cause sclerosi multipla

La letteratura in ambito medico-scientifico evidenzia che si tratta di una patologia del Sistema Nervoso Centrale (SNC), che comprende il cervello e il midollo spinale. [194][195] Request for approval of peginterferon beta-1a is expected during 2013. [17] Regarding the characteristics of users, they are more frequently women, have had MS for a longer time, tend to be more disabled and have lower levels of satisfaction with conventional healthcare. [32] Vaccinations were studied as causal factors; however, most studies show no association. Via Cavour 181/A 00184 Roma [7] That differences in the HLA region are related to susceptibility has been known since the 1980s,[41] and this same region has also been implicated in the development of other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes type I and systemic lupus erythematosus. La causa principale della Sclerosi Multipla (SM) è ancora sconosciuta, anche se si ritiene che la malattia sia dovuta ad una combinazione di fattori genetici ed ambientali, che comportano un’attivazione anomala delle cellule del sistema immunitario, le quali vengono erroneamente attivate in periferia, entrano nel cervello e qui attaccano la mielina come se fosse una sostanza estranea all’organismo, attraverso la secrezione di molecole infiammatorie. Non è geneticamente trasmissibile tra genitori e figli, ma studi epidemiologici hanno riscontrato una maggiore frequenza all’interno dello stesso nucleo familiare. [110] In March 2017, the FDA approved ocrelizumab, a humanized anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, as a treatment for RRMS,[111][112] with requirements for several Phase IV clinical trials. [1][12][13] MS takes several forms, with new symptoms either occurring in isolated attacks (relapsing forms) or building up over time (progressive forms). [32] Association with occupational exposures and toxins—mainly organic solvents[45]—has been evaluated, but no clear conclusions have been reached. • L’interessato ha diritto di ottenere l’indicazione: [216] The "liberation procedure" has been criticized for resulting in serious complications and deaths with unproven benefits. [212] This theory received significant attention in the media and among those with MS, especially in Canada. [7][10][11] Specific symptoms can include double vision, blindness in one eye, muscle weakness, and trouble with sensation or coordination. Aiuta la Ricerca. [189], Medications that influence voltage-gated sodium ion channels are under investigation as a potential neuroprotective strategy because of hypothesized role of sodium in the pathological process leading to axonal injury and accumulating disability. [10] Inflammation can potentially reduce transmission of information between neurons in at least three ways. [7] Numerose evidenze, sia cliniche che sperimentali, indicano che alla base della SM vi è una . L’incidenza è comunque molto bassa: figli e fratelli o sorelle di persone con SM hanno un rischio di sviluppare la malattia di poco più alto rispetto a chi non ha casi in famiglia (circa 3-5%). Laquinimod was announced in August 2012 and is in a third phase III trial after mixed results in the previous ones. Sclerosi multipla. Le cause all'origine della sclerosi multipla sono ancora sconosciute. [198] The main rationale for using a number of medications in MS is that the involved treatments target different mechanisms and, therefore, their use is not necessarily exclusive. [82], Also, when deficits always resolve between attacks, this is sometimes referred to as benign MS,[83] although people will still build up some degree of disability in the long term. [7] Another process involved in the creation of lesions is an abnormal increase in the number of astrocytes due to the destruction of nearby neurons. 2,3 Anti-MOG autoantibodies were found to be also present in ADEM, and now a second spectrum of separated diseases is being considered. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) represent a new reality for many physiological and pathological functions as an alternative mode of intercellular communication. [176] In Africa rates are less than 0.5 per 100,000, while they are 2.8 per 100,000 in South East Asia, 8.3 per 100,000 in the Americas, and 80 per 100,000 in Europe. [189], Another research strategy is to evaluate the combined effectiveness of two or more drugs. The hypothesis is that biotin may promote remyelination of the myelin sheath of nerve cells, slowing or even reversing neurodegeneration. [72], Several phenotypes (commonly termed types), or patterns of progression, have been described. [7] Uhthoff's phenomenon, a worsening of symptoms due to exposure to higher than usual temperatures, and Lhermitte's sign, an electrical sensation that runs down the back when bending the neck, are particularly characteristic of MS.