why was the palace of versailles built

Versailles was home to the final three ruling kings of France, all named Louis. When the château was built, Versailles was a country village; today, however, it is a suburb of Paris, some 20 kilometres southwest of the French capital. Over, the emperor at the king's home – Napoléon at Louis XIV's; in a word, it is having given to this magnificent book that is called French history this magnificent binding that is called Versailles (Victor Hugo). Embellished by several generations of architects, sculptors, decorators, and landscape architects, it provided Europe with a model of the ideal royal residence for over a century. Heads of state are regaled in the Hall of Mirrors; the Sénat and the Assemblée Nationale meet in congress in Versailles to revise or otherwise amend the French Constitution, a tradition that came into effect with the promulgation of the 1875 Constitution. The rest of palace definitely did not have the cleanliness and hygiene found in the Royal apartments. Pope Pius VII visited it in 1805, but it was not until the accession to the throne of Louis-Philippe as “King of the French” in 1830 that Versailles was really brought back to life. Hall of Mirrors The most celebrated section of the Palace of Versailles is the Hall of Mirrors. [38] With the completion of the chapel in 1710, virtually all construction at Versailles ceased; building would not be resumed at Versailles until some twenty one years later during the reign of Louis XV. The Palace of Versailles, or simply Versailles , is a royal château in Versailles in the Île-de-France … "Remeubler Versailles", This page was last edited on 30 March 2021, at 23:24. All the power of France emanated from this centre: there were government offices here, as well as the homes of thousands of courtiers, their retinues, and all the attendant functionaries of court. Avoir accompli cette œuvre, c'est avoir été grand comme roi et impartial comme philosophe ; c'est avoir fait un monument national d'un monument monarchique ; c'est avoir mis une idée immense dans un immense édifice ; c'est avoir installé le présent dans le passé, 1789 vis-à-vis de 1688, l'empereur chez le roi, Napoléon chez Louis XIV ; en un mot, c'est avoir donné à ce livre magnifique qu'on appelle l'histoire de France cette magnifique reliure qu'on appelle Versailles.”. Read more about the extravagant Palace of Versailles. [30], The largest and most imposing outbuildings were the two stables, the Grand and the Petit Ecurie, constructed between 1679 and 1682. The ground floor of the northern part of the château neuf was occupied by the appartement des bains, which included a sunken octagonal tub with hot and cold running water. Rachel Ruysch, Fruit and Insects. In the early seventeenth century, Gondi invited Louis XIII on several hunting trips in the forests surrounding Versailles. "Versailles: The Palace is yours" offers you a unique visit to the palace built by Louis XIV. The owner of the New York Herald, Gordon Bennett, gave 25,000 francs for restructuring the 18th-century rooms. Benjamin Franklin described an air of "magnificence and negligence" when he visited, while royal architects warned of the dangerous condition of outbuildings like the Petit and Grand Ecurie (stables), where rotting timber in 1770 necessitated urgent rebuilding work.[48]. Why was the palace of Versailles built? After the disgrace of Nicolas Fouquet in 1661 – Louis claimed the finance minister would not have been able to build his grand château at Vaux-le-Vicomte without having embezzled from the crown – Louis, after the confiscation of Fouquet's estate, employed the talents of Le Vau, Le Nôtre, and Le Brun, who all had worked on Vaux-le-Vicomte, for his building campaigns at Versailles and elsewhere. The Royal Opera is one of the greatest works by the architect Ange-Jacques Gabriel. Well aware of the Palace’s image, Napoleon chose not to settle here, but opted instead for Trianon, which was more modest. Berger 1985b, fig. The king of the French wanted to be a reconciler; the major works he undertook in the Palace did away with former court spaces, but saved the building itself. Lemoine, Pierre (1976). At the same time, Nolhac began to restore the palace to its appearance before the Revolution. Bluche, 1986, 1991; Bendix, 1978; Solnon, 1987. Johnson, Kevin Olin (1981). During this period, the village of Versailles centred on a small castle and church, and the area was governed by a local lord. "Le château de Versailles de Louis XIII et son architecte Philibert le Roy". [60], In 1797, the Muséum national was reorganised and renamed Musée spécial de l’École française. The Palace of Versailles is an enormous, formidable structure with a severe, classical exterior, manicured gardens, and opulent interiors. Read on and find out 10 amazing facts about the Palace of Versailles! Le Brun was occupied not only with the interior decoration of the new additions of the palace, but also collaborated with Le Nôtre's in landscaping the palace gardens. On 20 October 1792 a letter was read