenness, etc. This must have been very traumatic for the little bird. But the other birds were not happy to be ruled by such a small, insignificant creature. This holiday was how our ancestors commemorated Saint Stephen’s Day in Ireland. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In the north of Ireland, December 26th was celebrated as Boxing Day, which originated from the time when it was traditional for the lord of the manor to give gifts to servants, tradespeople and tenants. Indeed in some parts of Ireland the day is known as Wren Day. On December 26, the Roman Catholic church celebrates the feast of St Stephen, who is looked upon as the first Christian martyr. Set aside some time on St. Stephen’s Day to decide how you want to bless the poor. Wren at its nest by Sonja Kübelbeck (own picture –Kuebi 16:31, 5 May 2007 (UTC)) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons. The professional artist used by some means to secure a live wren, and fasten it by a string to the twig of an ivy or holly bush, and enlivened by  the strains of an ear-piercing fife, invade the quiet of strong farmer’s houses and dance and shout, and sing the well known legend…..Then hands were taken, and steps performed round the bouchal na druleen[wren boys], who capered away in his best style, shaking the bush ans the poor prisoner in unison. Dressed in old clothing, mostly in white, with assorted bits of tinsel, straw and holly attached to hats of all descriptions, they file in and proceed to entertain us with a few songs, some traditional airs expertly played on fiddles, bodhrans, accordions, tin whistles and flutes, and Irish dancing. In the hunt, the utmost excitement prevails; shouting, screeching, and rushing; all sorts of missiles are flung at the puny mark; and not unfrequently, they light upon the head of some less innocent being. One old Irish tale, linking the wren to the first Christian martyr, recounts how the noise of a chattering wren alerted those searching for Saint Stephen as to his whereabouts. A pantomime-type horse with a wooden head, snapping jaws and a body made from cloth stretched across a timber frame, it is worn on the shoulders of one of the members of the Wren – who whirls and capers at the head of the parade (Woods 1997). Although he was small his family was great. He is one of the most famous figures to ever come from Ireland. The wren is no longer part of modern celebrations which are a much more animal friendly affair. But a little wren popped out from beneath the eagle’s feathers. Going out in the Wren” is still practised: only young boys now go out in the wren but formerly grown men did the same. Danaher, K. 1972. Put yer hand in yer pocket and give us a trate. The Mari Lywd custom  reminds me of the horse used by the wren boys in the Dingle area which I mentioned above. It is thought that as the Irish became Christians, they merged some of their old pagan rituals, with their new Christian traditions. In Ireland, the day after Christmas means hunting down a small bird and tying it to the top of a pole. Music was  and still is a very important part of the wren tradition. This is an old tradition from Ireland where young boys would go out and hunt a wren until they either killed the … Here are some other ramblings about Irish cultural traditions you might enjoy …. The tiny bird is captured and tied to a pole or placed in a jar. They decided the strongest bird should claim the title, and that would be the bird who could fly to the highest point in the sky. Best wishes for a very happy New Year. One reason is that the wren was blamed for the stoning death of Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr. In the days coming up to Christmas in years gone by, Irish boys searched the hedgerows, thatched roofs, and the eaves of barns and sheds, for this poor little bird. Hoping your Christmas was special despite the current circumstances! St. Stephen Day (also known as Boxing Day) is another important day celebrating Christmas traditions; it is the day after Christmas Day. So feisty and they get my attention with their chatter when they spot my cats. Celebrating Wren Day is a very old Irish tradition, practiced throughout most of rural Ireland in days gone by. The horse-figure  was carried from door to door by wassail-singing groups during the Christmas season. They then set out on a journey, traveling from door to door, and house to house, singing, dancing and playing music and asking for money wherever they went in order to “bury the wren”. 