[7] The main measure of disability and severity is the expanded disability status scale (EDSS), with other measures such as the multiple sclerosis functional composite being increasingly used in research. [197][112] Their use has also been accompanied by the appearance of potentially dangerous adverse effects, the most important of which being opportunistic infections. Individuals having never been infected by the Epstein–Barr virus are at a reduced risk of getting MS, whereas those infected as young adults are at a greater risk than those having had it at a younger age. [7][16] Although some consider that this goes against the hygiene hypothesis, since the non-infected have probably experienced a more hygienic upbringing,[16] others believe that there is no contradiction, since it is a first encounter with the causative virus relatively late in life that is the trigger for the disease. [203], While diagnostic criteria are not expected to change in the near future, work to develop biomarkers that help with diagnosis and prediction of disease progression is ongoing. ], MS is the most common autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system. [114][93] Mitoxantrone, whose use is limited by severe adverse effects, is a third-line option for those who do not respond to other medications. Si caratterizza per una progressiva degenerazione della mielina, una sostanza che ricopre le fibre nervose. [209] There are other techniques under development that include contrast agents capable of measuring levels of peripheral macrophages, inflammation, or neuronal dysfunction,[208] and techniques that measure iron deposition that could serve to determine the role of this feature in MS, or that of cerebral perfusion. [22] The name multiple sclerosis refers to the numerous glial scars (or sclerae – essentially plaques or lesions) that develop on the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. [25][26][27] EDSS is also correlated with falls in people with MS.[12] While it is a popular measure, EDSS has been criticized for some of its limitations, such as relying too much on walking. Il tuo contributo può migliorare la Qualità della Vita di molti Pazienti! It may become permeable to these types of cells secondary to an infection by a virus or bacteria. 2. delle finalità e modalità del trattamento; Cos'è la sclerosi multipla: ultime notizie e approfondimenti su forme, cause ed effetti, sintomi iniziali, comuni e rari, diagnosi e cure, come riconoscerla [1] This damage disrupts the ability of parts of the nervous system to transmit signals, resulting in a range of signs and symptoms, including physical, mental, and sometimes psychiatric problems. [115][116] Natalizumab reduces the relapse rate more than first-line agents; however, due to issues of adverse effects is a second-line agent reserved for those who do not respond to other treatments[6] or with severe disease. A oggi, le cause responsabili dell'insorgenza della malattia sono ancora incerte. [102], The disease-modifying treatments have several adverse effects. Cause sclerosi multipla e herpes virus: confermata una correlazione. It is similar to the age that secondary progressive usually begins in relapsing-remitting MS, around 40 years of age. Sclerosi multipla: forme, sintomi, cause e trattamenti. 196/03. Le cause della sclerosi multipla La sclerosi multipla rientra tra le patologie multifattoriali in cui più elementi possono essere coinvolti nella sua insorgenza. Antonella Ferrari al Festival di Sanremo 2021 porta il dramma della sclerosi multipla. 3096 a. [7], As of 2021, multiple disease-modifying medications are approved by regulatory agencies for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). [5] Proposed causes for this include genetics and environmental factors, such as viral infections. [185], Augustus Frederick d'Este (1794–1848), son of Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex and Lady Augusta Murray and the grandson of George III of the United Kingdom, almost certainly had MS. D'Este left a detailed diary describing his 22 years living with the disease. The cause of MS is still unknown. [6][77] It is characterized by progression of disability from onset, with no, or only occasional and minor, remissions and improvements. L’Associazione tratterà i dati personali raccolti nello svolgimento delle proprie attività, tutte meglio descritte ed individuate nel proprio statuto; a titolo meramente esemplificativo e non esaustivo, tra le suddette vi è la promozione di diverse attività culturali e la raccolta di fondi che verranno devoluti per promuovere la ricerca clinica e scientifica. 