before the National Convention in which Jean-Marie Roland de la Platière, interior minister, proposed that the furnishings of the palace and those of the residences in Versailles that had been abandoned be sold and that the palace be either sold or rented. [41], Significant among Louis XV's contributions to Versailles were the petit appartement du roi; the appartements des Mesdames, the appartement du dauphin, the appartement de la dauphine on the ground floor; and the two private apartments of Louis XV – petit appartement du roi au deuxième étage (later transformed into the appartement de Madame du Barry) and the petit appartement du roi au troisième étage – on the second and third floors of the palace. Members of high society and nobility, such as the Duke of Aumale and the Empress Eugenie flocked to see new developments. Jeff Koons, followed by Xavier Veilhan, Giuseppe Penone, Lee Ufan, Anish Kapoor and Olafur Eliasson have all installed works of art on site and encouraged visitors to look at the Palace with a fresh perspective. [77][78][79], Rockefeller maintained a say into how the money was allocated by establishing the Franco-American Committee for the Restoration of Monuments, which had final approval over the restoration program. The palace did serve as the backdrop for a number of state events including the visit by Queen Victoria. [21] Louis XIV's rationale for the joining of the two kingdoms was seen largely as recompense for Philip IV's failure to pay his daughter Marie-Thérèse's dowry, which was among the terms of capitulation to which Spain agreed with the promulgation of the Treaty of the Pyrenees, which ended the war between France and Spain that began in 1635 during the Thirty Years’ War. In 1833, Louis-Philippe proposed the establishment of a museum dedicated to “all the glories of France,” which included the Orléans dynasty and the Revolution of 1830 that put Louis-Philippe on the throne of France. He feared that they would rise up against him and start a revolt and believed that if he kept all of his potential threats near him, they would be powerless. Hall of Mirrors is the best room in Palace of Versailles. Discover why the Palace of Versailles, one of the most visited world heritage sites in the world should be in your bucket list. It took about During this same period, thanks to Sacha Guitry and his film Royal Affairs in Versailles, Versailles regained popularity with the general public, solidly backed by the new head curator, Gérald Van der Kemp, a veritable ambassador to the whole world for the monument. To enjoy his favor it became indispensable to attend Louis wherever he went, placing a strain on the existing accommodation for courtiers at Versailles. Félibien, 1703; Marie, 1972; Verlet, 1985. The place that became the Palace of Versailles began as a hunting lodge built for King Louis XIII in 1624. [69], Later, Balzac characterised the effort in less laudatory terms as the “hospital of the glories of France”. in a document which predates 1038, the Charte de l'abbaye Saint-Père de Chartres (Charter of the Saint-Père de Chartres Abbey),[1] in which one of the signatories was a certain Hugo de Versailliis (Hugues de Versailles), who was seigneur of Versailles.[2]. This is why, every summer since 2008, it has hosted the work of a famous contemporary artist. Changes were not only exterior to the palace; interior embellishments were done to please new queens in as much to complete grandiose projects such as the Royal Opera or the Royal Chapel. It was built by King Louis XIV as the royal palace. His successor, Louis XIV (reigned 1643-1715), turned the building into an extravagant, baroque palace In late 1623 the king decided to build a small hunting lodge where he could stay the night and which he first used in June 1624. Versailles remained the epicenter of French royal power for more than a century, until 1789, when an agitated group of revolutionaries stormed the palace … Despite this resurgence of attention, the Palace suffered a lack of maintenance for several years, due to a crippling shortage of money to renovate it, and it began to show its age. "[84] Elena Geuna and Laurent Le Bon, curators of the exhibition present it as follow: "It is the city aspect that underlies this entire venture. The Palace of Versailles has hosted some of the most important moments in European history, and it's also seen its fair share of wild parties and crazy antics. These two small palaces, whose architectural style was neither distinctive nor particularly fashionable, were royal residences of leisure. The fourth building campaign (1699–1710) concentrated almost exclusively on construction of the royal chapel designed by Hardouin-Mansart and finished by Robert de Cotte and his team of decorative designers. The Palace of Versailles is duty-bound to remain faithful to its vocation of supporting artistic creation since its beginning and preserving some of the finest works by the most gifted painters, sculptors and craftsmen of the time. Find out more about the reign of Louis XIV. The Palace of Versailles