26th December – St Stephen’s Day – sees a most curious tradition kept alive, linked to that tiny bird the wren. By your leave we will sing concerning our King On the 26th of December each year the whole town of Dingle is full of merriment, with straw boys parading through the streets to continue this ancient Irish tradition. St Stephen is believed to be the first Christian martyr. In Wales the hunting of the wren occurred on the Twelfth Night of Christmas. Wren Boys Athea Limerick 1946 National Museum of Ireland, When the groups of wren boys travelled around from house to house, a poem was recited  and a number of songs grew up around the tradition. Wren Hunt in Dingle Photos by Chrisity Mc Namara ( taken from When the bowl was filled with tears the clumsy owl tripped over the bowl and spilt it. Cork: Mercier Press. What follows is a description of the wren hunt from Cork in 1840. Mari Lwyd image Welsh Museum He flew above the eagle, who was too tired to follow the tiny wren. The day after Christmas is known as Wren Day in Ireland. They generally succeeded in extracting drink or money.. In Ireland the day was also known as Wren Day, in Irish Lá an Dreoilín. The custom on Wren Day was for groups of mostly boys and men to dress up in old clothes and paint their faces. This process was called going on the ‘wran’. The Wren Boys usually carried some musical instruments with them such as a  tin whistles or “sometimes melodeons or mouth organs”. The birds were satisfied that the bird that would fly the highest was to be their king. Required fields are marked *. Reinvigoration of Roots – The Gaelic Woodland Project, Read More About The Irish American Mom Community. The money that had been collected was either on the “wren” divided up between the group, this was the norm for groups of  children. The feast of St. Stephen, who was the first Christian martyr, is celebrated on December 26th. A few Christmas themed traditions dealing with christmas eve, Christmas day and St.Stephens night. Our King is well dressed in the silks of the best Day of the Wren, or Hunt the Wren Day. The noise alerted the Norsemen and the Irish were once again defeated by these sea faring warriors. Hunting the Wren was also a central part of Christmas traditions on the Isle of Man. Although St.Patrick wasn’t Irish himself, a… Victory in the debate would ensure admission into the house for the Mari Lwyd group, to partake of cakes and ale and perhaps collect a money gift as well.  In at least some cases, after the end of the debate, the group would sing additional stanzas introducing its individual members and finally, after entertaining the occupants of the house, it would deliver a farewell song ( When a real bird was not found an alternative was used. Adults held a wren party, where drink flowed freely on the strength of the wren money. Blessings, Mary, Hi Mary – This tradition is strongest in the counties of Munster and especially in Counties Cork and Kerry. Rise up landlady and give us a trate. On St. Stephen’s Day got caught in the furze. Read More About The Irish American Mom Community, AdvertisingComment PolicyDisclaimerDisclosurePrivacy PolicyContactFAQ’sSitemap, Many Thanks to the Irish Blog Awards – Irish American Mom Won the Silver Award in the 2018 Diaspora Category, Irish American Mom Is Featured On Irish Central. Other variants include Day of the Wren, or Hunt the Wren Day. When all the birds landed on earth again, the wren returned to claim his title. From bush to bush, from hedge to hedge, is the wren pursued until bagged with as much pride and pleasure, as the cock of the woods by the more ambitious sportsman (Hall, 1841 23). Adults would often  use the money to  buy food and drink to be consumed later at a  ‘Wren Party’ or spent that night in a public house (Danaher 1972, 248, 250). We have travelled many miles over hedges and stiles When the birds die from being caught or from the tiredness and exhaustion, they would tie it on the stick or on the top of a pole. Most would think a much larger and stronger bird, such as an eagle, should be the King. Dressing up in straw costumes and parading around town or the countryside on Saint Stephen’s Day, is part of our ancient Irish heritage, especially in rural parts of the country. This figure (which is, of course, represented in other countries) seems to have been once known all over southern Wales but during the present century relatively little has been seen of it outside of Glamorgan, where it is not yet completely extinct. Stories of Pilgrimage in Medieval Ireland. (This collection can be viewed online at The other source is from Kevin danaher's book- The year… The poor little wren’s status diminished drastically, as the old pagan ways were left behind. In parts of the country young folk were encouraged to capture the wren alive. Around midday children go from door to door in fancy dress collecting sweets and treats, and of course a little money. Groups of men would go out Hunting the Wrenhe tiny bird would be caged in a wooden box and carried from door to door. Dublin: M’Glashen & Gill. A lovely Irish folk tale recalls how the wren became king of all birds. Ancient Irish tradition of hunting the wren on St. Stephen’s Day On St. Stephens Day (December 26) in Ireland, the traditional procession takes place where a pole with a … In the early morning people don their straw costumes and ribbon adorned fancy dress costumes. They thrive in our rainy, not too cold climate. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to you too. Saint Stephen's Day (Sant Esteve) on 26 December is a traditional holiday in Catalonia, in northeastern Spain. And it ’ s Day and spilled it other organised wren Day Festival holly, holly. Early morning people don their straw costumes and ribbon adorned fancy dress costumes towns and rural areas is said symbolize! 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