8. [23], During the 2000s and 2010s, there has been approval of several oral drugs that are expected to gain in popularity and frequency of use. [148] The effectiveness of palliative approaches in addition to standard care is uncertain, due to lack of evidence. [128][129], As of 2013, review of 9 immunomodulators and immunosuppressants found no evidence of any being effective in preventing disability progression in people with progressive MS.[124], As of 2017, rituximab has been widely used off-label to treat progressive primary MS.[122] In March 2017 the FDA approved ocrelizumab as a treatment for primary progressive MS in adults, the first drug to gain that approval,. [113], In RRMS they are modestly effective at decreasing the number of attacks. [112], In 2019, siponimod and cladribine were approved in the United States for the treatment of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Intervista al Prof. Gianluigi Mancardi, Ordinario di Neurologia, Direttore Dipartimento Neuroscienze, Università degli Studi di Genova La sclerosi multipla è una malattia autoimmune, ossia una condizione che si verifica quando il sistema immunitario di un individuo attacca erroneamente tessuti e organi del proprio organismo, scambiandoli per una minaccia esterna. A multidisciplinary approach is important for improving quality of life; however, it is difficult to specify a 'core team' as many health services may be needed at different points in time. La sclerosi multipla (SM), chiamata anche sclerosi a placche, sclerosi disseminata o polisclerosi, è una malattia autoimmune cronica demielinizzante, che colpisce il sistema nervoso centrale causando un ampio spettro di segni e sintomi. In this first version they provided standardized definitions for 4 MS clinical courses: relapsing-remitting (RR), secondary progressive (SP), primary progressive (PP), and progressive relapsing (PR). [43] Human herpes viruses are a candidate group of viruses. [7] Infections and other complications are especially dangerous for the more disabled. The proposed mechanisms are that biotin activates acetyl-coA carboxylase, which is a key rate-limiting enzyme during the synthesis of myelin and by reducing axonal hypoxia through enhanced energy production. [205] Since disease progression is the result of degeneration of neurons, the roles of proteins showing loss of nerve tissue such as neurofilaments, tau, and N-acetylaspartate are under investigation. To determine the necessary functions of an orthosis, the strength levels of the six major muscle groups of the leg to be treated are determined as part of the physical examination. La causa della sclerosi multipla non è nota, ma una spiegazione plausibile è che le persone siano esposte nei primi periodi di vita a un virus (probabilmente l'herpesvirus o il retrovirus) o a sostanze sconosciute che in qualche modo stimolano un attacco del sistema immunitario contro i tessuti del corpo stesso (reazione autoimmune Malattie autoimmuni Una malattia autoimmune è . [214] Also, further studies have either not found a similar relationship or found one that is much less strong,[215] raising serious objections to the hypothesis. [92][130] Over time, a visible dent at the injection site, due to the local destruction of fat tissue, known as lipoatrophy, may develop. [10] Gadolinium cannot cross a normal BBB and, therefore, gadolinium-enhanced MRI is used to show BBB breakdowns. Bøe Lunde e colleghi hanno valutato la sopravvivenza e le cause di decesso in 1388 persone con sclerosi multipla della Contea di Hordaland, nella Norvegia occidentale. 1. per motivi legittimi al trattamento dei dati personali che lo riguardano, ancorché pertinenti allo scopo della raccolta; [175][needs update? La sclerosi multipla è una malattia multifattoriale, in altri termini alla sua genesi partecipano sia fattori scatenanti ambientali sia predisposizioni genetiche. This can lead to a wide range of symptoms throughout the body. [168] Evidence suggests vitamin D supplementation, irrespective of the form and dose, provides no benefit for people with MS; this includes for measures such as relapse recurrence, disability, and MRI lesions while effects on health‐related quality of life and fatigue are unclear. La ricerca sulle cause della sclerosi multipla è ancora in corso. sclerosi multipla diagnosi sm diagnosi e sintomi. [119] The role of some newer agents such as fingolimod,[94] teriflunomide, and dimethyl fumarate,[97] is not yet entirely clear. Le forme più frequenti di sclerosi multipla alternano fasi con sintomi ad altre con remissione anche completa delle manifestazioni, mentre l'andamento della sclerosi laterale amiotrofica è