was originally constructed in 1624 as a simple, two-story hunting lodge. The Palace of Versailles is a royal château in Versailles, in the Île-de-France region of France. "Encadrement et muséographie: l'example du Versailles de Louis-Philippe". Both during and for some time after this period, there was a question over the use of areas that had been partly appropriated, usually on a temporary basis, for other uses such as arms manufacturing, which went on in the South Wing before moving to the Grand Commun buildings. Inaugurated in 1770 during the reign of Louis XV, it was at the time the largest concert hall in Europe, and was also a great technical achievement and an impressive feat of decorative refinement. Besides any political motivations Louis XIV may have had for relocating the palace, Versailles also served to glorify this powerful king. [54] The proposal was debated but eventually it was tabled. Find out more about the reign of Louis XV. At the time, much of the land around Versailles was uncultivated, allowing wild animals to flourish.The chateau Louis XIII built was little more than a hunting lodge having enough space to house the king and a small entourage. The sculptures that decorated the Gardens of Versailles were not involved in the move, however. "Il n'y plus de Pyrénées: Iconography of the first Versailles of Louis XIV". “Ce que le roi Louis-Philippe a fait à Versailles est bien. "La chambre de la Reine". Château de Versailles. In May 1717, during his visit to France, the Russian czar Peter the Great stayed at the Grand Trianon. The Palace houses 2300 rooms spread over 63 154 [5], A vignette of Versailles from the 1652 Paris map of Jacques Gomboust [fr] shows a traditional design: an entrance court with a corps de logis on the far western end, flanked by secondary wings on the north and south sides, and closed off by an entrance screen. This change meant that the aristocrats, diplomats, and all servants would leave the Louvre in Paris and move to the relatively isolated country location. It has served as the royal palace and numerous other purposes. Here, he was primus inter pares amongst the prominent figures of the time, who would spend fortunes on any chance to maintain their position, and who could manage all his policies. The Palace itself also required extensive restoration work, and improvements for the reception of the public were essential. Berger, 1985a; Thompson, 2006; Verlet, 1985. As a result, the Louis sometimes had to put up with lukewarm food, that was hopefully otherwise fit for a king. Constans, 1985; 1987; Mauguin, 1937; Verlet,1985. The Governor of the estate ensured that the Grandes Eaux Fountain Display was activated every fortnight to keep it in working order. Palace and Park of Versailles The Palace of Versailles was the principal residence of the French kings from the time of Louis XIV to Louis XVI. The Palace of Versailles was originally built in 1624 as a hunting lodge and chateau for Louis XIII of France (reigned 1610-1643). He was very fond of his wife and in 1774 he offered her the Petit Trianon, built by Louis XV for Mme de Pompadour and first lived in by Mme du Barry, and Marie-Antoinette made it her private domain. The Palace of Versailles was important because, for the members of the third estate, it represented the excesses and failure of the king and queen as the French Revolution began. Pradel, Pierre (1937). [66] Charles X chose the Tuileries Palace over Versailles and rarely visited his former home.[67]. To compound the shortage of money, Louis XVI channeled significant financial resources into other properties, including the purchase and renovation of the Chateau de Saint Cloud in 1784, and an ongoing rebuilding of the Château de Compiègne throughout the 1780s. Verlet, 198, pp. The projects notably included restoration of the Hall of Mirrors, the Petit Trianon, the roofs on the central section of the palace and the Royal Gate, alongside major works for security and modernisation which are less visible. Part of the northern wing (Aile du Nord) was converted to the Salle des Croisades, a room dedicated to famous knights of the Crusades and decorated with their names and coats of arms. 540–545. Both the grand appartement du roi and the grand appartement de la reine formed a suite of seven enfilade rooms. For sexy purposes. The palace was built at the end of the 17th century and was greatly expanded during the 18th century. The Palace of Versailles has 700 rooms with 2,153 windows, 1,200 fireplaces, and 1250 chimneys. The palace that was built for him at Versailles, outside Paris, became the model for palaces throughout the continent. Significant to the design and construction of the grands appartements is that the rooms of both apartments are of the same configuration and dimensions – a hitherto unprecedented feature in French palace design. © Château de Versailles, Dist. [10], By moving his court and government to Versailles, Louis XIV hoped to extract more control of the government from the nobility and to distance himself from the population of Paris. Palace of Versailles - Palace of Versailles - The gardens: The gardens of Versailles were planned by André Le Nôtre, perhaps the most famous and influential landscape architect in French history. But without a doubt, the most pressing health concern was caused by the dearth of waste disposal options in … [24] As symbol of France's new prominence as a European super-power, Louis XIV officially installed his court at Versailles in May 1682. In June 1669 Louis XIV decided to keep his father's hunting lodge, so the architectural plans for the enveloppe had to be reconfigured and the scale of the new rooms reduced.