più progressivo. The primary aims of therapy are returning function after an attack, preventing new attacks, and preventing disability. La sclerosi multipla (SM) è una malattia infiammatoria e neurodegenerativa del sistema nervoso centrale (SNC) di cui non si conoscono le cause patogeniche (Tabella 1.1), sebbene sia stata ormai accettata la sua natura autoimmunitaria, che si manifesta su una base genetica con l'interazione di fattori ambientali (The International MS Genetics Consortium & the Wellcome Trust Case . The most commonly used diagnostic tools are neuroimaging, analysis of cerebrospinal fluid and evoked potentials. [29] Similarly, viral infections such as the common cold, influenza, or gastroenteritis increase their risk. Questa correlazione può dipendere dall’assenza di esposizione alla luce del sole e alla vitamina D. Anche se ancora non è chiaro se un supplemento di vitamina D può aiutare a prevenire la malattia, numerosi studi confermano che un basso livello di vitamina D nel sangue rappresenti un fattore di rischio per la SM. Prima di chiamare il numero verde, accertarsi di avere con sé l’impegnativa medica di riferimento e la tessera sanitaria. [7] Some relapses, however, are preceded by common triggers and they occur more frequently during spring and summer. Problemi di pensiero/memoria. [153][154][155] In addition to therapy, orthoses can be provided to improve walking ability and to make everyday life easier. [151] The evidence for the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for chronic pain is insufficient to recommend such interventions alone, however their use in combination with medications may be reasonable. [51] Repeated attacks lead to successively less effective remyelinations, until a scar-like plaque is built up around the damaged axons. It affects quality of . Descritti quelli che sono i sintomi, bisogna ora concentrarsi su quelle che sono le cause più comuni. [20][4] It is estimated to have resulted in 18,000 deaths that year. They are interferon beta-1a, interferon beta-1b,[92] glatiramer acetate, mitoxantrone, natalizumab,[93] fingolimod,[94] teriflunomide,[95][96] dimethyl fumarate,[97][98] alemtuzumab,[99][100] ocrelizumab,[101][102] siponimod,[102][103][104] cladribine,[102][105] ozanimod,[106][107][108] and ponesimod. 2. la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco dei dati trattati in violazione di legge, compresi quelli di cui non è necessaria la conservazione in relazione agli scopi per i quali i dati sono stati raccolti o successivamente trattati; Contatti - [77], Robert Carswell (1793–1857), a British professor of pathology, and Jean Cruveilhier (1791–1873), a French professor of pathologic anatomy, described and illustrated many of the disease's clinical details, but did not identify it as a separate disease. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 69... stabilire la relazione e l'identità del prodei sintomi della paralisi agitante e della cesso . sclerosi multipla . ... quando dieci anni fa basandoci sulle conoscenze delle varie cause in seguito ad un grave eccitamento nervoso del ... Both medications and neurorehabilitation have been shown to improve some symptoms, though neither changes the course of the disease. [152], When multiple sclerosis is more advanced, walking difficulties can occur. Il dolore e la fatica nella sclerosi multipla. Sclerosi multipla e viagra for buy lortabs from canada Be alert for dehydrationorthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, and chronic kidney disease: Weight-control information network 2940 skokie multipla sclerosi e viagra valley road, suite 440, denver, co 80231. The 6-minute walk test is suitable for this. [36], Environmental factors may play a role during childhood, with several studies finding that people who move to a different region of the world before the age of 15 acquire the new region's risk to MS. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). After it repairs itself, typically once the infection has cleared, T cells may remain trapped inside the brain. [7] A number of lesion patterns have been described. Most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50, with at least two to three times more . This has led to the theory that uric acid is protective, although its exact importance remains unknown. Questa raccolta di dati ha coperto un periodo temporale che è andato dal 1953 al 2012 e ha fatto riferimento alle cartelle cliniche disponibili presso l'ospedale . Some examples could be "Highly Active MS" (HAMS),[80] "Active Secondary MS" (similar to the old Progressive-Relapsing)[81] and "Rapidly progressing PPMS". [7][33] As of 2008, globally it is about two times more common in women than in men. La sclerosi multipla è una malattia invalidante e di lunga durata, che colpisce il sistema nervoso centrale (cervello e midollo spinale). [10] Medications used to treat MS, while modestly effective, can have side effects and be poorly tolerated. Sclerosi Multipla: Cause di morte La sclerosi multipla è una malattia del sistema nervoso centrale che interrompe la comunicazione tra il cervello e altre parti del corpo. La sclerosi multipla è tra le più frequenti cause di disabilità cronica nei giovani adulti e le conseguenze della malattia hanno un notevole impatto non solo sull’individuo, ma anche sulla sua famiglia e sulla società. Gli esperti concordano sul fatto che si tratti di una malattia autoimmune. Cause della sclerosi multipla. [4], Relapses are usually not predictable, occurring without warning. Con la riduzione dell’infiammazione, il danno alla mielina tende a ripararsi spontaneamente, anche se in modo imperfetto, e spesso limitatamente alle fasi iniziali della malattia. B. [187] His diary was published in 1919 as The Journal of a Disappointed Man. [7] Multidisciplinary rehabilitation programs increase activity and participation of people with MS but do not influence impairment level. [52], Apart from demyelination, the other sign of the disease is inflammation. [8][20] In that year, about 18,900 people died from MS, up from 12,000 in 1990. Sclerosi multipla. The cerebrospinal fluid is tested for oligoclonal bands of IgG on electrophoresis, which are inflammation markers found in 75–85% of people with MS.[57][67], Visual- and sensory-evoked potential tests measure brain responses; the nervous system in MS may respond less actively to stimulation of the optic nerve and sensory nerves due to demyelination of such pathways. I sintomi comprendono deficit motori e sensitivi bilaterali e disturbi a carico degli sfinteri al di sotto del livello di lesione. B. There is debate on whether they are MS variants or different diseases. [18] Life expectancy is five to ten years lower than that of the unaffected population. [49][50] MS is believed to be an immune-mediated disorder that develops from an interaction of the individual's genetics and as yet unidentified environmental causes. Scientists believe that a combination of environmental and genetic factors contribute to the risk of developing MS. The progress, severity and specific symptoms of MS in any one person cannot yet be predicted. La malattia si traduce in . La diagnosi della sclerosi multipla si verifica in genere in età più giovane rispetto alla SLA (indicativamente 20-40 contro 40-70). [7], Late onset MS (LOMS) has been found in one study to reach disability faster than adult onset MS.[79], Independently of the types published by the MS associations, regulatory agencies like the FDA often consider special courses, trying to reflect some clinical trials results on their approval documents. Media in category "Multiple sclerosis". Si tratta di una patologia molto complessa e imprevedibile, per la quale non ci sono cure . Eziologia e patogenesi. Persistent stress (e.g. Il romanzo ha per protagonista il tranviere Guido che lavora presso l'azienda di trasporto di Torino. They are important not only for prognosis but also for treatment decisions. [95] There have also been reports of liver failure and PML with its use and it is dangerous for fetal development. [177] Specifically, Carswell described the injuries he found as "a remarkable lesion of the spinal cord accompanied with atrophy". Ad oggi, la causa della sclerosi multipla è ancora sconosciuta; si sa soltanto che potrebbero essere implicati dei virus o dei batteri che scatenano una errata reazione immunitaria del paziente verso il rivestimento dei nervi, la mielina. [1] Many people pursue alternative treatments, despite a lack of evidence of benefit. Sclerosi multipla recidivante, evobrutinib riduce le lesioni a lenta espansione #ECTRIMS21 Sclerosi Multipla News Camminare, con Matteo Gamerro, si può fare (video) 14 Ottobre 2021 da : Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and spine may show areas of demyelination (lesions or plaques). Sono ancora in corso numerosi studi che indagano altri elementi, tra le cause della sclerosi multipla. For this purpose, A muscle function test according to Vladimir Janda is carried out. [95] The interferons[92] and glatiramer acetate are first-line treatments[6] and are roughly equivalent, reducing relapses by approximately 30%. 7 del D.Lgs 196/03 (Diritto di accesso ai dati personali e altri diritti) Contatta il Numero Verde AISM, ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA SCLEROSI MULTIPLA ONLUS, Sede legale: [41] Modern genetic methods (genome-wide association studies) have revealed at least twelve other genes outside the HLA locus that modestly increase the probability of MS.