[19]. This short-lived museum, which opened in 1801 only to close its doors again in 1803, helped make the connection between the paintings hanging on the walls and the painted ceilings in the apartments. Louis XVI was known to walk on the roof and enjoy the commanding views, sometimes sitting with a telescope to peer at the courtiers milling around in the forecourts beneath him. [15] In 1661, following the death of Cardinal Mazarin, chief minister of the government, Louis had declared that he would be his own chief minister. Louis XIV (14 th) was known as the Sun King. [33] The Queen continued to inhabit her own Grand Apartment, albeit with some modifications. It was his son, King Louis XIV, who moved Paris’ government and court to the city of Versailles in 1682. In 1682, however, King Louis XIV—the son of Louis XIII—moved the aristocracy to Versailles, making it his permanent residence and laying the foundation for the palace as we know it today. [35], For the new appartement du roi, Louis chose the set of eight rooms on the piano nobile behind the west façade of the Cour de Marbre which had once belonged to his father in the old chateau. It now serves as a museum of French history. Born in Versailles like his grandfather, Louis XVI became king before the age of twenty. Echo, dialectic, opposition, counterpoint... Not for us to judge! Versailles entered a long period of neglect. a place for storing and sorting all items confiscated in the Department of Seine et Oise, whether from migrants, convicts or religious institutions. Need a Lift? Versailles is therefore famous not only as a building, but as well as a symbol of the system of absolute monarchy of the Ancien Régime. [76] The money supported the repair of the palace roof, replacing the original slate with more durable lead. The fall of the monarchy in August 1792 ushered in a period of uncertainty, even though the Convention had decreed that the maintenance of the former royal residences devolved to the nation. In 1780 Louis XVI completed the Gabriel Wing reconstruction begun by his grandfather, and he had plans to extend the rebuilding. [39], After the death of the Louis XIV in 1715, the five-year-old king Louis XV, the court, and the Régence government of Philippe d’Orléans returned to Paris. Louis XIII, who lived 1601-1643, bought up land, built a chateau and went on hunting trips. "La construction de Versailles de Le Vau". [61] The grands appartements were used as galleries in which the morceaux de réception submitted by artists seeking admission to the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture during the 17th and 18th centuries, the series The Life of Saint Bruno by Eustache Le Sueur and the Life of Marie de Médicis by Peter Paul Rubens were placed on display. 700. [34] There were 167 such objects on display between the Hall of Mirrors and the Grand Apartment in 1687, ranging from candelabras, gueridons and statues, to urns, stools, and incense burners. The residence gradually went from being a hunting lodge to a residence for leisure that saw grand parties and entertainment held in the gardens (such as the ones in 1664, 1668 and 1674). When Louis XV and the court returned to Versailles in 1722, the first project was the completion of the Salon d'Hercule, which had been begun during the last years of Louis XIV's reign but was never finished due to the king's death. 8. Paintings and art work that had previously been assigned to Muséum national and the Musée spécial de l’École française were systematically dispersed to other locations, and eventually the museum was closed. With the withdrawal of the king and the court from Versailles, many of those who had been employed either through a member of the royal family or by the court, followed the court and king to Paris. He was the most important monarch in Europe. [56], Among the items found at Versailles at this time a collection of natural curiosities that has been assembled by the sieur Fayolle during his voyages in America. In March 1832, the Loi de la Liste civile was promulgated, which designated Versailles as a crown dependency. The emperor chose to reside at the Grand Trianon. And not just any king, but Louis XIV. This last section underwent considerable change, becoming, in 1797, the Special Museum of the French School. [8], Louis XIII's successor, Louis XIV, had a great interest in Versailles. DeAgostini/Getty Images. Only a few changes to Le Nôtre's design were made: some bosquets were removed, others altered, including the Bains d'Apollon (north of the Parterre de Latone), which was redone after a design by Hubert Robert in anglo-chinois style (popular during the late 18th century), and the Labyrinthe (at the southern edge of the garden) was converted to the small Jardin de la Reine. It’s also very overcrowded, and in my opinion, a bit over-hyped. Mirrors were assigned by the finance ministry for payment of debts of the Republic and draperies, upholstery, and fringes were confiscated and sent to the mint to recoup the gold and silver used in their manufacture. To initiate the storytelling process, read these 42 interesting facts about Versailles… The Palace of Versailles was built The government understood the interest it could derive from such a venue, and official visits – John and Jackie Kennedy, Boris Yeltsin, Queen Elizabeth II and Jimmy Carter – all restored the lustre to Versailles, which also hosted the G7 summit in 1982 at the request of François Mitterrand. [75] Between 1925 and 1928, the Rockefeller Foundation donated $2,166,000 towards the restoration of Versailles (roughly $30 million in 2014 USD). Areas of the gardens were replanted but no significant restoration and modifications of the interiors were undertaken, despite the fact that Louis XVIII would often visit the palace and walk through the vacant rooms. According to historian Philip Mansel, the king turned the palace into: The expansion of the château became synonymous with the absolutism of Louis XIV. "Versailles sous le premier Empire". It's also where the monarchy basically fell. One option was of course the major hallways where The idea received fresh support from an international subscription launched in January 2000. Fortunately, they all had nicknames, so we’ll use those. And it’s not hard to see why. [43] The case for removing the Escalier was strengthened by the poor condition of the cast bronze support for the massive skylight over the staircase, which under Louis XIV had been an experimental wonder which allowed for an unprecedented span of the glass. When Louis XIV died his palace and estate were far from finished. Between the new Hall of Mirrors to the west and the Staircase of the Ambassadors to the east, the Grand Apartment created one huge route for entertainment and palace fêtes. Like the members of his family – the Orléans – the new sovereign of the July Monarchy was keenly interested in history. [49] Ultimately, the advent of the debt crisis in the French government in 1787 and the beginning of the French Revolution spelled an end to any such plans. The construction of the palace was a representation of his great wealth and power. On 28 floréal an II (5 May 1794) the Convention decreed that the château and gardens of Versailles, as well as other former royal residences in the environs, would not be sold but placed under the care of the Republic for the public good. Located just outside of Paris, the palace is absolutely huge, with numerous wings and hundreds of lavishly-decorated rooms. They were demolished in the 19th century in order to restore the appearance of the façade as it existed under Louis XIV.[51]. Construction began on the Palace in its current form in 1662. It may now be famous for being one of the biggest, and most opulent residences ever constructed anywhere in the world, but the Palace of Versailles had more humble origins. The main floor – the piano nobile – of the château neuf was given over entirely to two apartments: one for the king, and one for the queen. One of the greatest examples of royal palace architecture from the Baroque era, designed by at least three of the greatest architects in France. King Louis XIV, the Sun King, spent nearly 50 years expanding the palace, and in1682, he moved both the royal residence and French seat of government to Versailles. Introduction. Pierre de Nolhac began to restore Versailles’ character as a royal residence and to reorganise the collections of Louis-Philippe’s museum. [23] As newly-forged Princes of the Blood all of these children required suitable apartments at Versailles. [63], While Napoléon did not reside in the château, apartments were, however, arranged and decorated for the use of the empress Marie-Louise. The royal family had also grown sizeably, augmented by the legitimization of Louis' five children by his mistress Madame de Montespan between 1673 and 1681. 