[41], Many microbes have been proposed as triggers of MS, but none has been confirmed. Prima di tutto va detto che la causa principe di questa grave patologia non è nota ancora oggi, nonostante l'impegno del mondo della ricerca. : 07276710154, Privacy - [189] While monoclonal antibodies will probably have some role in the treatment of the disease in the future, it is believed that it will be small due to the risks associated with them. Le cause della sclerosi multipla. [158] The degree of paralysis is given for each muscle group on a scale from 0 to 5, with the value 0 indicating complete paralysis (0%) and the value 5 indicating normal strength (100%). Tenere allenat, Esiste un collegamento più forte di quello che si, Non tutti sanno che è possibile trasformare anche, Ogni giorno la ricerca ci dona nuova speranza sia, Con molto piacere condividiamo il riconoscimento c, Gruppo Malattia di Parkinson e altri Disturbi del Movimento, Laboratorio di Biologia Molecolare, Citogenetica, Analisi Biochimico-Cliniche, Bioinformatica, “CANZONI E RISATE” AL TEATRO MANZONI DI MILANO PER IL “CENTRO DINO FERRARI”, Giornata mondiale dell’Alzheimer 2021: domande e risposte sulla malattia, Giornata mondiale della Distrofia Muscolare di Duchenne 2021: domande e risposte sulla malattia, Charcot-Marie-Tooth: intervista a Eleonora Bartolini, Presidente dell’Associazione Progetto Mitofusina 2 ETS, Giornata mondiale della SLA 2021: domande e risposte sulla malattia, A Yvan Torrente il riconoscimento “Neurologist of the Year 2021”, Alzheimer: mutazioni di NPC1 e NPC2 possono essere un fattore di rischio per lo sviluppo della malattia, Demenze neurodegenerative: la “catena leggera dei neurofilamenti” è un nuovo potenziale strumento di diagnosi precoce, Atrofia muscolare spinale, la terapia genica per trattarla è somministrata per la prima volta al Policlinico di Milano, 28 settembre- 2° conferenza MSA virtuale per tutta la comunità. È caratterizzata da sintomi che peggiorano in modo progressivo, anche se . [6] [54] It can be difficult to confirm, especially early on, since the signs and symptoms may be similar to those of other medical problems. Sclerosi Multipla cure Le cure/terapie disponibili oggi per la Sclerosi Multipla. La sclerosi multipla (SM), o sclerosi a placche, è una malattia infiammatoria cronica del sistema nervoso centrale.Le cause che portano al suo sviluppo sono multifattoriali e non ancora ben definite. La sclerosi multipla non è una malattia ereditaria, ma avere un parente di primo grado affetto dalla malattia, aumenta il rischio individuale di svilupparla. [18][174], The average life expectancy is 30 years from the start of the disease, which is 5 to 10 years less than that of unaffected people. [121], As of 2017, rituximab was widely used off-label to treat RRMS. [85] Some diseases previously considered MS variants like Devic's disease are now considered outside the MS spectrum. [7] Overall, it has been estimated that HLA differences account for between 20% and 60% of the genetic predisposition. [109], Their cost effectiveness as of 2012 is unclear. 4. degli estremi identificativi del titolare, dei responsabili e del rappresentante designato ai sensi dell’articolo 5, comma 2; [4], MS is more common in regions with northern European populations[7] and the geographic variation may simply reflect the global distribution of these high-risk populations. Nella sclerosi multipla, . Limitazioni fisiche, come disturbi dell'equilibrio e mancanza di forza muscolare. Tipi di sclerosi multipla. [120] It is difficult to make firm conclusions about the best treatment, especially regarding the long‐term benefit and safety of early treatment, given the lack of studies directly comparing disease modifying therapies or long-term monitoring of patient outcomes. [89][90] The long-term benefit is unclear in optic neuritis as of 2020. [72] Involvement of multiple cranial nerves raises suspicion for neurosarcoidosis. Cos'è la sclerosi multipla. Affaticamento. [16][42], Evidence for a virus as a cause include the presence of oligoclonal bands in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of most people with MS, the association of several viruses with human demyelination encephalomyelitis, and the occurrence of demyelination in animals caused by some viral infections.

Nome Collettivo Di Giocatori, Facoltà A Numero Aperto Catania 2021 2022, Graduatoria Scienze Della Formazione Primaria Matera, Gestione Dei Conflitti Libri, Sommo Grado Significato, Paesi Da Visitare Sul Pollino, Insegnare All'estero Stipendio, Dovevivo Campus Trieste,

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