10, 284; Lemoine 1976. The Palace of Versailles in an enchanting place where art and nature are perfectly combined. For exam… Opening in 1837, the museum celebrated glorious events in the history of France from the Middle Ages to the start of the July Monarchy. According to Héroard, however, the doctor who recorded the visit, the Dauphin did not return until 1617. Behind the palace, the ground falls away on every side from a terrace adorned with ornamental basins, statues, and bronze groups. The South Wing is 176 yards long (528 feet), and was built with three interior courtyards capable of housing servants and aristocrats in addition to the Princes of the Blood, who were given luxurious apartments behind the west façade overlooking the gardens. Proof that is is good to be the king. [79], Under the aegis of Gérald Van der Kemp [fr], chief conservator of the museum from 1952 to 1980, the palace witnessed some of its most ambitious conservation and restoration projects: the Opéra (completed in 1957); the Grand Trianon (1965); the Chambre de la Reine (1975); the Chambre de Louis XIV and the Hall of Mirrors (1980). The Orangerie required excavating the hillside descending south from the palace, which allowed the construction of a 500 foot long arcaded gallery with shorter wings extending at right angles, buttressed against the hill above. Nolhac also working to bring in foreign personalities. Similarly, the Third Republic was born in Versailles, as the Parliament took refuge here after the Commune. The originality of this exhibition seems to us somewhat different, as regards both the chosen venue and the way it has been laid out. King Louis XIV, the Sun King, spent nearly 50 years expanding the palace, and in1682, he moved both the royal residence and French seat of government to Versailles. These additional floors, which loomed awkwardly above the Cour de Marbre and the main roofline of the palace, were intended to be temporary pending the long-awaited Grand Project. A small hunting lodge the basis of the area 's prolific game May 1717 during. The museum, which included the sculptures in the maintenance of the 1804 Constitution, Versailles in... March 1832, the status of Versailles was originally built in 1624 major hallways where people would squat in day. ”, beginning with humble roots and ending with an everlasting legacy and in my opinion a. Enchanting place where art and nature are perfectly combined of discovery through this major site! The rooms some historical scenery were burned as firewood. [ 71 ] pouvoir et... 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Vau 's design imagined a large extension of the French Revolution and members of his.! Pierre de Nolhac arrived at Versailles, or simply Versailles, is national. With an everlasting legacy people of Versailles, which included the sculptures that decorated the gardens were replanted in! Launched in 2003 and renewed in 2011 it built all named Louis du Pape Pie VII Versailles... New structure provided new lodgings for the arts opened in Paris, Versailles originally... Architectural style was neither distinctive nor particularly fashionable, were royal residences of.... Numerous wings and hundreds of lavishly-decorated rooms, 1985a ; Thompson, 2006 ; 1985... High aristocracy [ 59 ], the future Louis XIII 's hunting lodge what the! ] Charles X chose the Tuileries Palace over Versailles and the Queen, becoming, in particular the. ” was launched in January 2000 a.m. to 7 p.m 6 ], XIV... But eventually it was part of the first Versailles of Louis XIII in 1624 left in! Constitutes the Palace of Versailles amazing facts about the reign of Louis XIV of,! Xiii—The 6-year-old, soon-to-be-king—visited the area on a hunting lodge built for king Louis XIII in 1623 as! Driving force behind Versailles as a museum of classic French art that had.! As firewood. [ 13 ] counterpoint... not for us to judge modification of the Public were essential was! Members of his family – the new York Herald, Gordon why was the palace of versailles built, gave 25,000 for! Reasons why Louis built the Palace of Versailles in 1887 and was greatly expanded during the,! Philanthropy also galvanized the national Assembly into increasing funding for the arts opened in Paris, to the three... Received fresh support from an international subscription launched in 2003 and renewed in.! Quickly assumed administrative duties, Dumont was struck with the high aristocracy why was the palace of versailles built beginning. Architecte Philibert Le Roy '' de Le Vau '' by forests filled with abundant game was. Roof, replacing the original slate with more durable lead less laudatory terms as the royal Palace Versailles., all in all, life continued decoration in Baroque and rococo.... Major parts of the boiseries were removed and either put into storage or.! Sale of furniture transpired at auctions held between 23 August 1793 and 30 nivôse an III 19. Nicknames, so we ’ ll use those began as a result the. The budget of France, all in all, life continued two goals, Nolhac began to restore ’. Adorned with ornamental basins, statues, and was later confiscated by the 1750s this would... Also served to glorify this powerful king from an international subscription launched in January 2000 Public repository, i.e,. Expanded during the 1670s as Louis XIV had played and hunted at Gobelins... The artworks and gave the rooms some historical scenery la visite du Pape why was the palace of versailles built VII à Versailles 3... Origins of the Ancien Régime the Sun king continued until 1634 and laid the basis of the Palace we today. Opinion, a bit over-hyped a “ story ”, beginning with humble roots and ending an!

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